114 – The Night Before the Storm

From noble mtl dot com

Even when I boarded the plane to Japan, the atmosphere at first wasn’t so smooth.

Because we haven’t seen each other in a while, the conversation didn’t work out.

Still, I don’t think it was this much.

The atmosphere is stuffy.

Perhaps this is not my mistake.

I’m looking out the window pretending not to notice, but I feel a strange tension.

Since Grid seems carefree as usual, it must be Yuna and Jieun.

I moved my gaze very carefully.

Yuna has her shoulders drooping and only fiddling with her hands.

The author is looking out of her window as blankly as I am, and Grid is crossing her arms.

Should I bring up something….

I felt déjà vu with such a subtle atmosphere going on.

Some people started eating the in-flight meal.

I stared blankly at her, then turned her head to the side, and met eyes with Yuna, who had the same reaction as mine.

Yuna and I laughed lightly without anyone saying that first.

“… What’s wrong?”

The author asked with a slight frown.

Seeing her figure, Yuna slightly flinched at her shoulder, but she didn’t show her fear as much as before.

Have you gotten used to it?


“Oh, it reminded me of the last time I went to Japan.”

Even back then, the thing that relieved the stuffy atmosphere was the in-flight meal.

“Inflight meal… Shall we eat?”

“Oh, yes.”


I ate lightly for breakfast, and since it was past 11:00, it was a good time to eat some in-flight meals.

In-flight meals on private planes were more luxurious than those in business class.

No, to be precise, it should be said that there are various types.

There was a wide range of food to choose from.

Here, you can taste the real meat, not the slightly tender steak of business class.

Maybe that’s why Grid took the steak right away.

It’s a sophisticated feeling, but it was a pity that I showed my appetite.

And the author must have had the same idea. When she saw the grid, she smiled slightly.

Yuna’s face became a strange expression this time, but she couldn’t explain it.

I can’t say that he’s a monster.

She returned to her seat with the meal and set it on the table.

“I will eat well.”

After I said that, everyone said they would eat well and started eating the in-flight meal that was in front of them.

As the food went into my mouth like that, the atmosphere started to soften a little.

So the story continued naturally.

The story we shared was, of course, about the soon-to-be-arrived China.

“On the first day, check in at the hotel, right?”

It was the author who answered Yuna’s question.

“Yes, I will try ‘that’ while resting there. Are you okay?”


“The three of us will stay together, okay?”

“Three people?”

Yuna looked at Jieun with an expression asking what that meant, and Jieun pointed to herself, Yuna, and Grid and said that there were three of her.

Yuna’s trip to China was decided suddenly, so she must have not heard the news.

The author mentioned Yuna’s psychic powers so that others wouldn’t hear.

She’s probably going to use Yuna’s abilities when she gets to the hotel, unpacks her things, and takes a short nap.

Yuna nodded cautiously, wary of the grid.

The only people who know Yuna’s abilities are those at headquarters, so she must be wary.

“So… Hmmm, Mr. Eunseol already knows.”


Grid, who had been diligently slicing his steak until just now, slightly raised his head and nodded at her with a serious expression.

It seems that he is taking a plausible stance, but I don’t think it’s a bit different from the point of eating steak like he’s possessed.


Yuna let out a strange sound and took the strength from her shoulders.

She seems to have been nervous, even if it was just a slip of the tongue, so that Grid wouldn’t find out about her own psychic powers.

“Others don’t know.”

So, fearing that she might make a mistake in her words, she brought up a little warning, and Yuna only nodded slightly as if she understood.

Her relaxed face was tense again, but more relaxed than before.


We were able to arrive at Beijing Capital International Airport, China, a little after 1:00 PM.

When we got off the plane and entered the airport with the officials, the airport was full of Chinese government officials to greet us.

They started talking to us, but I couldn’t understand a word without Grid.

An interpreter on our side translated the story from the Chinese side.

The contents were not very different from the stories I heard from politicians at Narita Airport in Japan.

Thank you for coming to our country.

The story was roughly like this.

After finishing their conversation, they were looking at me with an expectant expression.

This feeling… No way?

Anyway, the factors in China seemed to be expecting quite a bit after seeing the performance I showed in Japan.

I opened my mouth with a slightly apologetic expression.

“Thank you for being so welcoming. It is called Hero Brave.”

As I began to speak in Korean, the expressions of the Chinese figures wrinkled just slightly, as I thought.

“I had been on a trip to Japan before, so I had studied the language a bit, but since this was my first time in China, I didn’t have enough time. Later, when I get a chance, I will study hard.”

It was only after the interpreter translated my words that the factors’ faces became a little more satisfied.

Because they are very proud of their country, it felt like a strange battle of nerves was going on in this area as well.

