The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 1578: Excellent weather for good combat

Chapter 1578 Good weather for excellent combat

Bai He heard the words and silenced for a long time. "The strength of the blue bird is really strong. I have already taught it. As long as she is willing to come to our brigade, there will definitely be a place for her team." He said, there is a smile in the voice of Baihe. I mean, "There is a female soldier in the team, and it is still a female soldier with a good character. After the team is full of excitement."

"Training back every day, no need to face these old faces, go back to the bluebird every day, and relax both physically and mentally."

The pigeons immediately went back. "You look tired of this old face. Go back to the bluebird every day, and relax both physically and mentally."

Over there, Xia Jinyuan, who is ready to contact the two "deathed" comrades, just heard this sentence, and the cold-eyed eyebrows have a cold color.

Less than five hours after the start of the match, the two directly attacked and killed, did not self-reflect, and talked about things unrelated to training. When a veteran became aware of it, it became so bad!

The Jade Birds are powerful, don’t they know that self-reflection is not as good as people?

"It sounds quite happy to hear." The two men’s ears came with his cold and cold voice, and the cheerful pigeons and white cranes faced the Q King who was younger than them. Their calves were faintly shaken.

When I am finished, I still want to say that I will break my sin. I am looking forward to not aggravating the penalty code.

"I still want to say that I want to change the sky. You two are looking for a place to shelter from the rain. Now it seems that you still need to hide from the rain. Let's continue to stand up!" Xia Jinyuan feels that he can't be too kind, his heart is very good, very It’s easy to get into trouble. "Now, at 4:30 in the morning, standing until 5:30 in the morning, is there any problem?"

Realizing that they had made a mistake, the two immediately answered, "No!"

"Very good! Give me the gun up, Zha Ma step to 5:30! Give me a good reflection!" Related to combat, Xia Jinyuan has always been a wrist, no usual casual, what time to do what There is always a scale in his heart.

Otherwise, it will not become the captain of the Snowy Brigade, or the youngest captain of the previous captains.

The stunned seabird returned to the nest again. The sky like the ink slid into the sky, and the leaf squid quickly fell from the highest point. She turned her head and looked at the sea. The frown was very lightly crumpled. "It's going to be a day."

Fighting in bad weather can make it even harder for environmental reasons, depending on how their comrades have responded.

Although it is no better than winning or losing, there is not much light on the face.

“It’s very common to change the sky at sea, and it’s easy for snipers to hide.” One hour and five minutes slammed two players from the snowy squad. For the bluebirds, the prawn only did not write a word on the head. He jumped out of the rock with one hand and smiled at Ye Jian, revealing a white tooth with a cold glow. "This kind of weather is a good weather for our water ghosts!"

The Major General of the Army also thought so. He looked at his own side and was attacked by two generals. The generals looked darker and darker and asked the technician: "Who was the gun just opened?"

"Report, Group B Jade Bird." The technician immediately answered and magnified the hidden spot of Ye Jian at that time so that the leaders could know more details. "Through the ranging, the first sniper target is 802 meters, and the second sniper target is At 852 meters, the sniper rifle she used had an accurate range of 600 meters and a maximum range of 3,700 meters."

(End of this chapter)

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