The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Age 572 started from one thousand and one night

This year's losses must be knocked back from this guy! This is the idea of ​​all Ishage.

The situation is better than people, these villages steal chicken do not become anti-rice, have to "pay" the tax in the second half of this year.

It was robbed twice by pirates and officers in a short time, and the villagers couldn't help but have some grievances in the beginning of their landlord and rich farmers.

Everyone is originally interested in joining the commune, but there is this helper to jump out, and try to oppose the establishment of a cooperative, saying that it is impossible to hand over land control, and rendering the local emotions and emotions, they finally gave up That choice.

But now it seems that their family is bigger, and it is still a two-year harvest. It can also live with nourishment, but it is not a way.

In this case, a conflict between the rich and poor people in the village. The poor agronom complains that those people are too selfish, and they have caused their own seeds that they have lost their kinds of seeds. And rich houses are aloud, saying that your loss is not counting, our lost zero is more than your home.

Anyway, in the landlord and rich peasant, as long as the land is still his own, then it can still be said to come to the Japanese. But the land is gone, then nothing else.

The result of conflict is that many farmers who have been robbed in many home have chosen to go from the village. When they go to the southern port, they will remain in the village, and they will not be able to die next year.

A Viking attack, let the cannade people, canned mills and logging farms, no longer lacking people, for the local person in charge, this is not unhappy.

It's just for Ishar, this is not a good thing .... Of course this is a later words.


Because the task attacked Venice is handed over to his second son, the Charli has always feel a bit.

Although there is a new wife to play, but it is still a lot of chance. Because since I was in a glamorous Viusi, the fight and playing a woman was a few days of many people who could continue to have a pleasure.

Of course, he does not know that Alibaba guess the things - I don't want tolerance of Viusi, in order to cope with colors, so I did the kind of Swusius. It is good to temporarily lose interest in other things, concentrate on mating ... As for the fight and hunting dangerous animals, it will temporarily dismissal, because the safety of life is threatened, and the stress response of Swutous is so Yes.

Even the wild animals, can't be mating, even the lion is chasing next to it, right? Unless you can learn that Teddy's Dior is able to drag the things.

Therefore, when the Asturias kingdom passed the news of the help, he immediately moved his heart.

At the time of lunch, Charli found a head, and palace with the palace:

"The palace, today's weather is so good, not as good as we want to play the hare, how?" Charlie suggested.

Tobin thought about it, I think Charlie is meaningful. Because Charlie hunting, I like to find a beast, and I have never been interested in rabbits.

"Spain" in the era of Rome, has always been called "Hipania".

"Jun, our food is insufficient, and it is unable to fight against a hare." Tobin also hinds back.

"Don't we let the nearby estates send some bread and cheese?"

"Everyone is not affluent, and when the food is insufficient, it is better to lying on the roasting fire, which is not easy to hungry."

"Yes, this is too boring."

When the Junchen hit a dark language, Tobin had thousands of measures to cancel the idea of ​​Charlie.

"Father, if you want to play wild rabbits, why don't you just send one or two hunters?" Suddenly someone came in.

Charlie unexpectedly looked at the man in the epithemock - that is his three son, Xiao Louis.

"Dear, the light is one or two hunters are hunting can't be hurting." Charlie replied.

Louis seems to be determined to be determined, immediately keep up with a sentence: "But there are too many people, the rabbit is not enough, so I will send one or two people who have been to the hunting farm to put down the trap, maybe it can be caught a few "

"Don't you?"

"There is no time to try it, don't try it, it is absolutely caught."

Charlie nodded, but he thought about what: "So, do you want to try it? But you didn't seem to hunt it before."

"At least I have learned to ride, and the local estate will help me recognize."


I have to go out to lead the soldiers, and Charlie feel quite gratified.

Obviously, after their own years have already high, the descendants have begun to have a consciousness of the land. Yu Ping chose Italy, while Louis is the side of the Aquary (Southeast France), and usually in this area is the Lord.

If Louis has chosen Aquita, then he will face the problem of Spain sooner or later, but now it is not a rain.

Now, although I can't discharge troops immediately, I have a political wrist in the past, and some allies are also good.

Thinking of this, Charlie has decided.

"Let you go! Beware, don't bite the fox!"

Seventh hundred and 7th chapter

After you know your brother, I went to Spain to go to Spain, and I quickly accelerated my presupported action.

Charlie has been more than 50 years old. If it is placed in the 21st century, the number of years has also reached the end of "Middle-aged", and it is said that it is said that the per capita life expectancy is only 35 years old (doubt), this helper Consider your problem.

According to the Frank's tradition, Charlie will submit the kingdom to his son in accordance with how much it is produced in its own territory. The Crown usually leaves the top of the world, but the best territory usually gives the little son.

Of course, this does not include the territory of his son's own yourself. If the feudal lord and the knight are willing to loyal to another, Charlie usually does not work.

Like the hunchback, the prince who is directly colliled, the prince who has been rebellious is actually very well understood, because he knows that it is not subject to Charlie, the next lord is also because he hunchback, unlike the warrior, so there is only a rebellion to avoid Can't get the tragic facts of power.

Italy is to do it, just before the father went to heaven, hurriedly played a few times, establish his reputation, so that you can share the biggest territory and get more people's loyalty.

Louis has now been able to get a way to get the leaders of the Aquitae region, and try to stain the Spain, and that of course, it must be a vectors of this "Italian King" as soon as possible.

Attack Venice, the unbeaten battle, of course, is the best. He can unite those feudal lords through the name of the extent, and can laid their own legacy through the timing of fair distribution of war. It is simply a stone bird.

In order to cage people, he pinches with the nose to find a money to borrow a money, charge the military expectation. Immediately, we also promote the date and route of his own soldiers, so that those who have been preparing in advance.

No law, if there is only one or two business people to buy or sell the military materials, they will definitely be the same price. Only competitors are enough, and Yu Ping can buy food and arms from the random merchant with a relatively low price.

So many people see the history of the medieval, and found that many of the generals have swearing in advance before, and thought that these famous people are fools. They don't know how to conceal the army, in fact, it is really helpless. In addition to the short distance of food, a small number of troops can sneak over, and the army where the army is often concealed.

To put it bluntly, the problem is still in the end of the logistics.

These intelligence naturally hidden in Venetian.

The Frank people relative to the big flag drums, the Venetian is quite silent. In addition to all trade will be suspended, even people seem to be missing.

In the spring of 796, when Alibaba's second son gave birth, Italy felt could not wait to launch an offensive that he was affecting him in life.

The last time he led the soldiers, or in the Bavarian area, the power defense against the Avar's offense, and successfully slammed a few times of Avar's offensive, and he kept to the King of Avar, and there was a Herch Campaign. . So being led by him, and everyone did not think there was anything wrong.

The two palades of the Clemont family regretted that because they have traded with Venice, in order to avoid suspicion, this soldier can only provide some horses, grain, and arms.

Other leaders of the Pakistan must not grab the work less, so the more I got it, I have promised them, but I have some regrets that I have to rule the whole Italian, the power of the Clemont family is indispensable.

However, in other families such as the Palavicini family, the Malas Pona family, the Karvalka family decided to join this time, so there is nothing big to be more dense.

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