117 – Assault (2)

ㅡ Only we can do it.

When Grid said that, the author looked at us and then put on a serious expression.

The author seemed to understand what Grid said while using telepathy.

What only we can do?

ㅡ No matter how important the task is, there are cases where humans run away.

… No way.

ㅡ It is a monster.

Grid brought up the story that he would go on a rampage in the form of a monster and get the people staying at the hotel out.

Certainly, with that method, we could easily get the humans out.


ㅡ Don’t worry. Because I have no interest in committing suicide.

What are you going to do?

ㅡ If you only have 2 C-class cores, it’s as easy as eating a cake.

Grid began to explain how to direct the situation.

ㅡ He said that he could safely eat dinner, so it must mean that it is safe until then.

After finishing the schedule and moving to the hotel, Grid sneaks out of the hotel and moves to a place where people can’t reach.

A place like a sewage pipe, for example.

There, if you turn into a monster and start a rampage, the citizens in the hotel will escape, and then I will appear and fight Grid.

When everyone in the hotel is evacuated, I pretend to have defeated Grid and absorb Grid into my body.

And I just had to act like I had just defeated the monster.

The explanation was that since the monster’s core and corpse were there, there would be no getting caught this way.

It was certainly simple and efficient.

ㅡ Is there any problem?

I couldn’t come up with a more efficient method than Grid’s improvised method.

The author and I responded by nodding slightly at Grid’s words.

“Uh, uh, uh….”


Yuna can’t seem to keep up with the current situation because she can’t hear Grid’s words.

It looked like his head was getting a fever while trying to beat the people in the hotel.

I gently put my hand on Yuna’s shoulder.

“It’s okay.”


“It will be fine.”

I put a little more strength in her hand and grabbed Yuna’s shoulder.

Don’t worry.

I’ll try my best.

It was a move that contained such will.

Then, she felt that Yuna, who had just been shaking her body and panicking, was genuine.

ㅡ It feels like seeing you this morning. Khehehehe.

“Then let’s go.”

I was worried about the author looking at me strangely, but I have to finish the schedule for now.

I hurried to where the patients were waiting.


After finishing the schedule, I got into the car heading to the hotel.


I thought the car was shaking strangely, but when I looked to the side, I saw Yuna shaking her body nervously.

You must be scared because you don’t know anything.

I closed the distance with Yuna, who was as wide as her fist.

As soon as my body touched her, Yuna, who had been shaking her body until just now, stopped moving.


Then my body began to tremble in a slightly different way than before.

Every time I moved or exhaled, the flinching increased.

Something… It’s fun.

I think about it every time, but as expected, Yuna is kind of fun.

When I’m with Jieun, I feel warm, and when I’m with Yuna, it’s fun.

ㅡ Ada Bomber’s Two Loves, I hear you.

Two love?

ㅡ You’d say I’m crazy, people who hear what my current love is like~ They’ll say that love is something you do with only one person and will curse me~ Umm~♪”

Listening to the noise of the grid felt like my tension was relieved.


ㅡ The author is looking at it with a rather complicated gaze.

I turned her head at Grid’s words, and Ji-eun was looking at me with glare-like eyes.

Oh, that’s mad.

If you have a rage gauge ranging from 1 to 100, you are angry at about 30.

It must be because you can hear Grid’s voice.

ㅡ I’m not angry with me, I’m angry with you, Brave.


The car on the way to the hotel became heavier in a different way than before.

So the car went out without a hitch and we soon arrived at the hotel where the bomb was planted.

“Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop….”

Yuna, whose breathing is a bit rough, and Ji-eun, who looks calm but her hands are shaking slightly, caught her eyes.

“Let’s go.”

You can.

Everyone safely returns to Korea.

It has to be.

We went into the hotel and headed to our respective rooms, and Grid came out of me.

“Well, let’s go first.”

Grid held the nuke in his hand and opened the hotel window.

Grid’s body began to shrink and he turned into a crow.

Certainly there’s no way I’ll get caught with that figure.

Grid will wander around in a crow state, avoid people’s eyes, open the manhole cover and go inside.

The operation begins in about 10 minutes.

I sat on the couch and waited for Grid to make a fuss.

I was anxiously waiting for the commotion of the grid, but after about 5 minutes had passed, I felt a strange vibration.

And at that moment, along with the sound of a siren, something sounded an alarm.

I immediately clung to the window and looked out.

At that moment, my eyes met the monster that appeared in front of me.

A majestic appearance resembling a dragon somewhere.

A little cool appearance to be called a monster, and an appearance that doesn’t show any movement.

It’s a grid.

[Twin Drive System All Green]

I immediately switched the belt to sleep mode and broke the hotel window.

When I broke the hotel window, Grid, who had been standing still, took action.

