The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

From Chapter 566, Middle Ages, 1 Midnight

"Okay, okay ... Since you don't want to rest, then you go to work." Charlie agreed: "Remember, the trophy you get should be two0%."

After got permission, Italy is overjoyed: "You will get your copy, I promise."

In this way, the commander of this time is replaced by Charlie himself with Italy, but this is not very different for people who actively participate in the extent.

Soon, Alibaba got the requirements of Frank to buy military food.

At this time, he is positive and a group of teaching practices and historians discuss legislation - these contract laws are selected from the rules and regulations of each commune.

In addition to the monks of Ma Lick, these colleagues have participated in the monks in the cat's ear, and the cat claws, cats, cats in the eyes, Alibaba will also ask them from the holy place. Keluwan.

Even the "The First Person of History" was left by Alibaba, I was ready to leave after passing the words and recorded the history of Spain, but heard Alibaba intended to stay in the public. After the establishment of a jurisprudence, he suddenly came to the province, and he was happy to continue to stay in Kailuwan month.

According to the initial development of the process, the academicians will be organized into entry according to these laws, summarize and discuss them. These organizable entries will be together with the Constitution that Alibaba, got it on the Celebrity Voice of Congress. And each offered, the academic experts must explain to the communes under the stage.

Since the situation between the commune and the commune is very different, some entries are definitely a game, and even may be difficult.

Therefore, for the voting conference of this teaching method, Alibaba has been going to work for a few months, and in advance and teaching experts say "how much can pass through the pass, the rest is slow".

Teaching jurists also expressed their agreement - it is also a great glory for them to leave their names in a teaching process. Of course, it is the first trust in a business. As for some of these subtle disputes, they can only choose to "seek to deposit".

As for the pass, it should still be passed. After all, "killing people to die, hurt people" has been absolute just since ancient times, as long as it is not a false air to the extreme, and no one will support abolition of death.

Because I am busy legislation, Alibaba has no attention to Alibaba in the international situation, when the Frank is coming, Alibaba's first reaction has only been exposed to the sale of Venice weapons.

The result is not, they just come to Alibaba to buy military food, armor and horses.

Although he has decided to support Venice, this does not hinder him to continue to give Frank, as long as they have a money.

Due to the relatively occasional reasons, the Frank people have stayed in the original impression of Alibaba. This time, the Frank purchaser in North Africa, in addition to the well-made armor, tempered work horses and portable military grains, there is no new weapon purchase requirements, which also saves many tongues in Alibaba.

"Is the Clemon family also sent troops this time?" Alibaba suddenly remembered, I haven't heard the two news of Lugero couple for a long time.

"Yes, and their home offers a lot to support the army." The messenger also knows that Rugero and Alibaba relationship, so I didn't look at him.

"Hey ..." Alibaba thought something, but he hesitated it or didn't say it.

Pressure is the reason, politics is politics. I am afraid that he is more inclined to the side, but for the Magreb regime, Venice is conducive to Europe's independent existence more important.

The Frank's procurement messenger misunderstood him mean: "Do not worry, the store's sale will pay for those who will be given, and finally, you will not be damaged."

Seeing the other party misunderstanding, Alibaba did not correct him.

Although the Venetian did not tell Alibaba all the layout, but only from the other party, Alibaba can already guess how they will deal with the Frank.

Is the landing boat used to resettle women? joke.

The 770th chapter of the gunpowder

For Venice, the arms they ask for a very big number, even they have been prepared before it is proposed, which is that North Africa may not complete such a large order.

However, when Joseph rushed back, he brought back 200 to unloading strings, and painted the maintenance oil, and a large number of briefs were also painted. At the same time, he also said that about 40 landing boats have been transported by the big ship to Cyprus, will be with the mercenaries next year, and the remaining goods can be transferred to the Weight.

"They are ... I am ready early and I am ready to say it. Or do they give us ready-made inventory?"

After knowing the arrival of the goods, the alarmed Jo Fani immediately came to the pier.

"No." , Just he doesn't want to give us now. "

"One month ... How many craftsmen do they?" Joquani did not believe it.

