The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 883: The contest between Chixia and Su dye (2)

He is very well maintained, regardless of Lonki's face.

"In the future, Chi Xia will be a member of Rong Xi's designer!" Coldly confessed to Lorge, his eyes turned to Fang Chi Xia. "Is everything ready? The press conference will soon it has started."

"Already prepared."

"Then sit back in the seat first."

Not even giving Lonchi a chance to talk to her, Luo Yibei took her straight to her seat.

Fang Chi Xia also has his own seat, Luo Yibei arranged for her the second row, and Su Ding Ping.

Su Su dyed in Rong Xi for so long, the name is also long-awaited, and the prestige in Rong Xi is very high.

What is the newcomer who has not yet stepped into the design threshold of Fang Chixia?

When Su Ding looked at Fang Chi Xia’s seat, his heart was overturned with a five-flavored bottle, which was not a taste.

After Fang Chi Xia sat down, she put her attention on the stage and did not look in her direction.

The theme of Rongxi’s jewelry this season is called “Blue Night”.

According to the name of the new color of most jewelry in this quarter, the sea blue.

The blue water is blue, the blue is thorough, and the blue is thrilling.

Fang Chixia didn't know the theme of this issue when she designed her own necklace. She was mistakenly hit, and the biggest diamond in her hand was blue.

The launch of the conference officially began in a few minutes, with a very beautiful theme advertisement kicked off.

The theme advertisement design is also very innovative. The picture is the sea surface in the morning sun. A very popular European and American model mermaid is surrounded by waves and rises slowly from the sea.

The inspiration for this picture is actually from the ancient Greek mythology, the birth of the **** Venus.

The jewelry worn on the body was introduced by Rong Xi in the first phase. This issue has not been made public for the time being.

It was just an advertisement, and everyone’s eyes were all absorbed in the past.

The location of Luo Yibei is just in front of Fang Chi Xia.

He was very cold in his face and kept staring at the stage.

After the theme advertisement came to an end, it was followed by the voice of the conference ceremonies, using the languages ​​of various countries.

“Thanks to all the guests tonight, the official press conference will start in one minute. If you see the satisfactory works, remember to write down the work number. After the press conference, Rongxi will hold a unified auction for everyone. It will be sold in the form of an auction."

Simply confessed, he stood aside and one piece was pushed out by a special bodyguard pushing the showcase.

“The first piece tonight is from Miss Su dye! Miss Su Ding’s work is a bracelet. The chain pendant is made of 98 diamonds of the finest cutting process. Each diamond is worth more than 10 million yuan. Platinum The shape of the chain, the shape of the pendant is maple leaf, and the workmanship is extremely delicate..."

The host made a lot of introductions, deliberately emphasizing the value of Su Ning's necklace, at least one billion.

Her work is higher than the price at one time.

Su family has money, she may have no concept of money, and the cost per work is very high.

This time, if the auction is to be auctioned up, it will start at a minimum of one billion.

After the introduction of the host, there was an exclamation in the field.

There is appreciation for the work, and there is also amazement at this price.

One billion, even if the people on the scene have more money, shouldn’t it be a small amount?

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