The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

From 1 million, the Middle Ages 594

In the battle of family status, Shan Rujard has lost his family's family. Ti Do feels that he is a winner, but it is indeed a lot of winners, don't sell salt to people.

Moreover, as a person who has been discussing with Alibaba, she is also very clear that Alibaba's "refreshing" and self-reliance have been from Baghdad out, now it is a ten-year grinding sword plus water to the stream The result will be.

Although she understands, she only thinks that she will record the appearance of the History of Shi, the powerful battle, the hundred battles, the hundred battles, and finally "for" Shan Rujard and resolutely choose the rebellion. Tiro feels that it is not hitting.

These are clearly the credit of the old lady! When the old lady was not, when he was still not, he began to bundle him on his belt, but the Shan Ruodide came out, everyone will think that Alibaba's favorite is in Shan Rusod, Shan Lu The first beautiful woman of Zodo will set it.

Helen why is Helen, isn't it because the Troy war hits her? To say that she is really beautiful, it is not necessarily, but it is not a group of men to fight for ten years. Isn't it the first beauty in the world?

There is also a woman who has caused the power of the East, from Yang Yuhuan, whose face has never seen it, because she can make "the king never earlier" thus disaster, so even the literati condemned She also laid her own name in invisible -, after all, it has already destroyed a country's gas transport.

As long as you think of this, Ti Du can't be ignored, you can't say it, you can't say it directly, good.

She smashed his head and decided to take these bored thoughts out of his mind.

"Where is the first step?" Tiro asked: "How to grab Egypt first, our military grains will be rich."

Although Alibaba has not yet hungry the army and the people in the treatment, it is not necessary to say that there are many wealthy. After all, the Magley area can produce food, which is also a little bit of Tunisia and Northern Morocco, even if there is a sodium nitrate and dihydrogen phosphate fertilizer.

"No, 'Never two lines". "Alibaba is obviously thoughtful:" Although we can now truncate the sea of ​​Mediterranean, if we are in the sea, we will harass our rear, we will also tricky. Let's alone, once there is war, the mercury mine is afraid that there is no way to continue to stabilize. "

"Is it going to play Spain?" Ti Do is very powerful: "Since it is playing again, the second time is not there, you have learned."

"That is the engineer's self-recommended siege method, not mine, my siege is still not exposed, how do you learn .... Forget it, don't say this, this time I don't have to use Spain? trouble."

Alibaba thought about it: "Ishag ruled Spain for a long time, and this only one year, the work is ambiguous, and we only need to defeat his army in the field, and the rest is directly received. "

"That, give it to me!" Ti Du took the chest to take the initiative to ask.

Alibaba laughed and did not agree.

"You still go to Tripoli commanding the logistics." Alibaba suggested: "I will send Ma Mulu, and I need someone to solve it as for Egypt. Harlan will definitely send troops. I will take the light cavalry as much as possible. Zhou Xuan, find a suitable battlefield to fight, I estimate that the generals of the Agletclite and Hamad will come ... "

Ti Du is angry: "Do you want me to hide behind? Don't forget, your martial art is not strong now!"

"But I will not be injured!" Alibaba is a player.

"I don't care! Andalusia or Egypt, you have to give me a point ... You will never let Ma Dabao will lead to Spain alone?" Ti Duo made a temper.

Don't say that Alibaba really has this idea.

Heavy ride mamulank, Tang ride, with a bow cavalry, cooperate with local infantry and mercenary, this is Alibaba's original idea.

But Ti Do is a good way to lead the soldiers, Alibaba has no good way. And this operational estimate will be hard in the field, Alibaba is really not necessarily better than yourself in the cavalry command.

"Alibaba!" Ti Du is almost yelled: "You have said, everyone has its own meaning! Tell you, the old lady is alive to see the old lady to see the full cut! You don't let me Go, I took my son to the tribe! "

"Oh, okay ... all the way." Alibaba sighed.

Chapter 812, pre-war

The heart is not as good as action, since it has already decided to be with Harlan file, the Alibaba will not be worn again.

He first traced Aladdin and Koni, and asked them to use the technical backbone and sales of backbone as much as possible from their workshops, sent to Keluwan;

Subsequently, he also wrote a letter to Sicily, let Atlant's general "think about the way", get two thousand to five thousand rebonders, you will hire the right price to hire them, food here is responsible for supply. Of course, if there is no accident, these mercenaries will definitely be a Frank.

Byzantine, it is not very good, Alibaba can only find ways to ask Cyprus to ask the Nichkfrew General, asking him that you can't do it, you can protect the interests of the Yidong Mediterranean Convention Organization. If we can't, we have to give you unpaid.