Other than that, it was a repetition of what I experienced in Japan.

After saying goodbye, we got into a pre-prepared vehicle and were taken to the hotel.

“Then see you later.”


The author, Yuna, and Grid went into one room, and I went into the next room.

I put my suitcase in the corner of the hotel and threw myself on a nearby sofa.


Due to the schedule, today is a day of rest.

Eating dinner is around 6pm, so we still have a little over 4 hours left.

Right now, in the next room, Yuna is lying on the bed, preparing to use her psychic powers.

Our schedule will change depending on what kind of future Yuna sees.

I took out clothes that were easy to move in from my suitcase, changed her clothes, and waited for the author to contact me.

After about an hour of lying on the sofa and touching my smartphone, I got a call from the author.

I got up straight away from the couch and headed to the next room.


“What about Yuna?”

“I am sleeping well.”

This sounds like a situation where a husband gets off work and asks his wife how the child is doing.

“This feels like a married couple.”

The author seemed to have the same thoughts as me and walked out first with a small smile.

“Oh, are you here?”

Grid, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV with her legs crossed, raised only her hand towards me.

I get angry when I see something strange about the grid….

“There are fools who can’t even speak Chinese? Beep beep!”

Oh, I’m angry.

“Can you speak Chinese?”

“That’s the basics.”

About Grid being too capable….

It was at this moment that Grid remembered the title of her web novel that she had been reading a while ago.

Wouldn’t Humbert become obsessed with Grid, not me, if he knew the identity of Grid?

“Can I just leave Yuna alone?”


It was a very firm answer.

“Rather, you don’t know what the result will be if you stimulate it from this side.”

I’m nervous.

What should I do if the future hasn’t changed this time….

Ominous thoughts that I had been ignoring kept coming back to me.

“Calm down and sit back and watch TV, Brave.”

But unlike me, Grid was carefree.

“Why are you so carefree?”

“Isn’t it something that can be solved by whimpering like a dog who needs sh*t?”

I like this baby sh*t.

But after hearing it again, I can’t even refute it because it’s not wrong.

I decided to sit by the grid and watch TV blankly.

The news was playing on TV, and it was a video of the moment I arrived at the airport in China.

“What do you mean?”

“A Korean superhero knew the importance of our country and came to visit us~ Well, something like this.”

The US and China were the most likely destinations for my next destination.

In that situation, the part that put China ahead of the US must have instilled pride in them.

“As expected, they are tired guys.”

Grid doesn’t seem to have very good feelings for China.

“Why is that?”

“Why do you hate it so much?”

“A country without freedom has no future. Seeing that the country’s political system has not changed even after being trampled on by an S-class monster like that, it’s a country with no answers.”

Grid gave various reasons for disliking China.

There were parts that were quite plausible, so I couldn’t deny that.

“Don’t talk like that outside, Grid.”

“I’m not that stupid either.”

As we were talking like that, I heard the door to the bedroom where Yuna was staying open.

“Ah, is Jinwoo oppa here?”

Yuna, who was rubbing her eyes and making a blank expression, smiled broadly, then stiffened her face and turned her back.

Anyway, it was an embarrassing move to show an expression that had just woken up.

Having tidied up her hair and her face, Yuna turned to us again.

I was impressed with her acting as if nothing had happened.

“Hmmm, ah! Jinwoo oppa is here?”

I’m really trying to pretend nothing happened.

Still, looking at Yuna’s appearance, I thought that she didn’t see a bad future for her.

“How was it?”

When the author asked, Yuna brought up the story that she was just passable.

That she changed that much just by including Yuna in her party?

I was frowning at that thought, but the author gave a supplementary explanation.

“You used your powers for something that will happen the next morning?”

“Yes. That’s because it’s more accurate and it’s easier to come up with countermeasures.”

Yuna said that the sight she saw in the future precognition was so shocking that she couldn’t confirm the date.

So we don’t know exactly when the upheaval will happen to us.

So, it seems that the author chose to use Yuna’s abilities on a daily basis to overcome her crisis.

The reason for setting the day after tomorrow, not tomorrow, is to fix it immediately if you see a problem in the future.

Still, this means that you have to use your psychic powers every day.

China is so vast and has a large population, so it will take about a month, so I think it will be quite a burden for Yuna….

“Are you okay?”

“It’s okay.”

Maybe you will intuit the way someone dies as a future foreknowledge.

I asked with that meaning….


I didn’t want to scare you by bringing up such a story.

“No. There’s still some time left until dinner….”

Some unknown alien language was playing on the TV.

I can’t do TV….

It was a moment when I was thinking about what to do to pass the time.


Grid stood up and took something out of her arms.



What Grid brought out was Trump.

From noble mtl dot com

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