After the inspection, they found that this arms are quite excellent and the shape is close, and the parts of each other can be interchangeable. As long as you learn the use of a, you will have the same way of use.

"It is completely new." Joseph sighed: "And the top 20 days in this month is the oak arrival in southern Spain, the remaining is also arrived next year. We only need to produce a bomb. "

--- Jo Fanny pour a breath.

My family understands that they can exist at home, and Venice exists because they put a lot of wooden piles under the lagoon, then build a house above.

Therefore, Venice's craftsmen have passed down. Almost everyone will live some woodworking, and Joquani has a person who wants to produce these two bass, so it is easy to produce these two hundred.

"Maybe I have made the most impressive judgment made by my last, just alliance with Magley ..." Jo Fanny said.

Although the life is relying on, it is a person who is not equipped, but it can be helped on this festival, indicating that Venice is not a lone. This fact is more exciting than those weapons itself.

The Governor's facade has disappeared the good news "getting mysterious forces" to spread out to further encourage the Venetian morale.

The result is also quite effective - after I know that I am not a fight against the fight, whether I bought a national debt, I don't want to come back, or I am coming to rush by the landlord (the Lord), and I don't want to continue moving people. It belongs to your own cheers.

This is the Roman Empire, who was driven out of his hometown by German, finally started to find a feeling of the year, ready to fight the day otantian - Frank struggle.

"They are not benevolent, we are not righteous!" When someone puts out their own point of view: "From now on, give the Frank's fertilizer supply!"

"Do we have a lot of French silver coins in his hand? All in the market, forced them to only be object, how?"

"Good ideas, food, iron, salt, the price of food, giving them a little color!" There is also food business.

Jo Fanny saw that they were more and more out of grid, and quickly stopped they continued to vent their emotions - and they did it, but the priority is still the war between the Frank people, other things must Put it behind.

Venetians who have had a combat experience have been organized, and they have participated in the War of Slava, and was selected by the Venetian people.

Jo Fanny did not have a sense of consciousness of his duties, but he assured to make military commandments, because he knew that if he commanded himself, the battle will only become a mess.

The city being expanding is also temporarily stopped, and Qing Zhuang has accepted military training, especially everyone to learn to use the bow.

The Frank's coach has become the news of Italy from Charlie, of course, but also Venetian. Although Yu Ping is also non-parallel in military, Venetian still seeing this as a good sign, and more points for victory.

As a result, Venetian resolutely passed the resolution, and the Frank diploma was expelled from the country and went back to a word under the Frank people's shower, "!"

Frank's diplomat did not feel this, when he found his own hotel, he had this kind of premonition when he was thrown from the outside, but now it is pre-sensing.

However, before he walked, he still got a few words, and it was nothing more than the Venetian person gave up all possible, the consequences should be self-sufficient, but the result was drowning in a laughter and spit.

The Frank diploma naturally returned all the fuels that he had encountered to give Yu Ping, and it immediately asked the Venetian to declare war with the name of "Maintaining Justice and Frank", and sent it to the Holy See.

The Venetian did not give the weak, they sent their own battle to the Roman Holy See, and revealed the Frank people "but a shameless robber and the ivites, the silver coins of the silver coins have covered them," actually Attacks St. Ma Ke, Venice, Venice will defeat this group of hooligans under the Holy blessing.

Leo III is a regret to express a regret for the two parties with short-haired cats, and call on both sides to put down the weapons as soon as possible, accept the mediation and ruling of the Holy See.

Then he was regardless of the two parties.

Leo III saw his own initiative, no one responded, he was also awkward, but he had to make the Holy Tan machine to focus on the victory of Asurias, and the conflict between Frank and Venetian adopted a vision. .

And the propaganda of Spain is always correct - because Spain is chaotic, Afuguo II is taking the opportunity to take the opportunity to win the important cave in the middle of Spain, and some of the trophy is also sent by him to the Vatican, with this To declare your glory.

The new Andalus Governor --- Ishag is annoyed, in which this is completely short-lived cats who don't take themselves, they will try to integrate all parties. I have a next Mawei.

He immediately began to raise military commanders and increased tax burden, ready to launch a clove to retaliate. By the way, it is also a little more than 150,000 taxes every year.

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