The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Ages 598 started from one thousand and one night

In terms of religion, although Egypt has also accepted Aiqin cat, it has developed a rehabilitationalism of local cotte, and the one-size theory of Jen Dingburgh.

From ancient Greece - Rome, to Byzantine, the Arab ruled, the city and rural city of Egypt have always maintained a relative cut state. People living in the city often will be considered "foreigners." The indigenous Egypt is in the country's autonomous state, and enter the administrative system in Egypt.

That is, the Arabs, when the people of the cat claws and cats were suffering from persecution, and they chose to escape into North Africa hide, many of whom entered the countryside of Egypt and wedd by local indigenous wedding, mixed blood, and finished more than 100 years later For local Arabia, the "orthodox" sand dunes supported by the Azu Dynasty is also held outside.

It is precisely because of this, governing Egypt has always been a boss problem, and the two-eyed Arab herders don't know how to govern this place. Therefore, after the Arab people captured Egypt, almost did not change the local land and administrative system, directly along the Byzantian period, set up a governor to be responsible for taxes and cereals, and the emulsion official camp did not move.

As for the tax of rural areas, the Arabs choose to take directly from the land of the land --- Byzantine period is slightly lower, but it is also limited.

"Go, pass my order, call all the soldiers who have horses in all home, let them go to the eastern part of Sina. In addition, Hamad has also sent soldiers, if Alibaba wants to go, they block him on the edge of the desert." Lun Rashid said.


Since rushing, he never wants to stay here in Harlan.

Harlan's idea is also very simple - Class Arabian desert in Jordan, Sinai and Egypt, this is a natural barrier, which can stop Alibaba to continue the road, even if it is thousands of miles, after the desert, the army is also a large Injury, you can wait for it.

General Hamad has also been betrayed in Yemen for many years, and there is an elite light cavalry on hand. I believe that the problem is not big.

However, Harlan immediately attacked North Africa and not realistic, because after Fandler escaped, Most of the Central Army of the Azu Empire have been tuned to the East. I will want to join a part of the army to attack the West.

In addition to the Central Army, it is the private team of all over the country.

It is the backwardness of mobilization system, so that Harlan is temporarily unable to distract on both sides, only one key is dealt with.

In his opinion, it is still the way to him, or you can't block Fandler in the Iranian plateau, then Forteler who occupies the mountain river situation is completely high, from the North Line, the middle line, the South The direction offensive Mesopovamian plain. The Mesopoamia Plain is the core area of ​​the Apage Empire, and must not be lost, and it is absolutely unable to lose.

If you lose, Alibaba has an excuse to be "Qingjun side", maybe you can still spare Hallan's life, but Forteler, who is killed by Fander, will not let Harlan.

I heard that the Samarkand rebels have been greener, this is not your own life?

Chapter 818, Egyptian Land

If Alibaba knows Harlan's mind, even if it is hostile to him, Alibaba has to make a thumbs up.

Because of the same Harlan, Alibaba did not bother all soldiers to deal with him, just a little bit of deviation.

On the one hand, Ti Du took more than 5,000 people to Spain, and took his part of the troops; secondly, Alibaba worried that the South of the Aglesburches in the South will take the opportunity, so some military power is taken to visit from time to time.

However, if you want to mobilize, Alibaba is really stronger from Baghdad over a star.

Alibaba has also adhering its consistent "truth" style, telling the people under the people, the purpose of this training is to protect the labor of the commune "and" liberate the people, broaden the market. "

The former is very well understood. In addition to the Magley area, other regions do not recognize the commune, people who live well under the commune system, naturally do not want the lords who come back.

The latter is intriguing. - Alibaba tells them that farmers and craftsmen living in other regions have lived in a deep heat, on the one hand, we must shoulder the great responsibility of liberation of all humanity.

On the other hand, the cargo output in the Magierb region has risen, and now we need a better market to dumping, and those who are still feudal system, can't get so much money, because the landlord is impossible Strive to buy medicine to the people, change the farm tools, and large farm animals are also wealth that the landlord can have, and the small farmers and the farmers can't afford it.

In other words, the Chinese people who liberate the land are liberation themselves.

Although the statement made by Alibaba is a bit confused, the mobilization ability of the commune system is really not to be said, the militia has been organized to see the home care home, but the soldiers who have already added to the black ban Guard and Ma Muru are all Standard, it is rapidly.

If Alibaba is also divided into Spain, it is estimated that he will be hit by Alibaba, which will be hit by Alibaba, and teach him to mobilize him.

