The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Age 526 starting from one thousand and one night

Although he has already listened to the residents of Spain, and then prepared to send a specialist to go to the countryside, it is afraid that the constitution still has changed before the experience of local practices.

This is the reason why Alibaba laughs - more hard work is still behind, these people are not in North Africa's practice for a few years.

As for the army of Shatham World ... Oh, I'm not polite, Alibaba really didn't think this is what is wrong - I hope this is not the side effect of Solfah? He didn't go to Egypt for a long time.

Chapter 711, local rule

Alibaba can't put Shatsham in your heart, but Shatham does not dare to get rid of Alibaba.

After knowing that he was in addition to the Sens landlide, Xisham, who was in a blind spot, was immediately reached again.

If the western coastal is the important granary of Xisham, then Cadiz Seville - Cordoba, this is the life of Himsham.

At this time, he also didn't care about Barcelona's rebellion and the coast of the east, but rushed, it was rushing to allow local chiefs to implement limited "autonomous", and then immediately fell to the soldiers.

Although the loss will make him a vital injury, his father and his own efforts will also be cultivated to the embargo. But tomorrow is how hard, then you have to live today.

How can I only remember the Aragon Plain, forget the Andalusian Plain?

The only thing that can make him feel a little comforted is the firm attitude of the Seville defenders.

After knowing that Alibaba asked all farmers to form a commune, after the commune is distributed by the commune, the existing interesting loyal supporters immediately fry the pot.

Seville is located in the "corner" of the "corner" in the Guadalkil, is one of the most fertile regions of the Spanish land. There is a constant body with a constant, regardless of the weak desire of the people here, but the Socket determination is absolutely.

When the Arabs were siege, the defenders were extremely resolute. Now the defensive person is replaced by the descendants of those people. Their attitude is nothing differences compared to the Civic producers, let alone "Murai people" this title, which is the Arab and local short-haired cats Mixed blood.

For them, no matter what kind of mine, respect for the disappear, as long as you dare to move my land, it must be a heroic evil, it should be tied to the firepillar .... it is not right, now everyone will believe in the sand dune cat, should These heterogeneous is solved with more economical punishment.

The only regrets in Shatham will now, it is because of the development of Spanish water, so more or less ignores the construction of the smashing, so he can't start Alibaba's surrounded by Alibaba. Every corner of Andalusia.

"... they said that they are in the Holy Battle, the fact is to snatch everyone from the land from the pagans, is the same room fame, is a shameless betrayal!" Shatham wrote a lot of text, then The command of the secretary will copy it into a dozen letters, cover your own print, and sent it to the "Valley (governor)" in all parts.

Subsequently, Shatham felt that he would have a quick knife, solve the rebellion of the northern Saragoza, so he can transfer the troops will be able to deal with Alibaba.

That dark kiss ... now you don't want to launch, Shatham wants.


After Alibaba appointed several Northern African Jews, the local Jews were naturally rejoicing, and they thought they were finally arrived.

And this is the slight word of Berman and South, the North Arabs - they don't think that Alibaba's appointment is correct, even if they can understand that Alibaba is " reward".

However, Alibaba immediately announced that these presidential land reforms only two years later, two years later, will re-elect the people who have been aware of the people who have been trustworthy, and these presidents need to be reported to I admit it. The new deal gangster can be selected up.

In this process, everyone has the right to supervise the deal, if some of these people are corrupted by bribes or is unfair, they are not transparent, then members can report to the green temple, church or Jewish Hall, play the governor - of course It needs evidence.

The latter relief of the residents' dissatisfaction --- two years, the work is not waiting, and if they now let them go, they don't know how to architecture this commune.

Alibaba does not dare to ignore these people's energy, because Jews are more in Spain to live in the city, including short-haired cats and Arabs, most of them are still in the city, rural areas still in the hands of feudal landors. .

These feudal landlords have emerged from the 300 years of the Civic-American rule. The Arabs have not forced them to immediately change their trunk cats, but announced that they can keep their beliefs, but the pagans must pay the land tax and people. Ding tax, that is, Gizer.

If you don't say, the little woman is in a righteousness, and the soldiers are rushing to rush to rush? These original feudal lords are not unveiled, but many of them are hanging in Seville, Merida, Cordova defend. The vast majority of people staying even in the absence of threats in life, just for a little tax, they have changed their sand dunes.

