Liu Ying had no idea how much self-control and endurance he had used to swallow the bitter taste in his mouth!

She stared at Xiao Yan without blinking, as if she had never even met him before.

And Xiao Yan was only looking at Liu Xun with this cold gaze.

In the end, she still couldn't stand it. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

Xiao Yan had never seen Liu Xun like this before. In Xiao Yan's memory, she had always been a strong woman. She had always been a woman that didn't shed tears. However, at this moment, she was crying.

Honestly speaking, this scene really made Xiao Yan a little uncomfortable …

"You …"

"What was my mistake?"

Xiao Yan was about to open his mouth to comfort her, but Liu Ying was the first to speak. His voice was sad, but he still questioned her!

Xiao Yan frowned and looked away.

After all, they had been together for so many years. Xiao Yan really didn't want to say those hurtful words!

However, she couldn't deny that Xiao Yan was not happy with her question.

All men were like this. They could do whatever they wanted, but they could not allow women to refute them in the slightest.

As for Liu Ying, Liu Ying who always had a sense of propriety, this time, he ruthlessly angered him.

He had actually forgotten about this point. Therefore, under Xiao Yan's gaze that was leading him away, he once again asked in an aggressive manner, "Xiao Yan, tell me clearly, what did I do wrong?"

From the beginning to the end, Liu Ying did not believe that he had done anything wrong!

Even if she really did use improper methods in the competition between the two cosmetics companies, but in her opinion, her starting point for all of this is good! It was all for the good of Xiao Yan!

She was thinking for his sake, but Xiao Yan blamed her instead. This was something Liu Ying found hard to accept in the end!

As for Xiao Yan, under her overbearing words, he finally turned his head to look at Liu Xun. His eyes contained traces of emotion, but most of all, he was disappointed!

His originally gentle and refined eyes were now filled with indifference.

In Liu Ying's heart, he knew that this Xiao Yan was the real Xiao Yan!

He was a compassionate person! What happened in the past was just an illusion!

Under Xiao Yan's gaze, Liu Ying's originally angry heart gradually returned to its rational self. To be honest, there was a trace of fear in her eyes …

People who had a guilty conscience were usually like this, and only she knew if Liu Ying had a guilty conscience!

She thought that she was the only one who knew about these matters. However, what she didn't know was that Xiao Yan had seen all of her movements!

The reason why they hadn't mentioned it in the past, or even now, was because they had shared the same interests as each other in the past few years.

Xiao Yan took in a deep breath and looked at Liu Xun coldly. However, there was also an endless sense of disappointment!

"What's wrong with that? Don't you know?" You dare to clap your hands and tell me, did you do all this for me? "

Liu Ying's lips slightly parted, as if he couldn't believe that Xiao Yan was able to say such words. He just stood there blankly!

After Xiao Yan finished speaking, he also averted his gaze, not allowing himself to look at Liu Ying.

She looked at Xiao Yan, not seeming to understand why he had said those words. Did he already know what she had done behind his back?

Thinking of this, Liu Ying's heart was filled with coldness and panic ….

"You …"

"There are some words that I don't want to say that are clear and unambiguous. After all, it is not good for anyone if it is said! I just want to ask you, do you know your wrongs in this matter, or do you not know? "

Xiao Yan had always been a stubborn person. If he wanted to know the answer, then no matter how difficult the process was, he would find the answer first!

Xiao Yan had known about what Liu Ying was doing in the past, but he had taken all these years into consideration. Furthermore, Liu Ying had been sincere to him all these years. Thus, he turned a blind eye to it.

However, what happened today was something that Xiao Yan couldn't forgive!

In the field of cosmetics, the most important thing was one's conscience, especially since they were well-known brands both at home and abroad. Even the tiniest bit of scandal would be amplified by wireless. Xiao Yan did not care about what happened in the company at all. It was as if his father had given him this kind of authority, causing him to be ridiculed in the Xiao family and even the industry!

But he could not tolerate anyone making fun of the company! He was using the reputation of the company to make a joke!

It was one thing for him not to like the Xiao family, but another for the company!

This was the main reason why he was angry!

However, Liu Ying, who had been by his side for so many years, the person who had thought that he loved him the most and knew him the most, had violated his taboo this time!

He still hadn't realized his mistake!

After Xiao Yan finished speaking, Liu Ying's face instantly turned completely pale!

He was dressed in a black professional attire that fully displayed Liu Ying's figure. However, his beautiful face was now defeated, and his eyes were even filled with dejection and despair. Her voice was hoarse and trembling as she said to Xiao Yan, "You …" You all know about it? "

It was just a random sentence, but Xiao Yan knew what she was talking about!

Moreover, these words were clearly understood by both of them.

Finally. Xiao Yan nodded, his voice coming out from his nose, "Okay."

Speculation was one thing, but when it was confirmed, it would be another.

And at this moment, Liu Ying finally laughed in despair …

His smile contained his despair, as well as his self-mockery.

She had thought that she had done it flawlessly and hidden it well enough, but she had never thought that the things she had done were always displayed under the noses of others. She was like a clown and thought that nothing would be discovered.

She … He was like a fool, a complete fool …

It was as if she had inadvertently blinked her eyes. Tears that hadn't been in her eyes for a long time started dripping down in an instant.

Liu Ying took a deep breath and looked at Xiao Yan. He looked at the man who had been with him since college. He looked at this man whom he thought he understood, but now he realized that he didn't.

"When did you know?"

Even if she died, she had to understand!

Xiao Yan looked at her for a long time.

"At the beginning."


If what Xiao Yan had said before wasn't enough to make Liu Ying collapse, then the three words he had said now were 'the wall that Liu Ying had painstakingly built' collapsing with a loud bang!

Start... Start...

In other words, he had already known about it from the first time Liu Xun betrayed Xiao Yan!

Liu Ying couldn't help but recall how long ago it was when she first did such a thing.

Two years ago? Three years ago?

It had been so long that even she herself had almost forgotten about it!

"Heh …" Hehe … "Hahaha …"

Unable to hold it in any longer, Liu Ying finally couldn't hold back his laughter!

"Xiao Yan …" Before he could finish his words, his tears had already begun to fall …

Xiao Yan couldn't bear to look at Liu Xun like this, but he still turned his head away, not wanting to see her heartbroken appearance.

Liu Ying's tears rolled down his face. They were cold, just like her heart.

"Xiao Yan …" "I always thought that I had done those things in secret, but never would I have thought that from the beginning to the end, I was just like a fool, constantly displaying clumsy acting skills to please you!"

Even Xiao Yan already knew what was on Liu Ying's mind the most, but why did he pretend that nothing had happened in these three years?

By doing this, Liu Ying wouldn't think that he was being sentimental. On the contrary, she thought that Xiao Yan treated her like a fool from the start to the end!

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