Immediately, countless ruined stones were grabbed by invisible forces.

The mother and daughter of Urrutia, who were buried under the ruins, suddenly revealed their figures.

It's just that the two women are not in good shape.

Ulu was assassinated by a dagger, and the one who has died can no longer die.

In order to protect her mother's body, Urrutia was knocked unconscious by the collapsed rock in the cave, and her life was hanging by a thread.

Leave it alone, Urrutia will die immediately.

"Is this woman stupid?" Qin Yang shook his head: "Even if the cave collapses, with her magic, she can easily protect herself and the corpse."

Or, because of the huge blow, choose to die?

No matter which one, anyway, Urrutia's mood at that time must be very complicated, so the lower limit of IQ.

"Save you again," Qin Yang shook his head helplessly: "I finally found an indigenous member, it would be a pity to die."

Thinking of this, he turned his hands and took out two phoenix feathers again.

The resurrection of the deceased is the power of Ho-king. Without considering the consumption, Ho-king can resurrect hundreds of thousands of people at one time!

Of course, these hundreds of thousands refer to mortals, ordinary humans.

The more powerful the person, the greater the consumption.

In the same way, the longer the person who died, the greater the consumption.

Although this ability is very, very powerful, not everyone is resurrected.

For example, in the novel world, if an immortal dies, then only with the power of King Ho, I am afraid that he will not be able to be resurrected.

Of course, even if the mother and daughter in front of him died a hundred times, he could still be resurrected.

Two phoenix feathers floated towards the corpse, hanging in the air, turning into a rainbow of lights, covering the two of them.

After a while, the wounds of the two healed, their souls were regenerated, and their strength was restored, and everything was the same as before.


Urrutia's nose let out a low moan, and then slowly opened her eyes.

Waking up together, there is also Ulu.

"Ulu!" Urrutia screamed, and then her face was full of sadness: "We are all dead..."

"not dead."

Suddenly, an ethereal voice sounded: "I saved the two of you."

"Emperor Qin!" Urrutia's eyes widened, and then she reacted at once.

"...Sir." Qin Yang snorted softly.

Hearing this, Urrutia was stunned, then relieved, and said with a tender smile, "Yes, Lord Qin Emperor."

After speaking, she looked at her mother.

Ulu was also looking at her. The mother and daughter stared at each other. After solving the misunderstanding, they both felt that they owed each other, but they did not know how to speak.

Qin Yang suddenly thought of his family. However, the ghost knows which world and plane the earth is in. If he wants to go back, there is little hope.

However, he will not give up. He now has an incomparably long lifespan. Although he can't reach the million-year lifespan of a sea dragon, he will find the earth one day.

Shaking his head, he sighed lightly, and said, "You have to catch up with the old days and change the time. I saved you, not without asking for anything in return. From now on, you are all full members of the dream, Ulu, and even you."

"Thank you, Lord Qin!" Urrutia knelt on her knees and kowtowed sincerely: "Thank you for saving Ulu... for saving my mother!"

"Heh," Qin Yang smiled, "how does it feel to be untied?"


Urrutia was stunned, and then showed a rare, impure smile.

"It's easy. Feeling reborn."

"That's fine. In short, you repair the temple first and use your power."

"Yes, a trivial matter!"

Urrutia got up, raised her right arm, and said softly, "The Arc of Time · Vientiane Rebirth!"

Boom boom boom!


The broken stones seemed to be going backwards in time.

How the temple collapsed before, and how it was reborn at this moment, when the last gravel returned to the temple itself, a magnificent and mysterious building appeared in front of Qin Yang's eyes again.

"Yes, your ability is very good."

Qin Yang nodded with satisfaction: "Continue to develop magic, this magic, reaching a profound level, can reverse the time of the whole world."

With that said, he walked towards the temple: "You guys, come with me. Urrutia, bring Natsu with you. The invaders are about to arrive, I'll wait... just wait for the bed!"

Chapter 0613 The Way to Seven Stars

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