However, under the mistakes of the ulter, Harlan is still guessing some things. For example, Alibaba does only send a seven thousand advances, guarding Africa and West Asia's crossroads have nothing, but wants to attack Baghdad. It is only a few hundred, and thousands of people are still a joke.

If you want to attack, Alibaba must take the black prohibition of Morocco to come.

Alibaba does not know so much hahalin, but he is also really a headache to Egypt.

Because the big landlord is really too much - the Nile Delta is also good, or the Egypt is also a place where the big plain is very easy, and the animation has developed well. This geographical environment is born. It is an inevitable thing.

Some people always think that the Egyptian pyramid is built with slaves. In fact, from the scene of cattle and tools that have been excavated, the vast majority of the pyramid should be relatively free from the craftsmen and farmers, and the slave system of the ancient Egypt is actually It is quite unexpected, but the ancient Greek and ancient Rome are more useful for slaves, and even the slaves used in the United States in the first country to come to the north and south war are more than ancient Egyptians.

After a long land merger, the land of Egypt from a small piece of small piece, turned into a large piece of large film, the land of the land built a handcraft and the market on the land, to meet your own Enjoy, a small king.

This seems to have confirmed the historical material of the "Agricultural Development Promotion Social System Progress" - because the animal development is good, the cultivation of the mud is relatively convenient, so the same area, the output of the land, there is less humanity, Coupled with the rulers, sacrifices and geodes can have a lot of labor results of farmers, so the landlord does not need slavery.

In a word, you want to give people a slave, and the landlord of people, I'm still used by you.

Even Alibaba, I also felt some tricky in the face of this situation, once the headache, how to complete the land reform and the rural surrounding city.

However, the reform in the Magley area made him understand one thing - then political reforms can't be too ideal.

So, in the Egypt region, Alibaba decided to change another business mode - the main model of the big farm.

Land mergers are also a social behavior that spontaneously carried out from a sense, and it is political saying that a few people use land size and cluster advantages to bully individuals. Despite the relationship between personal relationship and social production, this is a land-channel exploitation, but from the development of productivity, the socialization, intensification, and scale of production are also in the direction of history.

Therefore, if you want to reform, it is necessary for Egyptian farmers to leave the Nile River, and the landlord has formed two points to the ownership of the farmers in terms of economic advantage.

Egypt in the 21st century, the four major projects supporting its economy are tourism, Suez Canal, Oil and Labor Export.

The tour is even if it is, the person who wants to engage in tourism this year is afraid that it is too long. In the case of oil, the oil here is not suitable for this year due to the difficulty of mining.

The Suez Canal is of course a good project. Otherwise Alibaba will not take a five-year hardcore, but because it is too important, Alibaba does not want to give its control to the Egyptian.

Then there is only two things left --- agriculture, and labor exports.


"You, let's take a look, these plows, and these horses, fertilizers ..." Alibaba pointed to the things behind him, and worked at people in front of them.

The land of the land of Alibaba came to two and the two monk did not touch the mind. I didn't understand what Alibaba called them.

Initially, they thought that Alibaba also came to grain, and for this, they also reached a private unified caliber, and said that autumn can't receive, their food is not rich.

But now it seems to be the case - the Magley military army is good, the strength is also very strong, otherwise it will not be a rushing army of the seven spells of the original Egyptian Governor.

However, after Alibaba called them, although there was no money to find money in accordance with traditional practices, it was necessary to grain, but it was recommended to wear farm tools and fertilizers. This is just ...

"I decided to use the name of the saints, allowing Egypt to freely traders, in addition to one-third of the teasses and people's definition, no further agricultural tax, and allow you to use food to exchange farm equipment, fertilizers, I don't know what to do. What? "Alibaba asked these big landlords.

It's just ... it's great!

Chapter 811-21 chapter soft knife murder is the most painful

In the end, Alibaba still chooses the way of murdering with a soft knife to deal with these large landlords.

If Alibaba has time, he will definitely launch a change from the down to the surface, not like this, like this is a little water, but he is not.

Although Alibaba's self-confidence Magley cloth and mobilization capabilities are stronger than the Azhers Empire, only two things are shortboard - one is food security, and the second is the population gap.

And the two things are not immediately solved, Alibaba will become a rabbit in a rabbit, and he can't turn this more than one year. 40 million people in the Empire of the Azhers.

40 million --- 15

Worship, it must be hit. Because you don't win, you can't prove to the Egyptians, your regime can protect them. However, Alibaba believes that it is more important, just wants to swallow Egypt.

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