Chapter 755: Split up

 Hearing this sentence, Babbage was shocked.

He originally thought that the other party just wanted to drag him to China, but it turned out that they wanted to pack up the technical staff of the Black Sea Shipyard and take them away?

You must know that Babbage has worked in the shipyard for so many years. He must be capable and qualified, and his prestige is no less than that of the factory director.

 Especially among engineers and senior skilled workers.

If he really wants to take action, not even the factory director can stop him.


Even the factory director may be taken away by him...

 In shock, he even forgot to argue with the other party, but said directly:

"Are you sure... you can let me go and pick someone?"

Even after eight years of hard work, there are still tens of thousands of employees in the shipyard or in companies affiliated with the shipyard.

Of course, there are common problems in large enterprises. The level of technical personnel varies greatly, and there are not a few who are just making a living. It is definitely not possible for China to want everyone. There must be an assessment mechanism or a probation period.

 And for outstanding technical experts like Babbage, if they succeed, they will need additional money.

I really want to let him go and mobilize, and let's not say, hundreds of people are still easy.

 Plus family members…

 As for the proportion of people who can pass the assessment...

But after all, in less than a minute, Babbage could think of almost three digits of names, skills, intentions and characters that were reliable.

 And no matter how good the conditions are, there will still be a considerable number of people who are unwilling to leave their hometowns.

"Although we are indeed familiar with each other, to most people in the factory, you are still a stranger, and it is difficult to show up in person. Regarding the conditions just mentioned, if you can come up with something useful Proof, or your country’s official statement, may be more effective.”

 If the protection is not equal, comrades are more reliable than compatriots.

Babic looked Wu Yifan up and down again:

 “In this case, I can try it when I get back, but...”

You must know that the contract signed between him and Chang Haonan is based on headcount.

Although the first batch of places that the two of them had decided on was only 1,000 people, Lao Wu was sure that as long as there were no problems with the people they pulled over, even if they exceeded the quota, the country would still accept them.

 Well, it won’t be much more if you include family members.

 In state-owned enterprises under the Soviet system, most people’s marriages were settled internally, which did not create too many idle people.

Let’s put it this way, in the general environment of Ermao in the 1990s, these people had technology, resources and channels, but had not yet made it to Western countries, which was equivalent to passing a strong screening process.

 He shook his head, and then changed the subject:

"But you can rest assured that our standards are the same. As long as the person you find has real talent and learning, I can guarantee to send him there even if it is beyond the quota."

However, Lao Wu did not express his true thoughts on his face:

 Wu Yifan was naturally overjoyed when he saw Babbage's reaction.

Although I dare not give a complete guarantee, the reliability of this group of people should not be a big problem.

Especially at this time in China, personal psychology is also changing.

“Of course it won’t work if you let go... We will also conduct preliminary assessment and screening.”

Babich has indeed been persuaded, but this does not mean that he has lost his mind.

The other party made a blank statement with white teeth, and it would be okay to let him go and have a look by himself.

After all, just with the name Valery Vasilyevich Babich, even if he left the Black Sea Shipyard and did not stay in China, he would not have to worry about coming back or finding a job in other CIS countries. .

 But it is impossible to do this with hundreds of employees.

 What should I do if something goes wrong and I cannot return home?

 The risk is too great.

This has nothing to do with whether you trust Lao Wu himself, it is just the normal instinct of a senior engineer.

Wu Yifan also didn't expect that the old man in front of him looked like he was stunned just now, but now he suddenly turned around and led an army.

However, the problems mentioned by the other party do exist.

"No problem at all."

 Lao Wu’s answer was very firm:

“But it will take time for the materials to be delivered over there,”

 Although the country has not given him any guarantee in this regard, the most taboo thing in this situation now is hesitation.

Any hesitation may be considered by the other party as a guilty conscience.

 You can only agree first and then think of a solution.

 Having reached this point in the serious conversation, there will definitely be no results from today’s conversation.

The two of them had just walked around Pier 1 and had seen the aircraft carrier with their own eyes. Old Wu was naturally ready to leave and go back to contact Chang Haonan to see how to deal with the people at the Black Sea Shipyard, especially Babbage. This big guy has made a fortune... No, please go to China. However, at this moment, a group of people suddenly walked down from the boarding ladder connected to the stern of the aircraft carrier.

 “Boss Wu!”

  Chinese with a slight southern accent rang in his ears, causing Wu Yifan to turn around subconsciously.

 There are not many people who would directly use the title "Boss Wu" here.

A gray-haired man wearing glasses walked quickly down from above.

Wu Yifan recognized him without surprise.

Xu Pingzeng, the boss of Luchuang Group who bought the Varyag.

 “Hello, Boss Xu.”

 Lao Wu stepped forward and shook hands with the other party.

 The communication between the two people naturally does not need to use awkward Russian.

 These days, Chinese can still have its own encryption properties abroad.

Neither of them asked the other what they were doing here.

They are all working for the superiors, tacitly.

“Mr. Xu, are you ready to tow the ship back?”

Wu Yifan asked with a smile while looking at the several barges busy next to him.

Although he had previously thought about competing with the other party for the Varyag, he quit midway and there was no spark between him and Lu Chuang. Therefore, the two of them were colleagues who had had contact and had a good relationship.

 Of course, saying he is a peer is a bit flattering for the current Lao Wu.

 Xu Ping was once a serious red-top businessman, but he is still fighting for it.

 “There are still some finishing touches to be done.”

Xu Ping once took off his glasses and rubbed the corners of his eyes:

“It is expected to leave next month, or September at the latest.”

The route information of this kind of ocean voyage is public, and it must be reported to the countries along the way in advance. There is no need to hide it.

“Then I would like to congratulate Mr. Xu on your safe journey in advance!”

 Lao Wu was definitely sincere when he said this.

 For him, whether it is from the perspective of family and country feelings or personal interests, he definitely hopes that the ship can return home safely and safely as soon as possible.

His previous series of layouts were all centered around aircraft carriers.

However, after hearing his words, Xu Pingzeng sighed sadly:

 “I’ll borrow your good advice, brother…but this is exactly what I’m worried about now…”

 In an instant, Lao Wu’s killer instinct was activated:

"How to say?"

"Even if everything goes well on this voyage, it will take at least seven or eight months to use a tugboat to tow an unpowered hull all the way back from the Black Sea, and we will have to pass through high-risk waters near the Gulf of Aden. I'm worried. ...Safety issue..."

Wu Yifan frowned:

“Does anyone dare to scuttle this ship?”

 “That won’t happen.”

Xu Ping once shook his head:

 “I am worried about the equipment and information on the ship.”

"You know, over the years, even if the Varyag has always been parked on the shore, external forces have been trying to sabotage the ship itself, as well as related technical documents and drawings. Now we have bought it and are preparing to tow it back, and we have this idea. I’m afraid there will be no shortage of people.”

 “Then…what does Boss Xu mean?”

Wu Yifan raised his eyebrows. He had actually thought of a possibility, but he still asked.

“Boss Wu has been in Eastern Europe for many years and has a much richer career path than I have.”

 Xu Ping once took him to a location slightly further away:

“Can you think of a way to transport some key equipment and data on the aircraft carrier back to the country through other means?”


This request is similar to what Lao Wu had just guessed.

  But there are more links involved.

 “I have to think carefully...please ask for permission.”

 (End of this chapter)

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