The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

From 1 million, the Middle Age 578

Although it is very difficult to accept, they have to admit that now they have no other way out in addition to conditional surrender.

"Otherwise ... we can also make a degrade, ask a decent retardation, wait back to the shore and other people to make further planning."

In the rain of Venetian, some people secretly close to the commander, so they recommend it.

After listening to the commander, the commander was quite a heart, but when he looked at the shore, he found a flare, and the thick black smoke above the fire.

The black smoke is so conspicuous, so that it can be seen very well outside of the km.

Although I don't know where it is on fire, the commander is very clear, that will only be Venetian people in ghost.

He bite his teeth and then spit it out of the long gas.

"It's not interesting again, send mers, playing my banner, just say we ... cast, invest ..."

Probably a victory, he suddenly found that the word surrender is actually that is difficult to export.

It is not necessary to say that it is more than one minute from time to time, and it is more than a minute tortured.

Forget it, this kind of shame is taken by me.

".... Tell them, we are willing to put down the weapons to surrender. I hope they can see the same as the short-haired cat, give us an identity treatment." He said.

The commanding soldiers also sighed, but they showed that they will pass the generals.

And the commander of the commander, the fire on the shore is indeed Venice.

They found the Frank army at the Frank army, and asked them to help themselves.

Merchants, all things that can make money will agree that news and war materials sell two behaviors in one hand, and they seem to be as natural as eating and drinking water.

So the location of the Frank's temporary warehouse has fallen into the Hand of Venetian. If it is not to plan this sneak attack, they will not use ordinary bombs at first, and do not expose the existence of nabar, to induce Frank people to continue deep.

When the Frank is on the shore, Venice secretly organized a tissue, and went straight to the Frank's warehouse.

These sneak attacks are not only armed, but also everyone holds burners. More than a dozen Frank people did not react at all, they were shot down by a arrow, and the people who did not die were also kept up with a knife to prevent them to prevent them.

Suddenly, the left-behind, the squatting, I am not a matter of being. Even if he responded fast as a modern firefighter, his technology is also impossible to burn, the more burn the big oil, only have to watch the warehouse burning.

This is still not counted, when the newly shore Venetian puts their trophy to the shore, to combat the remaining Frank soldiers' morale, Yiping knows, lose, completely.

The seventh eighth chapter of the victory can be unbridled

" ~~ ~~~"

In the venue of Yiping and Venetian negotiations, from time to time, it will make such a strange voice from a certain position. With this voice, it is a certain smell of smell.

At the beginning, the Venetian will wrinkled, staring at the position of the sound, but eventually when they found that the voice is the honorable "guest", it is slowly released.

When I was eating at noon, the Venice Miss serve was quickly called the servant and opened the window and re-smoked the meeting room with spices.

"Ah, I can't stand the 'fart prince', I just almost smoked me inside." A member said exaggerated to the companion.

"Hahaha, the barbarian is like this, I suspect that he wants to use this way to force us to reach an agreement."

"If so, I have to say that it is very effective. I think that I have to get along with my prince tomorrow. I have no appetite. Oh, God, onion soup? Hurry to take away, this smell and that too Like it! "

"Don't say, it's really like ... Ok, I have no appetite. Waiting life! Put the onion Tang Song!"

The Venetian in the victory is good, after all, the war in the war in Venice is over, yin clouds are now smoking, and it has exposed the sun in the wealth.

After the disadvantage of the Frank people, it is now very keen to organize a variety of jokes to laugh at the Frank people, and it is only a gentle one in it.

And there is also a bitterness in this way. On the way of this time, he has to drink a lot of water in a foreign countryside. This is completely two yards with the past, and he has no habit of drinking tea. The stomach is entered into a lot of Italian special bacteria.

Now, no matter what to eat, when you pull it out, it is thin, and will always be accompanied by a burst of pain, as well as the thrill of flowing down three thousand feet. As for fart, it has also become a daily daily.

The Venetian people can do nothing on the tradition of morality, but in contrast, the character of the Roman will report to the eight. Nine do not leave ten.

Although they accepted the negotiating request, the conditions given by the Venetian people were also harsh to the point where it was unacceptable:

Recognizing that Frank people have no sovereignty in Venice, Venice's jurisdiction belongs to the East Roman Empire;

In addition to eleven taxes and tariffs, Frank's lords must not pay additional taxation to the Venice furnish;

Frank people pay 500,000 Venice silver coins to Venetian, or silver;

Open the right to use in Sardinia and Corsica;

The Frank does not build military buildings such as castle, sent whistle within the scope of the radius of 1000 Stadia (about 183 km);

The aristocrats and monks who were captured were negotiated by the Venetian and the other family, and the Frank did not interfere;

In addition to the aristocrats, they are traditionally traditionally, and there are several things that can't do, they must ask for their own old.

Even if he is able to be the Lord, something is also he afraid.

For example, the distance from 1000 Stadia is not to build the castle. This is just Venice to Florence, or from Venice to Milan. If promised, don't you mean that the will be in the city in North Italy in the future?

In addition, it is 500,000 Venice silver coins ... this point can also guarantee that his father will definitely not have much money, and even if there is no. Even if it is 50,000 silver coins, it seems that it seems that the price of his head is in his father's mind, and it is not necessarily worth it.

As for the two island use rights ... Oh, in fact, the Frank is not controlled by the Frank, giving it, just give it the power to hand, it is not Yiping himself.

"You are completely wrapped in Hu!" Yu Ping said to the Venetian: "This is not a way of negotiation! Maybe you will win, but don't forget, you have not won! Frank's Wushu If you haven't seen it yet! "

He strive to make himself more majesty, more mighty, but from his series of gas sprayed from him, the sound of this majesty destroyed.

"Well, the Frank's martial arts we have not seen it yet, but he heard it!" Suddenly someone said on the court.

"Hahaha ..."

Even if the Venetian people present, they know that now is negotiating, after listening to this, still can't help.

--- , it is really not willing. However, the substance does not use people to transfer this sentence, and it is also suitable for the sphincology of Yiping.

"I only brought four thousand people!" Yu Ping almost squeezed out from the teeth: "But the Frank can come to 40,000 people at any time! And you don't know how to do things. Fighting is still in front of money, unless you want to stay in this small island in this small island ... I advise you to quickly see it, make too much, losing is that you are not me! From here After going out, I am still in the King of Italy! "

The Venice Monats listened to this half a threat half a sentence, and the smile was slightly converged.

Indeed, everyone came out just to make a fortune, really and Frank people are too stiff to themselves. After all, Venice is a huge loss of trade, loss of any supplier and customers, not to say that it is Frank. .

Governor Jo Fani finally opened the mouth: "It is true, you. I suggest that everyone will make yourself, we must do it, we are glorious Romans, is a gentleman, rather than iron and iron and Blood barbarism. "

While persuading his members, he secretly dismissed him.

Jo Fani felt that he was now simply like a dream. When he learned that the Frankman had to fight to himself, he thought he didn't say that he didn't escape the Constantinople, even secretly escaped The club is ready. Who can I think this is actually winning?

"So, the king of Italy ..." Although Jo Fani said respect, but in fact, there is no more eye-catching: "So, what do you think is your price? We may wish to slow Slowly talk about this problem. "

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