It's rare for someone to ask the price. The boss immediately said enthusiastically, "if you like it, I'll sell you one hundred Liang and make a market. This is a loss price! If the peacock is not black, this jade ornament can definitely sell more than 3000 Liang!"

This peacock ornament was put in the store. Every guest was surprised at first sight, and then saw the black on the peacock's back, and didn't even ask the price.

If this jade had been made into a jade pendant, it would not have lost so much money.

"I think this peacock carrying a black pot is very cute. I want to buy it for fun. Shopkeeper, can it be cheaper? Fifty Liang! I'll buy fifty Liang! Just buy one toy."

Yuan Li: "young master, don't buy fifty Liang. Since this jade can carve black on the peacock's back, maybe there is black in other parts of the jade. Isn't it black pot and black heart? The moral is bad! The old lady will scold you. I'll take you to buy a better peacock."

Nalan Jinnian looked at the pure light in her warm eyes, as if it were a broken night star.

He didn't speak, just stood beside her, acted as a protector, and let her bargain, while Yuan Li pulled the cat's tail.

The boss naturally knows that what Yuan Li said is not unreasonable.

There is indeed a risk, so he didn't polish the ornament directly, otherwise even if he could only make a few pieces of jade pendant, he could earn back some silver!

"Fifty Liang is too low! All the others are good jade! Young master, let's take a step back? I'm really losing money! Eighty Liang! Fifty Liang is really losing money!"

Yuan Li: "boss, you're unkind. What's the matter with us if you lose money? If we buy it, you'll make a profit! We'll lose money! It can't be sold at all! If ordinary people don't want to buy it, rich people won't buy it! Don't buy it, young master. If we buy it, we'll lose eighty Liang!"

Warm listened, thought and nodded: "that's right, so don't buy it!"

Then he went out.

The boss was worried:

"Forget it, forget it, seventy-two! It can't be less. What a loss!"

This ornament has not been bought in the shop for five years. If you can earn tens of Liang, it is tens of Liang.

Warm pointed to a few inferior jades at his feet: "boss, sixty Liang, send me the pile of inferior jades at the door and I'll buy it! Boss, if you want to be clear, you can't sell this ornament here, but you can't even earn sixty Liang!"

Boss: "... How many pieces of jade do you want me to send for sixty liang? Little girl, you can count!"

Warm: "is that jade? I'm helping the boss clean up the garbage?"

Yuan Li: "boss, what do you mean by the pile of inferior products?"

The boss's face was red. He waved his hand: "forget it, sixty-two, sixty-two!"


Finally, warm spent sixty-two to buy a jade ornament, three pieces of inferior jade, and happily went to the next shop.

Yuan Li left the address and asked the boss to deliver the goods.

Next, each family picked the cheapest ornaments, all defective products, and then asked the boss to give her a pile of inferior jade.

In the end, Yuan Li finally knew that warmth came here to buy the worst!

The purpose is to let the boss give her a pile of inferior jade.

Miss Wen's eyes are really different, and her style of behavior is more incomprehensible to him as a normal person!

It's weird!

Finally, the three came to a large raw stone trading venue.

The site is large and divided into several areas.

The ground was filled with raw stones one by one. Many people chose raw stones everywhere. The scene was quite lively.

I saw a familiar face from a distance.

There was also a sign in the area guarded by the man: the original stone produced by the imperial green jade mine.

I took a warm look at Nalan Jinnian. The purpose of this trip is here!

Nalan Jinnian looked down at her: "what's the matter?"

Warm shook his head and went straight.

Nalan Jinnian's mouth is slightly raised, keep up.

Wen Jiafu was sitting in a shed with a sad face.

These days, the raw stones mined from the jade mine and the jade cut out are of poor quality. The county magistrate dare not cut any more.

So I rented a site here to sell raw stones.

In the first two days, he could sell several raw stones every day and made more than 2000 Liang. He was very excited!

But these two days, no one cares!

Because none of the people who bought the original stone produced a good jade. If it was spread, everyone would not come.

Warm three people came to Wen Jiafu.

"Why didn't anyone pick the original stone here?" Warm surprised.

Wen Jiafu looked at the three people and was very angry. He hadn't seen them these days.

He saw at a glance that the warmth was a young master, and the material of his clothes was very good!

The other two should be family servants to protect him.

From out of town?

Wen Jiafu immediately came and stood up enthusiastically: "welcome, my guests! Do you want to buy jade? The original stones here are expensive and good! Because they are expensive, most people are not willing to buy them, so few people come.

But the young master doesn't lack silver at first sight. Young master, you can choose it casually. If you choose it, I'll give you a preferential price! "

No shortage of silver?

I'm not short of silver,

Warm listened to his words, proudly raised her head, put her hands behind her, dressed as a master, and walked around this area.

Wen Jiafu was a little excited when he saw her like this. It's best to cheat children!

Warm took a look at the dozens of raw stones placed on the ground, knew it well, and then pointed to the largest one and said, "I want this one. It's good at first sight. How much silver?"

When Wen Jiafu saw the warmth, he wanted to be the biggest. He thought that it was really the child's nature. How can he understand jade!

Only know to pick the biggest, then think it is the best.

He was excited, but his face didn't show. He smiled and said, "young master, you really have a vision. This jade is the treasure of our town store! My jade mine was found because it produced an Imperial Green Jade! This original stone is very similar to the original Imperial Green Jade! If you want, I'll sell you 3000 Liang!"

"Three thousand liang? Not expensive!" With a warm gesture, Yuan Li pulled her: "young master, you can't!"

"Boss, your original stone is famous. It's 100% inferior jade. None of the ten pieces is good jade. It's also said to be Imperial Green! Cheat the ghost! Don't try to cheat my young master! I think this is a stone, not even inferior jade! Three liang of silver is not worth it, three thousand Liang! Young master, let's pick it elsewhere." Yuan Li said loudly.

They are here today.

Recently, Yuan Li has been making people pay attention to the movement of the jade mine. The periphery of the jade mine has been almost open. It's time to take it back.

Warm surprise: "is it really a stone?"

Yuan Li: "of course, the whole street has spread."

Wen Jiafu's heart clicked, but his face didn't show, and he pretended to be angry and said:

"Brother, your eyes are not as good as your young master! How can you believe those rumors? Everyone is jealous of our original stone, so they deliberately spread rumors!

Brother said the treasure of my shop in this town is stone? I'm sure every stone in my family can be carved out of jade. Every original stone here has been appraised by an experienced teacher. It can produce jade 100 percent! "

Inferior jade is also jade. He didn't cheat.

Warm stare big eyes, a curious face: "do you dare to guarantee that all are jade? Then I bought them all, did I make a lot of money?"

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