Subsequently, these feudal landlords have passed and establish a Wedding in the Arab of the Army, and the Arabs completed the national integration and continued their days on the farmers' heads.

For these landlords, Alibaba knows that no matter how it is unlikely to get their support, give them a solution:

1. You will use gold coins to acquire the land in their hands in market prices - of course is the installment payment.

2. After getting the money, keep their title and floating money, you will apply for them to the Baghdad regime to apply for a noble title;

3. If you want to work and participate in the commune, you will not refuse, and the descendants will participate in the education of all people and participate in the education of religious schools;

4. Don't want to stay here, you can go up to the Sham hub in north, of course, weapons and horses must be "purchased".

5. If you are not satisfied with the above measures, you can come to Alibaba to make a falsification, and the kind of life and death.

These terms Alibaba are quite demanding, and he is even grasped, and the 99% of these landlords will not agree.

As for the last one, "Duel" is completely Alibaba's heart and the tide. - He thinks that since all the conditions should be used to complete the earth change, then the Sword of course is also one of the objects.

Directly opened to these landlords, this fast knife is very cool, but this is easy to let yourself fall in the bottom of the moral level, but the Tang is just killing his opponent in the duel, no matter which country Cultural traditions belong to the "martial art" category.

Anyway, you will not lose.

Chapter 712 Procedures Justice

Paying for the ownership of the land, essentially belongs completely, even in modern society.

It is easy to understand that --- Before you buy the land, you must first control the strength of this land. Otherwise, people take the money, marry you a silly X, then continue to give it, what can you?

In modern society, it can be bought, that is because the state is also a violent means to protect private property rights, and the land of the country is a legitimate act. If someone receives money, I don't give it, then I will naturally have a violent organ. Going home.

However, there is little happening between national regimes.

The United States can buy France and Spain (Louisiana, Florida), because the French and Spanians feel that they can't control North America, and they will give them a step;

The United States can buy Mexico, that is also because of the previous ink war, the Mexican is taking Mexico, then gives the other party three jujube and sells without selling, do not sell, I will come, the Mexican has to bear the sound.

But now the Mexican only has two kinds of hate to the United States: First, it is hated that it is invading their land. Second, since it is time to invade, why not simply accounted for it ---- This is of course a joke, listening is good.

After giving the landlords, Alibaba allows the troops ready to wait for these nobles to come to the door.

These landlords' old management have no unexpected Alibaba's expectations - they also thought that Alibaba was taken by the machine extortion, showing authority.

So they brought all kinds of things that came to bribery, and even have a bold writer, expressing as long as Alibaba guaranteed their rights, they support Alibaba as an Andalusian Emir.

However, when Alibaba returned the nobles of all kinds of gold and silver treasures, and "beauty" bribes, these nobles may not only think about it --- Alibaba not only emphasizes "only This method, no longer has a road, and also sent land surveyors and transfers to prepare for the landscape of land.

At this time, even the fool can also be seen: Alibaba is playing! He is really going to win the land from the ancestors!

Although "the situation is strong" is a thing that is a well-known thing, but "no coffin does not cry" is also human instinct. These people don't do it directly under the soldiers, but I'm smart, I'm not working.

Soon, Cadisang defenders will report to Alibaba, saying that a group of suspicious people outside the port, and found that they have fired in the body.

After a check, these people are the gods of the homes and the top of their raising - even if they are being arrested, they are not called out, but they still believe in this person in this sensitive moment. It can only be said that it is received by the goddess Akia, or how can it be the water in my mind?

He was caught in Alibaba and was pointed out of the flaws, and these people no longer hide--a few young people immediately quoted Alibaba's programs, requiring him to fight the knight.

Alibaba once again confident that these landlords are really occasionally occluded, they don't know who they are even in the roots.

He looked ignored the smirk of Ma Muru, lazy asked is a horse battle or a battle battle -, in addition, he didn't work alive, let them elect three "Warriors", you and them.

Several people exchanged a eye, then put forward, the most powerful warriors in them are not in these people, please Alibaba to make a decisive manor.

Don't want Alibaba, you know there must be ambush, but now there is anything else to make it, you can do anything else, it is better to find a way to find a name to kill these people, and the active activity is good.

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