Chapter 4685

Ye Jian did not pay much attention to the gloom in his expression. He was jealous of the driver who drove the car. The Deng team told him that he was acting in the style of the Burmese. They would not take the initiative to pick up the provocation.

What made her heart deep was... he smiled reluctantly.

Then, the young man pointed to the wooden house again, and his eyes fixed on Ye Jian, and the smile was not magnified.

In the wooden house...What is there?

Ye Jian was "hurried" to take back his sight. He was hugged and searched for countless times. Even the clothes buttons were not let go, and all the way shivered to the front of the dilapidated wooden house.


Suddenly there was something flying on the left side. I first slammed the wooden door and then bounced back to the foot of Ye Jian. Looking down, the gimmick that made people have nightmares was just facing Ye Jian.


In the woods, there was a scream of leaf screams, and while screaming, she jumped up and ran outside. The two men who were escorted to her were holding the neckline, one grabbed the arm, and they were screwed back without even running out in three steps. .

The children screamed and laughed loudly, and the children were clear and the endlessly made Ye Jian hit a spirit.

Why are these places not sinful?

Because...the successor!

In the children's laughter, Ye Jian was pushed into the wooden house, and then the sound of the "squeaky" sound was tight, and the wooden door immediately shattered a layer of gray.

The dust was lifted into the air, and the particles floated into the nose of the leaf, and a moist musty smell was drilled into the nose.

I thought that seeing the human skull is the biggest one for her today, until she smells the lingering air in the air, and tries to smell the smell that disappears. Ye knows that the real Mawei is there. Sensen bones in clothes.

The body of the bones, the four feet, and the torso are all there. The only thing that is missing is the skull.

The reason why the young man is not good, I am afraid that this is the bones of the forest.

The outside people heard the more horrible screams coming from them, and they were photographed by the sun and the rain to the dark gray wooden doors. It seemed to be a "squeaky" sound, as if they would force the wooden door that looked unspeakable. Shoot directly.

"No noisy! Shut up!"

Outside, the fierce man used a homemade gun to hit the door a few times, using local words to warn Ye Jian not to argue again.

"Tangta, what's inside?" The Burmese man who speaks Chinese frowned. "Now when we need your convenience, I hope that our two villages will always be friendly."

"Be straight, if I don't want our two villages to live in peace, just now, I will drag your new goods directly to the woods and try them first."

Tangta, the man who has colored the heart of Ye Jian, is the leader of the village, similar to the village head of the Chinese village.

When the leaves are on the bus, they will say that the man who is fluent in the Chinese dialect has the name of "Mu Zhi" and the Chinese name "Zhu Sheng".

He did not want to have a conflict with the Tangta. Their villages were not close, but they helped each other and helped the other party to produce the poisonous materials. Therefore, the friendship between the villagers in the two villages has been very good.

As for why Tangta said a word to the driver who drove the car, the driver was the one who really came out of the core area of ​​the Golden Triangle.

He has no other identity, a driver who transports poison.

A driver will let the people in the village take the lead, showing how dangerous the core area is.

(End of this chapter)

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