"No, Speaker! Narus Volcano erupted!"

"Port city, there is a big tsunami in the direction of Harugeon!"

"In the kingdom of Fiore, a heavy rainstorm suddenly began! The largest rainstorm in history, the estimated rainfall may exceed the most in a century!"

A piece of information was presented in front of the Speaker, making his face more and more ugly, and even a hint of fear.

"What the hell is going on!?" He sat on the seat of the speaker, his lips trembling, "Who is going to tell me what is going on in this world?"

One of the members of the House of Representatives remained silent, and in the midst of the violent earthquake, they were still able to maintain a little composure.

"Speaker, President Joseph's contact." A staff member came over and placed a communication crystal ball.

"bring here!"

The speaker hurriedly took the crystal ball, then input magic power, and a picture appeared in the ball, it was President Joseph.

It's just that Joseph's appearance is not very good, his clothes are messy and he looks a little embarrassed.

"How's it going?"

"Don't do it, that kind of place is too dangerous."

Joseph snorted softly: "That guy Makarov arrived before me. I'm afraid he's already dead. With a giant dragon entrenched there, it's not easy for me to escape back."

He didn't mention elemental life at all.

"Giant dragon? Have you seen the giant dragon?" the speaker asked in a deep voice.

"You can ask Makarov about this, provided he is still alive."

Joseph laughed. Although he didn't get the elemental life, if Makarov died, he could laugh three times.

"Then, you can find your own way, goodbye."


The crystal ball's picture flashed, and the connection was directly cut off.


The Speaker slapped the table with a bang and was very annoyed, "This has already happened, and you still care about the grudge between yourself and Makarov!"

Joseph and Makarov have never dealt with each other, because the guilds that belong to the kingdom of Fiore compete for the title of "the strongest guild".

Of course, there is a lot of grudge between the two presidents.

"What should we do now?" asked one MP.

"As of now, I can only use that one!"

The Speaker looked gloomy and gritted his teeth: "Notify the magic troops and prepare to fill the magic power! The giant dragon must not be allowed to cause more damage, otherwise not only Fiore, but even the entire continent will be thrown into chaos!"

You don't need clear information, you can know just by guessing that the disasters happening all over the continent must be related to those two giant dragons.

"Magic spirit power?"

Chikrein has a distant vision, and he is the only one who can laugh among the people present.

"That huge power will cause irreparable damage to the Kingdom of Fiore!" an old woman whispered: "Do you really want to use it?"

"Even Saint Ten is difficult to deal with. Even if you haven't seen the power of giant dragons, you can still see one or two from the Book of Revelation. Is there any other way?"

The speaker said decisively: "We can only try our best to reduce the scope of damage! So... vote!"

7 votes in favour, 1 abstention, 1 against, with Urrutia absent.

The proposal to use the magic spirit power to obliterate the giant dragon, passed!


At the same time, the fantasy guild base.

Above the sky, at an altitude of about [-] meters, the dark clouds were suddenly torn apart, forming a huge void.

Then, a magic circle was suddenly born. In the huge magic circle, there was a square pattern. Inside the square, there was a circle. Inside the circle, there was another magic circle. In the 030 magic circle, it was still a square pattern.

This back and forth is extremely complicated.

Layer after layer of magic circles finally formed a huge light body that enveloped this world.

The "transcendent time-space destruction magic" launched by the magician of various attributes is activated by the gathering of power of various attributes, and its power is enough to wipe out a country!


Deathwing raised his head and showed a satisfied smile: "After waiting for a long time, it's finally here."

As he said that, he glanced at Makarov, "The council is also forced to do nothing. I plan to give up even you, the top ten magic wizards."

Makarov was still sluggish, with only his eyeballs, and he could still move slightly, showing that he still had a bit of intelligence.

Shaking his head, Deathwing's mouth flickered with light, and then turned into a man.

The man was dressed in white, and his temperament was ethereal.

Qin Yang's face was as usual, he stepped out and slowly stepped up into the air.

Standing in mid-air, directly under the magic wizard power, Qin Yang looked up at the huge magic circle above the sky.

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