The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

From Chapter 554, the Middle Ages, 1 Midnight

In Alibaba's letter, the commune system has turned another speech ----

"Do not receive the right to expensive land, the land is collected in the middle of the central government, and the farmers will organize the" commune "model, turn the people into the land of land."

Alibaba gave himself to Harley's data in the Magley area, indicating that land in the central government, whether it is a single or total production, and the national list is from the profit from trade. It has exceeded the past tax.

Harlan Rashid has a very strong interest in the "retro" public security system of Alibaba --- Feudal Emperor, the second high of a lifetime, I am afraid it is "Under the gentle of the way." If the village is spontaneous, then only serves from the central government, is it not beautiful?

the first? First of course, there is no longer dead, but this we will not say, anyway, no one has been done.

Although this land in Alibaba belongs to the Chinese, the holy cat is always the tax of the believer, so the land is still handed over to the mortal. This "mortal", of course, is the "Chief of the Community" - Harry Hair.

If the meaning of Harlan Rashid, he is not full of Arabs, but it is unfortunate that he knows that as long as you do this, the aristocrats below will rebel, so they can only put this idea. Put it in your heart, yy when no one is.

However, if Alibaba can do this in Spain, he will be very happy. As for the Magley area that has been done, Harlan Rashid didn't look in it.

In the past, when he was a prince, he knew that the Maghiib region can also look at Bangai and Tunisia, the rest of the birds don't go to the poorest place, so no matter whether it is a commune system or a feudal seal for him. It is not much affected.

Alibaba estimates that when Spain's entity is sent to Baghdad, Harlan is probably only asking them as a pig, staying in Baghdad.


"Take them as pigs, don't let them leave." Harlan Lishid is the way to Jafal.

Two months later, Harlan Rashid, who was working on La Ka, learned that Cordoba was overcome, and the Arab Empire's map also returned to the Wai Mai Yeyu.

Harlan couldn't wait to let the gold bricks who have come to create a good gold brick, and put the golden relief map of the original Cordova regime, and change the gold brick.

After changing, Harlan stared at the gold and silver map, this is reluctantly moved his eyes and continued to see.

In the letter, Alibaba claims that due to the "complex situation" of Spain, and those who are still claimed to be their own promise, so he has to give them autonomous rights. As for the hostage of the enemy, he has confirmed one by one, and sent to Damascus, please do the master.

As a result, Harlan Rashid saw that he almost broke out - I was a promise of Mutalov without fake, but isn't it to make anti-two five? If you speak vernacular, would you find a reason to come back? So good opportunity, cutting this guy's head, then gathered their territory, who knows what I have promised to say?

Alibaba guys are too honest.

The air is angry, but after the head is calm down, Harlan thinks this is good, at least he will not conflict between the Frank people.

As for the hostages of Spain, Harlan decided to be indiscriminately in La Ka, so delicious and drink, and then a little bit of rights will not give them.

Finally, Alibaba said that he wants to build a new border trade market in the place of Toledo, named "Madrid", used to trade with those northern lords, and Toledo as a military Bridgehead, from there to Asturias launched a jail to retaliate his plunder of Lisbon last year.

About this "Jiha", Harlan Rashid is some hesitant.

Because he looked at the embossed map, he suddenly found that he did not exempt too much about the rule of the empire.

From Western Spain to Magley, Egypt, oriental is from the northern part of India to Iran, plus the Arabian Peninsula and Syria, Qiriya Plain, etc., our military, don't say arrival, The light is a circle to walk around, and the reply is also a few years later.

If Alibaba continues to north, then you will conflict with the Frank people ...

Frank ... so far. Obviously, the Imperial Emperor has not solved it yet, and it is too much too much to go to the Frank. Is this too too much?

Also, I won the Magley army of Andalusia, is it going to make a big?

Although Harlan is also a little despite Berber people, he still have a merits for its combat power.

I didn't care about the Boel people because the population that North Africa can be raised, there are so many people, where the smelting technology is not awkward, but if they get Andalusia? Although the food production and smelting technology there is more than Syria, how is it better than the Arabian Peninsula?

