Tong Jiumo hugged his arm, looked up at him and said, "Hold me to the dining table."

Looking at her cute appearance, Mo Qijue felt so cute. He hugged her and got up and walked to the dining table.

The more coquettish Tong Jiumo treats him and the more dependent on him, the more joyful he is.

This is a good start.

It is a good beginning for a couple to gradually merge into a united love.

He also knew that it was a matter of time before Momo fell in love with him.

But he didn't expect it to be so fast.

Of course, it was also because too much happened during the period.

"Momo, I will continue to improve my cooking skills and make you more delicious." Mo Qijue said while feeding her, looking at her dozingly.

"Just have me." Tong Jiumo said while looking at him.

"Your hands are so delicate, why am I willing to let you suffer even after marrying me?" Mo Qijue said distressedly.

She must have suffered a lot to become a famous chef of Michelin.

She suffered so much, and she must not suffer any more after she married him.

Only for happiness!

"How can someone enjoy the blessings when they get married? Women still have to have their own careers, and I'm not so splendid, and married people don't work. It's not long after my restaurant opened. You let me do nothing and open What are you doing?"

Tong Jiumo looked at Mo Qijue and said, "Mo Qijue, your thinking is very pedantic."

"How can my wife show up to work?" Mo Qijue became unhappy, "I can support you."

"I know you can raise me, but I think it's more comfortable to spend your own money. If you become my cash machine and you get tired over time, one day when I become a yellow face woman, you will show my face. , My life is not easy...I can't develop myself into a rice bug that won't make money."

Although Tong Jiumo was doted by Mo Qijue, he also knew that he had a wealth of waist.

However, she didn't think this was the time when she could just relax.

She even hopes that she will grow with his progress.

"Momo, I don't want you to work so hard." Mo Qijue emphasized again.

"I'm not as vulnerable as you think." Tong Jiumo glared at him, "You are too pedantic, I know you pet me, but you can't indulge me."

"Listen to my husband, since you are married to me as your wife, you must enjoy your blessing." Mo Qijue said seriously.

"Listen to my wife, let my wife go out to work, you only need to find a way to keep our marriage fresh like first love every day. This is your task as a husband." Tong Jiumo said with a serious expression on his face.

"First love?" Mo Qijue suddenly thought of a question, "Your first it me?"

Hearing this, Tong Jiumo paused.

She looked at him, did not answer immediately, but asked, "What about your first love?"

Looking at her hesitation, Mo Qijue frowned and asked, "Did you hesitate just now?"

"Mo Qijue, you are stupid, even if you say that you have several girlfriends, I don’t think much about it, and I won’t be angry, and I’m so beautiful that I never met you when I was studying. , When you meet handsome, of course you will secretly promise."

Tong Jiumo said frankly.

Seeing his face gradually darkened, she continued, "Mo Qijue, you are not allowed to have this expression."

"Who is your first love? To whom did you secretly promise?" Mo Qijue asked in a deep voice.

"I said, you can't laugh at me." Tong Jiumo thought for a while, looked at him and said.

"Don't laugh." His voice was deep and he wanted to kill the man.

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