The Omniscient

Chapter 698: Dimensional Knowledge

"The All-Knower (!

The abyss is already cold, and Huang Ji actually wants all the dark interstellar forces supported by the Truth Society, all cold!

Chantally Taku didn't hesitate and said: "Wow, you say first."

Huang Ji smiled: "You agreed to replace it with a virtual particle foam machine, but suddenly attacked me..."

Occasionally, Tuo spread his hands and said: "Promise the deal, I didn't say that I can't sneak attack you. When I bring you back, I will definitely keep my promise and give you the foam machine."

"Well, you definitely don't believe it..."

Huang Ji nodded and said, "I believe it, if you tell me, you will definitely give it to me, just like accidental valley."

"But in order to squeeze out all my secrets, you took the opportunity to sneak attack while you promised. This is a bad habit."

Occasionally, Tuo was taken aback, and then sneered: "You are right in everything you say, now that the bubble machine and the quantum wormhole star are in your hands, isn't it enough to exchange?"

"Now they are my trophies, why are you trading with me? If you want a dimensional model, just trade pirates. Remember, you have missed an opportunity." Huang Ji said leisurely.

The two Shinrisha members were silent, seeming to weigh the pros and cons.

The loss this time is not serious. If there is no gain, the authority in the Shinrisha will be reduced in the future, and the resources at his disposal will be very small.

Of course, these are not important. The important thing is that he knows that Huang Ji has the knowledge they dream of, but he can only leave in a desperate manner. It is really unwilling.

U Zhenbo suddenly said: "If it is valuable enough knowledge, we don't care about those pirates. How about giving it all to you..."

"However, the dimensional model is only your own words, you always have to prove to us that you have it!"

As he said, Yu Zhenbo stared at Huang Ji with scorching eyes.

Huang Ji smiled and said: "It's actually very simple. For any dimension, its π value is the absolute value of the dimension."

The eyes of the two lit up, and chance Gu had already informed them about this.

Of course, Huang Ji didn't say it directly before, but by chance Gu guessed that Pi is the dimensional value after listening to him.

Hearing Huang Ji's personal admission at this moment, by chance Tuo couldn't help but say: "How do you prove it!"

Huang Ji said: "In a world with only length, there is no width and height. If you forcibly define a circle on a straight line, what is the ratio of its diameter to its circumference?"

Suddenly Tuo replied in an instant: "There is no concept of a circle without length. If you have to define it, it is just a point. A point that does not exist for any diameter or perimeter!"

Yu Zhenbo suddenly said: "A point, no matter what concept is added to it, is the same, so its diameter is equal to the circumference, and the infinite power of the diameter is still equal to itself! That is, ‘1’."

"This is one dimension, what about two dimensions?" Huang Ji smiled.

U Zhenbo frowned: "Two-dimensional...That is a circle on a normal plane, with a π value of 3.1415926535..."

Huang Ji shook his head and said, "You are talking about the plane under three-dimensional time and space. You are looking at the circle from your own dimension, and you have a certain dimension up there."

"You must remove your own factors, imagine a low-dimensional perspective with only length and width, and be in a world without height."

Yu Zhenbo was lost in thought, but couldn't imagine.

Huang Ji spread out his palm, and a white neutron ball appeared in his palm.

It is extremely round, and Huang Ji slashes in the air, like playing a fruit ninja, cutting the sphere open.

The inside is hollow, and two bowl-shaped hemispheres are immediately formed!

Occasionally Taku saw this scene and suddenly realized: "It's 2!"

U Zhenbo was shocked: "Why?"

Occasionally, Taku raised his hand and created two bowl-shaped hemispheres. He stretched out his hand to draw black lines on them, but from the edge of the bowl, along the valley in the bowl, and finally to the edge of the bowl directly opposite the starting point of the black line. on.

Until U Zhenbo didn't understand it, he had been studying the dimension for so long for nothing.

He danced and said: "Yes, yes, yes! In the case of only two dimensions, measuring the diameter can't go from the middle, it must go along the edge of the circle to the opposite side."

"So in a two-dimensional perspective with no concept of height, the diameter of a circle is equal to its semicircular arc! The circumference is twice the diameter, that is, π is equal to 2!"

If you want to imagine a dimension, you must substitute that perspective.

High-dimensional cannot be imagined, but low-dimensional is still possible.

A two-dimensional circle is the cross section of a sphere. Draw it on a piece of paper, then draw an ant, and let it climb on this circle.

Up to this point, everyone was right, and the wrong one was wrong. When calculating the diameter, they used their own three-dimensional biological perspective!

A three-dimensional person would draw a circle directly on the paper, and then connect a central axis in the middle, pass the center of the circle, and calculate the length. This is the diameter.

As everyone knows, this is a typical God's perspective!

