Fu Guoxiang subconsciously held his breath.

This is a speed that the old model J-8 could not even imagine. In the past, it had only tried it when it was flying stall performance.

However, for the current aircraft, since the test flight station allows him to try it in the first test flight, it shows that this speed is still relatively conservative.


Soon, everyone present - including of course the two Sukhoi engineers watching the excitement from a distance - witnessed the No. 04 demonstrator performing a low-altitude pass with an angle of attack at an extremely low speed.

After the roar of the engine gradually faded away again, the human voice that had just been covered up suddenly started to boil again.

"Why do I feel like that speed just now...can't even reach 350?"


Perhaps because the engine sound just now was too deafening, everyone who had not yet recovered subconsciously raised their voices a lot:

"How can there be 350? This is definitely not even 300, and it is flying smoothly without any feeling of struggle!"

"It's not just the speed. Did you just notice the attitude of the aircraft? It maintained a controllable angle of attack of at least 15° while passing through the field."

We are all 601 engineers, and we all have a good idea of ​​the maneuverability of the J-8 at low speeds in the past.

In theory, it can fly at 300km/h, but the aircraft in that state will be visibly unstable and extremely dangerous.

How could it be that he looked so calm and calm just now?

"This performance... is a bit outrageous."

"Don't be anxious. This is not really the first flight after all. There should be other test flight projects. After the test flight is over, let's see how much the overall performance can be improved!"

For fixed-wing aircraft, it is certainly a big problem to fly fast, but if you really want to fly slowly, the difficulty is not much easier.

It is even more difficult to maintain effective control of the aircraft at extreme speeds such as very fast or very slow, and even ensure a certain degree of maneuverability to cope with air combat.

Especially for a second-generation fighter jet, it is a matter of trade-off.

Didn’t you see that in order to allow the aircraft to have both high-speed and low-speed performance, the United States, the Soviet Union and other countries all chose an extremely complex variable sweep wing structure at a certain period, which resulted in a certain degree of loss at the expense of huge dead weight and reliability. Take care of both.

It wasn't until the third-generation fighter jets represented by the F15 and Su-27 that a more acceptable balance point was found.

As a second-generation aircraft, the J-8-3 cannot fully achieve the level of a third-generation aircraft, but judging from today's performance, it is absolutely not a problem to say that the overall flight performance is that of a 2.75-generation aircraft.

Yang Fenghao, who was standing in front of the window, did not speak. He just patted Chang Haonan on the shoulder and shook the latter's body heavily.

it is more than words.

Compared with Yang Fenghata who was simply surprised by the performance of this aircraft, the reborn Chang Haonan had completely different feelings when faced with the scene of the J-8 passing through the field at low altitude.

The low-altitude and low-speed performance of the J-8 was a difficult problem for any Chinese aviation person and even any Chinese military fan in the original timeline.

The collision in 2001 left too many regrets that can never be made up for.

"Now, our aircraft should no longer have such defects..." Chang Haonan looked at the horizon outside the window, his eyes slightly moist.

At this time, Yao Mengna, who was standing on the other side, just turned her head.

As Chang Haonan said to Du Yishan and Liu Zhenxiang on Beijing Airlines yesterday, with his help, the progress of the test flight process can be greatly accelerated.

This is one of the reasons why Yang Fenghao dared to directly arrange complex subjects for Fu Guoxiang in this test flight.

In short, this first flight, which was not the first flight, lasted nearly an hour and ended smoothly with a puff of smoke rising when the rear wheel of the No. 04 prototype touched the runway.

"Let's go to the tarmac!"

The flight test data is naturally collected and processed by the personnel at the flight test station.

The most important thing right now is to welcome the test pilots in triumph.

Ten minutes later, the No. 04 prototype slowly stopped at the designated area on the apron.

Fu Guoxiang shut down the engine, waited for the canopy to be opened, and then waited for the ground crew to move the boarding ladder.

In the process, he had already seen the crowds of people coming from a distance.

Although it was not the first time for most of the members involved in Project 83 to experience the first flight of an aircraft, everyone was still extremely excited when facing Fu Guoxiang who had just climbed out of the cockpit.

On the one hand, the performance of this improved aircraft is really good and somewhat unexpected.

Many people couldn't believe the data that came out of the wind tunnel last night.

But after the test flight, although the detailed data has not yet been compiled, at least in terms of stall speed and take-off distance, it is visible to the naked eye that it is better than the wind tunnel results.

This is a rare situation.

On the other hand, the improvements were made a little too quickly for everyone involved.

From proposing improvement ideas to finalizing solutions to manufacturing, final assembly and first flight.

Altogether, it only lasts a little over a month.

And this is not a small change, including the new wing designed by Chang Haonan, the canopy designed by Yao Mengna, and a series of upgrades in avionics and cockpit human-machine functions.

What concept?

In the past, this level of improvement would have taken less than a year to complete the process.

So even though every process has been checked and confirmed many times, everyone just...

I felt a little unsure.

A bouquet of flowers was delivered to Fu Guoxiang's hands.

Because this was not a new model after all, there were no leaders at the scene. Chief designer Yang Fenghao and Chang Haonan, who led this improvement, hugged him respectively in the center of the crowd.

"How does the plane feel?"

Yang Fenghata asked.

When it comes to test flights, data is only one aspect.

The pilot’s subjective feelings are actually also very important.

And Fu Guoxiang's first words shocked everyone around him.

"Stronger than the Mirage 2000, much stronger!"

You know, Fu Guoxiang once went to France for training and exchanges, and he actually flew the Mirage 2000.

What he said was quite convincing.

Of course, in the final analysis, the Mirage 2000 is still a quasi-third-generation fighter aircraft based on the second-generation fighter aircraft and redesigned and manufactured according to the standards of the third-generation fighter aircraft.

But compared with typical second-generation aircraft such as the F4 or MiG-21, it is still very different.

You know, about ten years ago, the Chinese Air Force even considered introducing the Mirage 2000B/C.

But now, our new aircraft has already surpassed us even in areas where it is relatively weak.

Considering that the French's latest fighter jet "Rafale" has not yet officially entered service at this time...

Many people present had the same thought in their minds:

The Chinese Air Force's fighter jets may soon no longer be the weakest among the Wuchang.

Extra update as usual in the afternoon

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