The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Age 524 starting from one thousand and one night

He didn't assure the patrol troops in a circle and did not find someone signs.

Not only that, there are some businessmen and fishermen staring at the Balearic Islands, saying that the fleet is only once after arriving in the islands, that is, the goods that have a deep eating water to Barcelona, ​​followed by returning Back to the island, I haven't moved it.

Xisham is confused. Because Tunisia moulimizes the probes of monks, they are confident that there are thousands of horses on the boat, and there is a lot of horses and forage. Even if they make more replenishment, it is absolutely impossible to support it, unless I quickly rely on the shore.

The enemy of this is the unpredictable enemy, what is the ghost?

No matter what to say, strengthen the alert is always right, after all, there is an unclear in the Ebro River Basin, and a big Aragon Plain will be found.

He thinks so, while ordered the government officer, this year's pagan "Gizer" must be more than half into the military war.

In addition, he will also take the representative of the initial delegation in Kailuanwan - the Magley regime must confiscate all the hard-working land, and then use harsh to make people The commune is replaced by everyone's farm, and the output of farms is only allowed to sell it to the comic 'Soil Cat Mall'.

Shatham will promote such a propaganda, of course, to determine the determination of land for land. The enshrus is the instinct of everyone. Just let these people know that the Magley political power is to confiscate the land, then have a large number of military gang nobles, certainly will not support Alibaba's rule.

Sure enough, after listening to the publicity of Shatham, many worried people will become a person who will send out the children in their homes, preparing to resist the further movements of Alibaba.

Although the Shatham I have thought of self-righteousness, the problem can be solved still, he still doesn't know where Alibaba will choose where to land.

In this way, under the defense of Shatham, the time came to the beginning of 795.

On a certain day, just Xhatham sat in the palace. When I was deceived, I was from the end of the palace. Suddenly, I was so beautiful that Xisham was shocked.

The message content is very simple - the enemy of the Magley - has already landed, and occupied two ports and a small city.

This ... Where did they log in?

Chapter VIII Login & Going

Xisham kneadly looked at the time and place of the news, and found that it was about four days ago --- a fleet suddenly appeared in the port of the southwest of Spain, followed by a rush to land.

The beach of Port Cardi is a typical shoal, which is very gentle, and the sand is still loose and soft. I can't see the reef, it is very suitable for the boat of the boat, so Alibaba has no more expensive. Upper beach.

Because the coastline of the eastern coastal area is too long, Shisham people send most of the motorized troops to the eastern part, strictly guard against possible "Valencia landing".

When the Alibaba troops spread through the Gibraltar Strait, and from the southwest part of its southwest, the army that can be called is completely insufficient, and they have to be a bird.

Xisham people are surprised to say can't come out - why is Cadis?

Of course, Cadiz is just more than one hundred kilometers from the southern Spain - Seville, which is also one hundred kilometers from Seville to Cordoba, which seems to be very suitable for raids. .

But everyone knows that it is suitable for the raid, it is not suitable here - this may have some mouthfuls, but since the Hanni selection of Hanni is started to start, the people who are guarded here are constructed along the way. Different military fort.

After logging in from the port of Jianshi, the landing of the army is to face, that is, the legendary Andalusian plain.

Although the "plain" is known, it is actually a large and small river valley, and the area suitable for planting food is the river alluating plain, and the Guadarkville river is from starting.

The terrain here is very suitable for the restrictions of the fire, and it is also very suitable for building a fortification --- and defensive side is usually doing.

Alibaba If you choose to attack here, it is equivalent to hitting the iron board. He has to face a dense military postage and the defenders of Seville.

However, there is a little bit of Shatham, but the climate in the middle of the rings in the winter is humid, but the towering Andalusia Mountains blocked the wet air from the ocean, so the climate here is relative to the eastern part of the Andalusa Plain. There are a lot along the sea, it is very suitable for cavalry attacks.

In any case, Xisham will be planted this time, because he did not think that the other party would give up Valencia so good condition.

Valencia is not only a long coastline, but there are many shares suitable for landing, but also rely on the Balearic Islands to support the logistics, Alibaba is also engaged, retreat, the north is the "allies" Barcelona Governor, Northwest also has Sarago Sa can echo, and the front is also suitable for the use of cavalry, how to see the selection of soldiers.

