The antique shop that Chen Feng looked at has a very antique decoration.

The shelves are neatly arranged with various antique collections, celebrity calligraphy and paintings, and facing the doorway, there is an old pendulum clock hanging.

At the door, an old man with a white beard was lying on a recliner with a pot of tea in his hand, listening to the opera on the radio.

Chen Feng took the three Su sisters into the store.

Su Yunzi walked around the store quickly, and said, "I don't think these are unusual. Although it says what dynasty it is, it can be faked."

Su Xinyan smiled and said, "Sixth Sister, I think the credibility of the objects here is much higher than the pile of small jewelry you just saw."

"Really?" Su Yunzi stared at a blue and white porcelain vase, "Sister Si, when did you learn about antiques?"

Su Xinyue relentlessly made up the knife on the side: "As long as a normal person can tell at a glance."

"Fifth sister, you are too venomous!"

Su Yunzi clenched her small fist and said angrily: "I decided to write you into my novel and make you a vicious female partner!"

Su Xinyue faintly curled her lips and said confidently: "Then the readers fell in love with the female partner, and the final outcome is that the female partner and the male lead are together."

"It's impossible. I control the direction of the plot alone." Su Yunzi blinked her bright apricot eyes triumphantly.

While the three sisters of the Su family were laughing, Chen Feng became interested in a fragrance.

From the material point of view, this fragrance is made of ceramics. The overall shape is a cute duck. There are three colors of color, namely goose yellow, grass green and ink black.

There are many small circular holes in the duck body, especially in the position of the double wings, which are used to distribute the fragrance.

The whole aromatherapy model is naive and cute. If you just take it out, it is generally difficult for anyone to associate it with precious antiques.

"Wow, what a cute little duck!" Su Yunzi was immediately attracted.

She glanced at the small card marked below: "This is actually an aromatherapy!"

Su Xinyan smiled and said: "I once painted this aromatherapy in a painting, but it was just a small object on the table. Many people focused on the characters, and very few people Pay attention to this fragrance."

"If you say so, this aromatherapy really existed at the time." Su Yunzi glanced at the dynasty marked on it, showing that it was the Tang Dynasty.

Su Xinyan nodded: "You see that the color of the aromatherapy was also the most brilliant Tang Sancai at the time. This type of aromatherapy was still quite popular among the nobles at that time, but—"

"Sister Si, just what?" Su Yunzi asked curiously.

"It's just that I can't tell if this is real or fake." Su Xinyan looked at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng answered earnestly: "This piece is indeed genuine."

"That must be expensive." Su Yunzi put her right hand in her pocket, and tightened the fake hairpin she bought at a high price.

"Boss..." Su Xinyan looked at the old man with white beard lying in the doorway.

As soon as the voice fell, the two young men chatted and strode into the store.

One is dressed in camouflage casual clothes and the other is in a royal blue custom suit.

Chen Feng didn't need to look at his face, just by looking at this bright dress, he knew that one of them was He Mingyuan, and the other was Bi Yuntao, who was as strange as his name.


As soon as Bi Yuntao saw Su Xinyue, his eyes went wide, and his eyeballs couldn't wait to stick to Su Xinyue's face.

"Isn't this Miss Su? What a coincidence, it's really fate to be able to meet you here!"

Bi Yuntao's face was drooling, and he stared at Su Xinyue's beautiful face with squinted eyes, not even willing to blink his eyes.

Su Xinyue didn't bother to look at Bi Yuntao.

"Miss Su, why are you so indifferent to me, don't you remember me?"

Su Xinyue watched him acting with cerebral palsy eyes and asked coldly: "Should I know you?"

Bi Yuntao smiled and said: "Ms. Su is a noble lady who forgets things, then I will simply introduce myself, my dear, Bi Yuntao, my dad just opens..."

"Okay, you don't need to introduce it." Su Xinyue interrupted directly in disgust, "just hearing your name feels disgusting enough."

Bi Yuntao's expression changed, but then he returned to normal.

He continued with a smile and said: "Miss Su, we met at the reception last year. I found that you are much more beautiful and better in shape than you were then, and we had a good time at that time. Conversation, do you remember?"

Su Xinyue had no impression of Bi Yuntao in her mind.

"At that time, I confessed to you that you rejected me and I agreed with you. If you don't have a boyfriend after a year, then you will give me a chance to pursue you."

Bi Yuntao raised his eyebrows and asked triumphantly: "Now, should you remember it?"

Su Xinyue really remembered what Bi Yuntao said.

However, what happened at the reception that day was not as pleasant as this guy said.

What promises and opportunities were all made up by this guy himself, Su Xinyue never agreed.

And she still remembered that under Bi Yuntao's constant entanglement, she was so angry that she poured a glass of red wine directly on him.

I have seen a thick-skinned person, but it is really rare to see someone with a thick-skinned face.

"You have delusion, you can go to the hospital for treatment."

Bi Yuntao was immediately unhappy: "Miss Su, this was agreed by us at the time. Now almost a year has passed, and I have the right to pursue you. You will never refuse me again!"

Su Xinyue snorted coldly: "I think you were caught in the door when you went out. I said that I was not interested in you, so don't bother me anymore."

"If you don't give me a chance, how can you know that you are not interested in me?" Bi Yuntao played his shameless specialties.

Su Yunzi snickered on the side: "Here is another toad who wants to eat swan meat."

"Sister Wu's rotten peach blossoms, one after another, you can't stop it no matter what." Su Xinyan smiled.

Su Xinyue glared at both of them coldly.

"Miss Su, we are here again today. I think this is a fate arranged by the heavens. It is better for us to find a place and lie down... No, just sit down and have a chat, how about?"

Su Xinyue directly refused: "No, I already have a fiance."

"What?" Bi Yuntao widened his eyes in surprise, almost thinking that there was a problem with his hearing.

The fifth lady of the Su family has a fiance. How could he have never heard of such a big thing!?

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