The opening deceives the goddess and the royal sister to reward ten buildings

Chapter 209 A group of middle-two youngsters don’t learn well

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Starting to deceive the goddess Yujie rewards ten buildings search novels ("!The four girls were busy working together, and Lu Hanyue suddenly patted her head, as if thinking of something.

"I just remembered, won't there be a fundraiser tonight!"

Huang Lingling was stunned, randomly twisted her brows, stomped and said: "Oh, I forgot."

"But I promised my boyfriend."

Huang Lingling took out her mobile phone and took a look. As expected, the group was informing people that she had gone, and she couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"I guess he should be here by now."

As soon as the voice fell, the phone vibrated.

"Lingling, where are you? I'm at the gate of the school. Come out."

Chen Dong's voice came over the phone, causing the girls in the bedroom to hold their breath immediately.

"I will come out immediately!"

Huang Lingling replied, and ran out impatiently.

Soon Huang Lingling spotted Chen Dong at the school gate, mainly because Chen Dong's Ferrari was too eye-catching and could be seen at a glance.

Huang Lingling rushed over and hugged Chen Dong, and said coquettishly: "Goddaddy, Lingling missed you so much!"

Who can withstand this, Chen Dong immediately prepared to drive away!

However, Huang Lingling suddenly straightened her body and said weakly, "God, I forgot one thing just now. We have a fundraiser here. Would you like to wait for me for a while?"

"Oh, okay, what do you mean?" Chen Dong asked with a smile, holding Huang Lingling's waist.

Feeling the warmth from her waist, Huang Lingling whispered in Chen Dong's ear: "Or, the master will go with me?"

"Okay, then go take a look." Chen Dong nodded, and it would be nice to feel the lush atmosphere of the school.

Huang Lingling took a bite on Chen Dong's face and said, "Master is the best! Tonight, I will unlock more gestures for Master..."

Then the two got out of the car, and under Huang Lingling's leadership, the two came to the gym where the fundraiser was held.

The entire venue is divided into four floors. Below are basketball halls and small ball courts. The third floor above is a large conference room, which is mainly used by students to hold large-scale events.Beautiful novel

And further up, there is even a semi-open hall.

"Your school is so big, it's almost time to catch up with my opening ceremony!"

"How can it be compared with the master's group, it is a group of middle two youngsters who are young and don't learn well. They learn to hold donations from adults."

Huang Lingling ruthlessly exposed the essence of this fundraising activity.

There are several students at the gate, checking the invitation letters of the admissions.

"The main person in charge is the student union, but I have no interest in such activities, but they are mandatory." Huang Lingling looked bored.

Chen Dong sneered and said, "It's really interesting. It needs to be mandatory and an invitation letter."

Looking at the long dragon in front of him, I don't know when it was a head. This kind of activity is evident among the students.

Huang Lingling curled her lips and said: "In fact, these people come here for two purposes. One is to get acquainted with the Student Union, and the other is to make donations to increase credits."

"Hey, I'm just for credits." Huang Lingling said embarrassedly.

During a joke, the two depended on each other to the door.

"Please show the invitation letter." The student in charge of security said without raising his head.

As soon as Huang Lingling handed in the invitation letter, the person glanced symbolically, then glanced at Chen Dong beside Huang Lingling, then returned the invitation letter.

"Is there any problem? We are together."

Huang Lingling smiled and said sweetly: "This invitation letter can be used by two people at the same time, right?"

"You have two choices now. Either let this beautiful female classmate enter the arena alone, or go back and change my clothes honestly."

This was spoken to Chen Dong, his attitude was extremely impatient and impolite, and his chin was almost up to the sky.

"Is there anything wrong with my body?" Chen Dong put his hands in his pockets, angry and funny.

He came out only to take Huang Lingling over to sleep. Naturally, he didn't want to wear any good clothes, so he wore a short-sleeved t-shirt, a pair of beach pants, and proper home clothes.

But this was also what Ye Xuan bought for him in a high-end shopping mall, plus small underwear and slippers, this body is also worth seven to eighty thousand.

"Stop talking nonsense, go back and change clothes if you want to go in!"

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