Alibaba has chosen hard bones - this makes Xisham people can't understand.

According to the local guards, because there are fewer people, they don't dare to stop them from being shipped, they have to quickly withdraw the army, waiting for the other party to come to attack.

But at this time, unexpected occurred.

The Jews in the city of Causi suddenly happened to riots. These mobs blocked the city gate of the military project with a variety of debris, so they could not close the door and blocked. As a result, they had to watch Alibaba's heavy cavalry. In the city.

In the letter, the defenders said, despite the defeat, but they had passed the news, reminding the layer of the military won along the line to pay attention to the enemy, and they have also fled them and prepared to receive further editing in Seville.

Finally, they focus on it, and Xisham will start to start to start in the world.

After reading the letter, Xisham did not blame the defenders of Port of the Port - because even if he didn't think that Alibaba would choose to land here, the defenders can do it now. Not bad.

After the Renaissance During the Renaissance, Cadi Port once became the largest port in Spain, and the gold and silver passed back to Spain was through the port of Pedes.

When the British West hegemony, Drake was also delayed by the Harbor of the Spanish Invincible Fleet, or Drake's brother - Hawkins may not have time to organize the drill boat.

However, in this year, Cadisha is still far from being so prosperous, but it is more convenient for transit portals. The local guards have been doing the most, but it is responsible for maintaining the order of the Berman who is smuggler, and is responsible for sending them to the hands of the people who need the farmers.

In short, these defenders can escape from Shatham expectations, so he doesn't plan to punish these people.

What's more, the Jews mentioned in the army letter have also caused the alert of Xisham Item ---

The foreman mentioned that the Yemen, Syria, Berber, and Persians are some "love hate" when they compete for the fertile land of Spain, but the careful people may find that ten cuts seem to have told a nation.


When the Arabs defeated the wisdom and occupied Andalusia, the Jews were actually busy.

After all, as the Arabs, all of the flash language, strictly speaking, they are limited to religion between the Syrian Arabies.

Sitch's Rodrick was in the battlefield. In the battlefield, it didn't fall in the wind - next to the River of Walley, Rodrick and the Arab's general Tarik took a fierce battle, and his troops have 25,000 people, far more than $ 12,000 than the Arabian Berman coalition.

Just when Rodrick has to win --- you see, I said it is almost - the Civic Army has changed.

At the same time, the Jews of the entire Andalusian jointly rebellion, against Rodrick's rule, turn to the Tarik of the Wu Mai Ye, who went out, very enthusiastic --- this Tarlic, which is deceneous, and the battlefield is almost defeated, and Tarik, which is a dead, lying on this game.

Although the Jews helped the Arabs as a big busy, in the later land, all aspects have reached a silent tacit - there is no Jewish.

Later, these molar people can hit me or I hit me for the land and water sources, but no matter which parties won the land, these land have nothing to do with Jews. Not only the period of the Wu Mai Yeyu, the successor's policy is the same.

Therefore, the Jews naturally feel very hurt - our Jews are the people of the sacred cat, but is expelled for all parties?

When Alibaba landed in the port of Canada, these have long heard of the Jews of Alibaba, and said that we are talking about the teacher, when the peasants are even as officers. All, the little days are still good. What is we better?

The people who heard have agreed - there is no problem, anyway, we are now this, and if the situation is still bad, this gambling will gamble!

So, Alibaba's original plans were once again chaos, although this may be a good thing.

The 709th chapter of the soldiers expensive

When Alibaba landed in the port of Canada, 20 kilometers away from the Northeast of Jia, and many Jews gathered together.

At the time, Alibaba is monitoring the military to log in.

The military login can be a big living. He must not only patrol all around, maintain security, to prevent the resistance of the Canada may exist, but also to find the fighters, water, food, and let the first batch of shore People quickly build simple work, to prevent the army withdrawal from killing a horses - even if this is the possibility of being small, but if the enemy sees you, it will be a heart.

Just when Alibaba was tenseless, these Jews also began their gatherings - due to the people in the city, many people got a piece, so there were not many people noticed their group.

They discuss them privately, saying that we are in North Africa, how we have seen it, we can also see it - they can only fill the loans and places, when teachers, as the farmers of the farmers, even It is all in the administrative management of the Governor's government, and the little days are still good.

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