Chapter 4496 Freedom

Five minutes later, the border guards received a very hot call and learned that the herdsmen on the Chinese border were kidnapped by the extremists in the Kyrgyz State.

The captain of the frontier corps could not delay calling the military region for one second, so that they knew that the military had acted.

The expression of the military region is very implicit, because it is to enter the territory of other countries to rescue, only to say "will solve all problems", this sentence requires a deep understanding to understand the blood behind the words.

In a small village in Jistan, some people are sitting in the dark earthen wall room with a corner of the morning sun, and tears gently scream the sad song.

Their loved ones...dead, will never come back again.

The snow-capped mountains of Tianshan flew over the village, and their loved ones could no longer see the white snow of the Tianshan Mountains. They could not see the eagle flying over the wings, and they never slept.

The low and long tone is so sad, flowing through everyone's heart like a bitter snow.

"My loved ones, my loved ones, you don't leave us, go to a distant and cold place, my loved ones, my loved ones..."

The sorrowful songs echoed in the dark earthen house, and the villages of Gisten, who lost their loved ones, were sad and like a child. You leaned close to me, I hugged him and cried together.

The crying shrouded everyone's heart like a cloud. They hadn't walked out of the sorrow of their loved ones in the dark, and the girls in the Jistan country who were taken up on the other side also cried.

Ye Jian clung tightly to the hands of the only Jistang girl Ayi Guli who could speak Chinese Mandarin. She was the girl who had been in Chinese for two years in the border village. The only girl who spoke Chinese, Ye Jian clenched her double , whispered: "Not your fault, not your fault, Ayi Guli... Not your fault, don't cry... Not your fault."

Ayi Guli, who was crying on the shoulders of Ye Jian, used his teeth to bite his sleeves. Only in this way can he stop crying, and only then can he suppress the crying voice.

She returned to the village where she had not returned for two years, returned to her own home, met her missing parents, met her brother who had loved her before, and her uncle...

It didn't take long for her nightmare to begin... The relatives left one after another, even if it was so long, her nightmare continued, and the generation would continue, and it would never pass.

Ye Jian clung tightly to the Guerrean Kurd girl who had not succeeded in suicide for two times. The mouth was softly comforted, and the black and white double waves that fell to the iron gate were like polished arrows. Light.

The footsteps outside are not one person, but the footsteps of five to seven people.

They are coming to this side.

The sensitive Gulistan girls heard footsteps. They held Ye Jian and Ayi Guli tightly in the middle, squinting their eyes, fearing the iron gate and telling the crying Ayigu. Li is coming.

Ayigu Li, who was crying in the shoulders of Ye Jian, stopped at this second. She looked up and looked like a dusty big eye. She said to Ye Jianfei: "Leaf, the chance to escape You must run away!"

Instead of giving Ye Jian a chance to speak, she turned to the native language to speak to the girls in the country of Genstan. She needed them to create chaos and help Ye Jane escape.

The girls of the Kyrgyz State apparently did not think that they were a bit sluggish at the time.

(End of this chapter)

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