Here in China, there are overwhelmingly more heroes than in Korea.

If you delay too much, other heroes may appear and attack the grid.

But if you go too far, people in the hotel may not run away due to insensitivity to safety.

You have to keep that proper line well.

I took a stance and kicked the ground as I glared at Grid, who had turned into a monster.


There was a feeling that the output of the psychic power used without a grid was unstable.

But the grid won’t kill me, so that’s enough….

That was the moment I thought about it.

ㅡ Big!

The moment he felt his ears tingle from a roar, Grid’s large hand was in front of his nose.

“Crazy… !”


Grid swung his arms over my path as if he were catching a fly in front of his eyes.


My body was slammed into the outer wall of the hotel.


Citizens screamed in the vicinity.

I could see people slipping away from the hotel like the ebb tide.

Among them, there were factors in our country, including Yuna and the author.

Ah, that’s it.

It’s okay….

The monster’s large hand, presumed to be Grid, is aiming at me.

This bastard?

I immediately kicked the outer wall and threw myself into the air.

Just a little bit later, Grid’s hand scratched the outer wall where I had just been stuck.

Seeing the large fingernail marks on the outer wall of the building sent a tingle down my spine.

Are you saying you’re going to act like a monster because you’re a monster?

Or did he lose his reason by becoming a monster?

I was staring at Grid with my body floating in the air, but this time the arm on the other side of Grid was approaching.


Since the body was floating in the air, it seemed difficult to avoid Grid’s attack.

I looked straight up at the sky and used my flame power with all my might.



It seems that the firepower was stronger than I thought.

I was pinned to the floor from the sky and had a hole in the floor in the shape of a ‘大’.

I could handle body strengthening and hardening quite skillfully even without a grid, so it was a shame that I could have turned into a tomato if I made a mistake.

ㅡ Khehehe.

As if making fun of me, Grid started to let out his characteristic laugh.

Ah, this sucks.

As if responding to my emotions, sparks began to rise from my body.

I kicked off the ground and ran to the front of the grid.

At that moment, Grid lifted his leg and tried to trample me, and I escaped Grid’s feet and soared into the sky.

Grid’s body was in a state where hard carapaces sprouted rather than smooth scales, so it felt just right to climb his carapace with his feet.

That was the moment I thought of going up on Grid’s body and giving the body of this beggar a shot.

ㅡ aaah!

Grid screamed, and a solid line of blue light appeared all over his body centered on Grid’s chest.

Grid’s head turned to me.

ㅡ hehehe.

I felt like Grid was laughing.

This asshole?

I began to feel the tremendous heat in Grid’s mouth.

You intend to use such an attack in the middle of a city like this?

Such a crazy bastard!

I spurred on the joints of the grid with all my might and soared into the sky.

From noble mtl dot com

Two seconds later, that attack blows up this hotel, including me.

1 Second.

It kicked off the carapace protruding from Grid’s belly and soared higher into the sky.

And that moment when Grid’s head got closer.

The vision around me was colored with light.



My fist pierced Grid’s chin before Grid could breathe fire.

The body of the grid tilted slightly backwards, and the blue light began to emanate from the inside.

“Damn it!”



I was rolling on the floor again at the moment when I felt heat all over my body.

Your body is hot.

My stomach was rumbling, and I felt pain as if my back and lower back had been cut off.

ㅡ You’re having a hard time, keuhehehehe!

This crazy bastard….

ㅡ Thanks to that, everyone in the hotel was evacuated.

You should have done it in moderation, you madman.

ㅡ Hero activities are more active in China than in Korea. The equipment is also gorgeous. If he was a little later, he might have been hunted by other heroes.

The fight between Grid and I was practically less than 5 minutes.

I finished it before the other heroes arrived.

Usually in this case, there are citizens who hide in the corner of the room and watch the hero fight, but there seemed to be no such person left in the hotel.

ㅡ Because I blew you through the outer wall.

No matter how insensitive people are, they have no choice but to run away when they feel a loud vibration accompanied by the sound of a building being smashed.

A large piece of tempered glass shatters right next to you, and there must be no one who does not run away.

ㅡ This is the solution.

Yes, it is a solution.

I tilted my head slightly backwards while lying on the floor.

Behind me, I could see a hotel that had been devastated by Grid’s own play.

Just repairing the outer walls and replacing the windows would make a lot of money.

I have a sore stomach.

ㅡ Originally, the building would have collapsed, so this is cheap. Heh heh!

Yes, I should think so.

Because if I didn’t, I felt like I would have a hole in my stomach.

It was at that moment that I thought I should leave.

ㅡ Brave!

The moment I heard Grid’s cry.


With the sound of something exploding, my body was enveloped in a feeling of floating.

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