In the actual two-dimensional world, two-dimensional ants cannot pass through the so-called ‘central axis’ in the middle, which is outside the universe! That's the way that high-dimensional creatures can go!

Ants will only crawl on the arc of the circle, it is impossible to "stand up", and it is impossible to overlook the circle and climb over the void in the middle! Then it is super dimensional.

When it climbed from the south pole of the circle to the north pole along the sideline, the ant scientist knew: "This is the diameter of the circle, it is D!"

After that, it crawled back to the South Pole along the other side from the North Pole. Get out of a circle! So he announced with joy: "The circumference of a circle is twice the diameter! π is equal to 2!"

If there is a **** who insists that the ants walk over the central axis and define the line of the circle with a bird's-eye view, it is equivalent to drawing only a straight line for the ants, which is definitely not good!

Because the definition of a circle, it must be able to go all the way from the starting point and back to the origin. This is called a circle!

Therefore, another such central axis must be drawn on the back of the paper. The ant walked once across the central axis from the front of the paper, then came to the back of the paper, and walked down the second central axis back to the origin.

In this way, a total of twice the central axis of the front and back sides is traversed, and the pi ratio is still equal to 2.

Occasionally Tuo said with emotion: "Then why is the three-dimensional not 3? Why is it an irrational number?"

Huang Ji smiled and said: "The dimensions we define are the most standard and concise dimensions. The actual multidimensional world is much more complicated than this. The π value of the standard three-dimensional model is 3."

"But we are not in the standard three-dimensional space-time, so the actual measured value is a bit larger."

"The universe has ten dimensions, not the'ten' dimensions."

"Between any two dimensions, there are countless dimensional space-times of'low-dimensional excess' and'high-dimensional not full'."

"Between 3 and 4, there are already infinite numbers, and they are not empty."

The two members of the Shinrisha Society glanced at each other with bitterness at the corners of their mouths. There was such a big problem with their dimensional understanding.

It's no wonder that there has been no progress. Obviously, the engineering is already very advanced, but theoretically, except for major problems.

"Can you prove it mathematically?" Takuma murmured accidentally.

Huang Ji smiled and said, "I have a wonderful proof method, but your hard drive is too small to fit."

Yu Zhenbo excitedly said: "How is it possible! If you can't fit it, I will make this star a quantum hard drive now!"

Huang Ji shook his head and said, "Even if you make all the matter in the observable universe into a quantum hard disk, you can't fit it."

The two were horrified, and said inconceivably: "How could it be so big! It's just a mathematical derivation, can it be recorded by the matter of the entire universe?"

"I photographed you in two dimensions, your height is zero, how old are you?" Huang Ji smiled.

The two were silent, and the answer is that infinity tends to infinity...

Huang Ji explained: “It is difficult to rigorously prove this with the existing mathematical tools, because it is too low-dimensional. Using low-dimensionality to calculate high-dimensionality, data tends to tend to infinity.”

"One dimension missing, that's a world of difference."

"So the dimensional model must use brand-new mathematical tools. I can't use the existing classical mathematics to prove to you that the pi is the dimensional value."

"This is the most difficult part of getting started with Dimension Technology. This is why many civilizations are stuck here."

"The normal way is to first assume that π is the absolute value of the dimensionality, and then build a dimensional model. After successfully analyzing the high-dimensional data, this can be disproved."

The Quantum Wormhole of the Truth Society has been perfected in engineering, and the 40,000 years of efforts by the Truth Society to immerse in this way are not in vain.

Unfortunately, the data model is too flawed, so there is no qualitative breakthrough.

It is as if supercomputers are still using old and backward operating systems.

However, this problem is not a problem for Huang Ji at all. When he started to get in touch with Dimensional Technology, he knew that "pi is the absolute value of the number of dimensions in which it is located".

It is equivalent to saying that it has passed a filter naturally! Many civilized theories would get stuck, and he just jumped over.

Occasionally Taku trembles excitedly, and growled: "What is the dimensional model like?"

Huang Ji guided: "In fact, think about what you can think of."

The two fell into deep thought, and Yu Zhenbo suddenly said: "Since the absolute value of the dimensionality is π, the rectangular coordinate system is definitely not complete, and it is better to use the spherical coordinate system."

"But how do you express the 3.1415926 coordinate axes? No matter how many dimensional axes are drawn in the sphere, it is always an integer number!"

By accident, Tuo stared: "Tell us! Huang Ji! What on earth do you do?"

Huang Ji tilted his head and said: "If you can't think of it, go back and ask the geniuses in your agency, someone can think of it. As long as the absolute value of π is known, it is only a matter of time before the model is built."

Yu Zhenbo said impatiently: "We have been abandoned for 40,000 years! I am about to die! Don't worry, I will personally capture the leaders of the dark stars for you when I turn around! What do you love!"

"Knowledge! Knowledge! I want to know what it looks like now! It must be beautiful! It must be beautiful!"