The heart of the king can never be eradicated, and the more the orthodox king, the more you guess, but the powerful movie emperor can do it through the performance, it is really small to eat in the power struggle. Dry wipe.

Thinking of this, Harlell can't help but read it again: Alibaba seems to be in Spain stationed ...

This intention to Alibaba, Harlan thinks it is normal. Harlan's understanding of North Africa also stayed in the show of his prince, so he felt that Alibaba came from "Barren" North Africa to "rich" Spain, it is very normal to take it there.

The last time Alibaba brought back to Baghdad, the performance in Baghdad is not good. Although Alibaba gives them enough money, they have a profound impression in the Baghdad's geotextile.

Just like the old aristocrats, like the new attitude, like the French to the British, Europeans to Americans, and later European and American people, "old money" after seeing "new money", the first reaction It is definitely not envious, but "this guy did so much money."

For the same psychology, Baghdad people have no good words to those soldiers from Alibaba, and these evaluations have also passed to Harlan.

Since the new soldiers in Alibaba are some "Poles", then after seeing the environment there in Spain, even if Alibaba wants to leave, they will want to leave settlements, and as their chief, Alibaba It must also speak for yourself.

Harlan Rashid suddenly thought about what - this seems to be a good opportunity.

"Jafal, you said, if I gave Alibaba, I was a high scared number of death, and then left his arm in Spain, let him return to North Africa, how do you see?"

Jaffar, and then reacted that Harlan was a part of the military power to deprive Alibaba.

"Everything is dominated by your will." Ja Falur replied.

Harlan's heart is laughing: Is it in my will, is it?

Chapter VIII French

The Almaden mining area is a mercury ore that starts mining from an ancient Roman era, and has been mined to the 21st century. At the 16th century, there were 1/3 of mercury production in the Almadden mining area.

Silver This thing is not only a liquid-based metal (gallium and cesium, but also to react because of gold-stable gold, so the mercy-related research is very early. "Old Bank", Jia Bill Ben Haishu is well versed.

After receiving Almaden Mining, the owner of Almaden is just a stunned - the news that Cordobe Wacm work is not used to spread throughout Spain. Now everyone knows the general is Andalusia. And the actual rulers of the Aragon Plains.

This general does not integrate the surrounding power, accept the governor of the governor, from self-shaking miners?

"Call a few miners, let them put this." Alibaba said not much nonsense, and handed a strange mask for the mine.

The mine owner came to see, it is a long "pig nose" strange mask.

"this is..."

"Wearing this, plus a pair of gloves, go to the mine to take some mercury and Chen sand (mercury sulfide)." Alibaba said to the mine owner: "Put it into the pot."

"... Yes." The mine owner did not dare to continue.

"From today, all the mining people must wear this thing to allow the mine. The mercury will be put into the pottery, and then immersed in the pond for liquid seal. All output wastewater must not pour into the river, must After flocculation treatment in the wastewell pool, discharge it, the emission, the earth cat mall will buy you from Armenia. And ... "

Alibaba has become more and more ubizoph of your face, and each of these orders will greatly increase the cost of mercury mining.

However, when these bad news is finished, he quickly heard some happy words:

"Also, from today, all mercury, Tute Mall produced by this pit, can be acquired with 20% higher than the market, transportation is also carried out by the Tmall Mall. Tute Mall also bid 7000 Dinar, buy 51% of this ore pit ... You won't refuse? ".

"No! Thank God! May the Victims bless you, my adult! You will be able to go to heaven!" The mine is overjoyed.

When he got a mine management right from the previous Cordoba regime, he did not use the five thousand Dirm silver coins in the district. However, the tax payment per year, but Alibaba directly uses seven thousand. Buying half of the equity, it is a blood to earn him.

And more critical is that he is doing a business with the Magley Governor and the Shengjian makes the partnership, and then go out, and it is dare to provoke yourself.

Alibaba doesn't matter, waving - he also gives the mineral equity, because it is worried that this guy is not well managed, since this guy is so excited, it can be seen that it is still high.

"Since you agree to acquire, then from now on, all miners are not slaves, now all give free. And I will take the lead, set up a miners union in them, and you will not be against it?" Alibaba immediately added a sentence. .

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