Egypt ... Egypt doesn't have to say, you will have to play it right away.

The Syria is the most headache, no matter what Harlan Rashid is set to accompany the Tsuka, but from objective, this does strengthen the control of the Azu Chest to Syria.

Syria produced food and livestock, Alibaba can not be rare, but he can't be unrestrained. In this year, Damascus and Constantinople, Baghdad, Chang'an, is one of the best handmade craftsmen in this world.

Of course, there may be more Tunisia now.

Alibaba's top headache or distressed is this, the craftsman of Damascus he has seen it, it is too eye-catching.

If he attacked from the sea, he is confident to grab enough craftsman back, but Alibaba wants that the craftsman is their subjective initiative, what will the robbons doing things outside the class?

Now, Keluwan, under Alibaba's deliberate creation and the propaganda of all the scholars, has become an academic free development of paradise, and the big library built on this basis also gathers ancient Greece, Arab, India. And China's classics. But everything is a bit study, even if you don't choose to settle in Keluwan, you will want to learn, communicate here, and Alibaba is this effect.

But in this way, if he really will force the craftsman, the scholar will take the craftsman, then the person who comes to the people will not work, even now the scholars who will be the human civilization lighthouse now. I am afraid that I will also discuss the impression of Keluwan regime.

In case, it is not long with the Roman soldier, killing a person like Aquiid, Alibaba is not crying.

Therefore, even if it is just a match, Alibaba has to pinch the nose to recognize. Not only cannot send Navy to attack Syria, but also announced that it will protect the security there.

After all of the arrangements, Alibaba took the Magrybun army again into two in accordance with different arms. Only this time the division is no longer to clamp the attack, but two-line operations.

At this time, I don't want the Greek "I will never fight for two-wire". After all, the Greeks who follow this password are still being destroyed, and the Romans of the four-line battle have achieved the first big empire in Europe.

So, when AD was coming, Alibaba officially announced the provinces of the Ama Empire, and there was a traitor blind audio-visual, trapped, and culinized around Harley. The Sulikar Sword has made it and IHHD - Alibaba should adhere to God, clean up the nodes of the king, and listen to it.

At this time, in the Royal Palace of Baghdad, Harlan is still stabilizing - the prime minister and the minister who climbs their ministers are killed, and many of the government have a lack. And because of the lack of handover work, the ministers of the newly reserved work don't know how to continue the work of the predecessor.

For a time, Harlan has some focus on the head.

He is pondering, how to arrange this year's taxation first, Alibaba's is sent.

Just saw two lines, Harlan was angry to put the text on the ground, and then stepped up with the foot.

"This bastard! It actually for a woman who betrayed the widow!" Harlan curse: "I hope that the guy who doesn't know your thanks will go down hell with the prostitute!"

Like ordinary people, Harlan also believes that Alibaba is because of the reasons of Shan Rudo and her children, will give up today's honor and choose rebel.

He is now going to be angry now ---

Just as An Lushan rebellion, Tang Xuanzong once asserted that this is just a rumor, An Lushan is impossible. Harlene did not think that Alibaba really dared to launch a rebellion, which is not awkward to play him a slap in the public.

When he preceded Alibaba's actions, he thought that his most intense move is just a soft resistance. Who can think that Alibaba is too lazy to do it, just do it.

Oh is not right, Alibaba is still giving him a face ---- Qingjun side.

This reason will be listened by those Tang people, they estimate that they will expose the smile in the heart ---- this reason is familiar! Anyway, since ancient times, the end of Qingjun is not the emperor being overturned, but the rebellion is hung, there is no third ending.

However, in Harlan's view, this is another code, and Alibaba has a face to leave him, but go to the high-level, who doesn't know the killing of Balmark's home is the whole plan of Harle, Ali Barba is a "traitorous man", isn't it ironic? Who is ironic?

It is a lot to attack the minister. In fact, it is a lot of the move to the king's own policy. Harlend even does not know the allusions of the Qing Dynasty, but it is still able to observe the intent of Alibaba with its own politics.

The Qing Jun is more deceptive than the direct flag, and it is more excited to identify the people who are dissatisfied to the central government, because this is even after it is clear, the participant can also get rid of herself in "anti-traitor", not In response to the king.

In this case, Harlan feels that he must poke this hypocritical lie, so that the governors of all over the world understand that this is a nature war. .

However, when he took a pen, he didn't come in the heart, and put it down again.

It seems that this reason is not acceptable.

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