He rushed to Huang Ji's face, and he didn't even care that he didn't have a unified force field to protect him.

Huang Ji did not attack either, but reached out and touched his head.

Yu Zhenbo did not resist, his eyes fixed on Huang Ji.

Huang Ji said: "Single spherical coordinate system certainly does not work. It must be defined that any point on the surface of the sphere is not a'point', but a'spherical coordinate system'."

The two brains buzzed, and it suddenly dawned on them.

Such a large ball is composed of an infinite number of spherical coordinate systems, which is completely different from the "a straight line composed of an infinite number of points" in conventional mathematical tools.

This definition upgrades the spherical coordinate system!

Huang Ji continued: "You can't just define one layer. The small spheres above the big spheres themselves are made up of countless smaller spheres. Repeated and repeated this way, how many iterations, is equivalent to the exact number of digits after the decimal point of Pi.

"Theoretically, it takes endless iterations to be a perfect dimensional model."

"In this model, any three-dimensional coordinate point on the largest sphere is also an infinite number of different points on the spherical coordinate system."

"Connecting all their values ​​is an irrational number."

"This is the functional expression of the'three-dimensional coordinate system under a multi-dimensional volume', which also involves three-dimensional chaotic fractals."

The two of them are happy and joyous as they have won the treasure!

Occasionally Tuo laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha! That's right! Just say a coordinate, in this model, it must be an irrational number."

After all, pi cannot be exhausted, and there is no absolute circle in the world. Enlarged to a sufficient scale, its edge must not be round, otherwise it will not be an irrational number.

As long as there is no ‘infinite computer’, then the dimensional model can only be more precise, not the most precise.

The same is true for the dimensional model given by Huang Ji. Every inch of the sphere, enlarged, is not a rounded surface, but a fractal structure composed of countless smaller spheres.

In real life, the model does not require endless iterations. It can be iterated to the 10th -35th power, which is basically enough.

Iterate further, but the more iterations, the more precise.

It's like finding the value of π, finding dozens or hundreds of digits can be applied to most calculations, and finding hundreds of millions of digits after the decimal point is just showing off computing power.

This multi-dimensional function model is coupled with the perfect dimensional transformation formula discovered by Huang Ji, and combined with the knowledge of the two exploration roads of Taiwei Chinese and Truth Society.

Huang Ji successfully developed the high-dimensional communication technology of ‘Higher Dimensional Technology’.

The Truth Society consumes a lot of resources to build a quantum integrated wormhole, but it is just transmitting fuzzy and messy data, and it will take a long time to grind.

On the other hand, Huang Ji only uses a quantum wormhole and a small amount of energy to easily send data over distance.

As long as you know the soul model of the other party, even if people are in the cosmos, they can spread the word in an instant.

This efficiency has improved by not knowing how much, it is an exponential leap.

This is the qualitative breakthrough that Shinrisha dreams of.

"Exactly! Exactly! Woohoo! That's it!" The two were crazy for joy and wept with joy.

What is the knowledge they dream of? That is when they find out, they can immediately know ‘this is it’!

What is truth, that is, when you hear it, you know it is truth.

Next, the two of them asked a lot of detailed questions: "How to define the specific scale? For example, the center of the sphere should be directly defined as 1, or zero?"

"How long is the diameter of this spherical coordinate system defined? Infinity?"

Huang Ji only gave the model structure, but this is not the whole of the dimensional model. The actual model must be much more complicated than this, and there must be related decomposition equations and transformation formulas...

The workload is not trivial. It can be said that many of the original mathematical tools have to be updated.

The spool can be infinitely long, but although the Huangji model iterates inwardly, its ‘total bound’ is limited, just ‘bounded and boundless’.

So this sphere cannot be an infinite sphere, otherwise this model is meaningless.

This can also prove that the universe is actually finite.

They asked many questions and looked at Huang Ji expectantly.

However, Huang Ji sternly scolded, "I've reached this point. I don't know how to do the rest? Ask me everything, I can't do it myself!"

The two suddenly stagnated.

Huang Ji solemnly said: "The architecture is here. Go back and finish it yourself, write a paper back and send it with the pirates of the dark interstellar."

"If it is not qualified, the pirates don't have to give it away! Don't come to me in the future."

What this said actually has a problem. Pirates are part of the transaction. Huang Ji gives knowledge, and they catch pirates. Sending the pirates back is a matter of course to fulfill the agreement.

However, Huang Ji said that if the paper is unqualified, the pirates don't have to send it!

It seems that the outer pirates under the Shinrisha Club are their own business....

But unfortunately, the truth society two people instinctively did not hear the problem, but they were anxious: "How can I not do it! Give me time, it can be done!"

"I will give you the paper when I am back! I will blew myself if I fail! You will wait for me!"


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