The crowds talked about it, and the eyes were curious to see Chen Feng.

At this time, Chen Feng has fried sesame seeds, and the rich aroma is filled throughout the spacious rencil, and even the moon can't help but explore the head from the thick cloud.

He put the fried sesame seeds, after the crushing, add a small amount of food and mix evenly.

"It turned out that this kid was stir-fry!"

"But it is speculating a sesame, and there is no skill, this is not who speculates who is fragrant!"

"Look at him, I will know that he is not a professional chef. I really don't know why he will bring him over and we have a dish!"

"Security, why not bomb out this trouble!"

Chen Feng fake did not hear this group of people's discussion, and slowly put it into a casserole in the casserole, poured into the appropriate amount of water.

During the process of cooking glutinous rice, Chen Feng took 3 grams of purple leaves, 15 grams of brown sugar and 3 grams of ginger.

When the cook is in love with Chen Feng, it is worthwhile to see Chen Feng, see Chen Feng is checkered, and can't help but cry.

"Even if my grandson, the ginger is better than him!"

"I have to look at it, just use ginger and brown sugar, what are you doing!"

"But it's so the disability, such a dish, don't say that it is not to eat for the guests, even if you give you, you will not look at it!"

"But you look carefully, what he cut is really good, so fine!"

"If you give ginger, I don't know, but I dare to determine that the clothes outside this kid are definitely fine!"



Immediately, Chen Feng cut the root to the hair silk, and then put it in the porcelain cup with Zi Sui, put on brown sugar, brewed with hot hot water.

At this time, the glutinous rice that is cooked in the casserole has softened, becomes soft, and the fragrance of silk is softer.

Chen Feng opened the lid and a more rich aroma fluttered.

"smell good!"

"Just cook a porridge, there is such a fragrant smell, it is really surprised!"

"Use the glutinous rice, so can cook such a fragrance, what is so surprised?"

"Change it to me, cooked porridge is definitely more than one hundred times more than this!"

The crowd couldn't help but furnish the neck and see the porridge of Chen Feng.

They have shown disdainful appearance, but the eye beads are like magnets that are absorbed on the porridge of Chen Feng.

Then, Chen Feng put the grinding sesamely on the porridge, a bowl of hot, and the fragrant black sesame porridge cooked.

" ~"

" ~"

A sound of a swallowing water was loud in two links.

"Who is in the water?"

"Hi ~ I am not me, it is definitely not me!"

"But it is a bowl of Puchong's sesame porridge, no one will do it!"

"My Buddha is going to be ready, I will definitely let He Lao's guests will look at it!"

Chen Feng showed his crowd to his crowd laugh, and then slowly raised his hand, and opened his bubble.

The hot air of the silk is smooth, and the soft ginger is smashed with a purple leaves, like a perfect craft, soaking in a clear and clean brown sugar water.

The faint ginger is mixed with sweet brown sugar flavor, and she hasn't drank a bite. When I look at it, I have already feel that I feel warm.

"Hahaha, a bowl of porridge, a cup of tea, there is something wrong with this two, who is the courage to make your courage?"

"Tonight, why is the old banquet to make a dinner, you are two things, even if you lose the road to the road, you are not rare!"

"The township of the township, the things made, and you don't feel the same as you!"

"Kid, do you have a professional chef? Which hotel are you from, what kind of honor is you got?"

In the face of the chef's question, Chen Feng lifted his head and smiled faintly: "You kitchen -"

I saw Chen Fengzun, saying that they showed a smile on the face of the chef, the crowd.

"Don't try to be with us."

"We have never seen anything like, your kid don't play a trick!"

"Don't think that you call me a chef, I will give you a good look."

"What is your food, is it like you? What is the relationship to bring you here?"

"If I guess it is right, should you feed He Yaojia's cat dog?"

The voice just fell, suddenly caused a little laughter.

"You -" Chen Feng looked at the position of the pot.

"What? What are we!?" A chef fiercely stunned Chen Feng.

Chen Fengfei's mouth hook: "Your calendar."

A rich and fruked odor suddenly turned through the next kitchen.

"Wipe, really burnt!"

"Ah, my Buddha jumped!"

"It's over, what is going to be blamed!"

"The stinky boy blames you, harming our dishes!"

The crowds have screamed for their jobs to start remedy.

Chen Feng poured a glass of ginger tea from the porcelain cup, and drunk slowly.

I haven't drank two mouths, I slipped into the kitchen.

Chen Feng looked at it and felt that this figure was very familiar.

Take a closer look, this is not He Lao!

"He old."

"Hey!" He Dongfang went to Chen Feng, and saw the tea cup in Chen Feng's hand. "Xiaofei, what is your drink?"

Chen Feng smiled: "He is old, this is the ginger sugar, Jiang sugar, I."

"Jiang Yan Su Ye Drink?" He Dongfang smashed some frozen hands, thinking that Sujia sisters said that Chen Feng cook and could be very delicious, immediately request, "I will give me a cup!"


Chen Feng immediately gave He Dongfang also poured a cup.

He Dongfang took it immediately to drink a big mouth.

Suddenly, a hot flow is warm and warm.

"Well!" He I couldn't help but nod to praise, "Good tea, Xiaofeng, your tea is good, and you have a fight with you!"

Said, he also pointed to the ginger in the tea cup, asked curiously: "What is this?"

Chen Feng explained: "This is ginger, but also added some purple leaves."

"Oh, no wonder this name ~" He Dongfang nodded, provoke a few ginger and put it in his mouth, chew in detail.

"The taste is really good, no wonder Sujia's few little girls will praise your cooking!" He Dongfang laughed, "Even if it is just a simple hot drink, you can feel your good!"

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