After the celebration banquet, it was almost dawn.

Lin Tingxuan had a child in one hand. He returned to the general's house with two and warm.

The two children are happy to surround Lin Tingxuan because of their father's return today and new year's Eve. They are crazy. Now they have fallen asleep on their father's thick shoulders.

Lin Tingxuan took the two children to their room and placed them in their respective beds with warm assistance.

Warm tucked in the quilt for her daughter, then leaned down and gently kissed her pink face.

When she straightened up, she bumped into a warm embrace and surrounded her in a burning moment.

Lin Tingxuan hugged her tightly and buried his face in the nest of her neck: "I miss you so much. I've worked hard for you these years! I'm sorry, thank you!"

He had just been married for more than a month, and then he left for three years.

She survived the October pregnancy alone.

She survived the birth alone.

Confinement didn't take care of her.

The child was brought up by her hard work!

For her, he has too much guilt, debt and gratitude!

Warm hands around his waist: "thank you for coming back safely. It's worth everything to me!"

Lin Tingxuan's sour eyes were moist in an instant.

He quickly raised her chin and sealed her lips.

Warm and urgent, I want to pour out all my thoughts over the years!

"This is the child's house." Warm finally found the gap and said.

"I'm in a hurry." Lin Tingxuan picked up the warmth and strode to their house.

He's in a hurry!

He waited too long to be reunited with her!

He waited too long for her to stay together!


After a crazy night, it's afternoon to wake up.

There was no temperature next to her. If she wasn't too tired, she suspected that she had a dream last night.

She lay in bed, thinking of something, smiled.

Then there was a cheer outside the house.

She quickly got out of bed, went to the window, opened the window and looked out.

Lin Tingxuan is playing with his two children.

Lin Tingxuan is far away, five meters away, but he can still hit.

The two children screamed with joy.

"Daddy is so powerful!"

"Daddy is so powerful, much more powerful than my mother! Daddy is as powerful as aunt queen! Aunt queen can hit so far!"

Lin Tingxuan was ashamed when he heard the speech: where is the queen!

But you can't say that in front of children! It detracts from his tall image.

"Dad, next time you have a competition with the Queen's aunt! My mother loses every time, which makes me ashamed in front of the little yellow face." Xiao Bao took Lin Tingxuan's big palm and coquettishly said.

Lin Tingxuan: "

Compete with the queen? He dare not say he will lose too!

I'm worried about how to refuse without losing my tall image.

Then he heard the sound of the window.

Lin Tingxuan quickly turned his head and said happily, "my mother is awake!"

The two children quickly turned their heads and saw their warm smiling faces through the window. They ran away.

"Mom, mom, come out quickly. Dad is so powerful!"

"Mom, why do you sleep so long? Dad is teaching us to throw the shell. I hit it twice!"

Warm and Lin Tingxuan's line of sight meet in the air.

Lin Tingxuan smiled with tenderness.

Warm smile.


Her dream came true at last.

The happiness she wants is actually so simple.

The whole family lives together.


Lin Tingxuan followed the two children into the house.

As soon as the two children entered the house, they held a warm thigh.

Dabao: "Mom, are you awake? Are you tired?"

Xiao Bao: "Mom, what did you do last night? Why didn't you sleep?"

Warm unknown, so: "my mother is not tired, my mother slept last night!"

Xiaobao was surprised: "did you sleep? But why did dad say you didn't sleep last night? You were tired and didn't sleep until dawn. Let's not quarrel with you. He plays with us."

Dabao nodded: "Mom, why are you so tired when you don't sleep at night? You should sleep until the sun is going down. You can ask Dabao for help in the future. Don't bother yourself, you know?"

At this time, Lin Tingxuan came in and said with a smile, "you can't help. Your mother is trying to give you a brother or sister!"

The warm moment turned red. She stared at him and said something nonsense in front of the child?

The two people jumped up with excitement, "really? Dabao wants a brother! A brother as smart as Xiao Huang, I can teach my brother to catapult!"

"Xiaobao wants his sister. I play butterfly fluttering games with my sister, play family and play dolls. I give my dolls to my sister!"

Lin Tingxuan smiled and said, "well, well, our brothers and sisters want one. My father and mother will work hard!"

Xiaobao nodded, then stared at the warm stomach: "OK! Mom, I want to have a sister quickly. You were busy all night last night. Do I have a sister?"

Dabao also stared at the warm stomach: "Mom, you were busy last night. Did you want a brother, a sister, or both brothers and sisters?"

Xiao Bao: "it's best to have both brothers and sisters!"

Dabao nodded: "yes."

They have seen warm and gentle with big stomachs, so they know that their brothers and sisters come out of their mothers' stomachs!

Warm cry and laugh: "don't listen to your father Hu! No."

Xiaobao was silly: "no, Dad lied to us?"

A little want to cry.

She really wants her sister!

Lin Tingxuan hurriedly coaxed, "no, dad didn't lie, but my brother and sister can't have it in one night. It takes many days. You know, you can't have a pregnancy in October. It can't be urgent."

Dabao comforted his sister: "Xiaobao, have you forgotten how long cousin Ze lived in aunt Rou's stomach?"

Xiaobao thought that her gentle stomach seemed to be big for a long time. For a long time, she forgot how many days before cousin Ze ran out!

Xiao Bao said, "Mom, please keep working hard and try to have a sister for me as soon as possible!"

Warm doesn't know how to answer her. She stares at Lin Tingxuan. It's all your fault!

Lin Tingxuan hugged Xiaobao and coaxed him: "you can't be anxious to have a sister. Your parents will work hard. Now will your father and mother name Xiaobao and Dabao first?"

Warm has been waiting for him to come back and name Dabao and Xiaobao together.

He knew that the two children were more than three years old from their happiness to their birth. He didn't participate as a father

Their eyes lit up: "OK!"

Cousin, they all have names! Only I don't.

So, a family of four took out a dictionary and carefully named it.

Lin Tingxuan and Wenxin have played many roles together. Xiaobao and Dabao don't like it.

Finally, Lin Tingxuan said, "maybe Xiaobao is called Nianxin and Dabao is called nianxuan, so everyone will know that Dabao and Xiaobao are your children and me."

The most important thing is that in the past three years, he has madly missed her and their children. He is very sorry that he has missed the child since its birth!

These thoughts are the motivation to support her to kill the enemy bravely and not let herself fall on the battlefield.

He couldn't leave her alone, a child he hadn't even met.

Xiao Bao repeated, "Lin Nianxin, this sounds good. I want this name!"

Xiaobao also nodded: "Dad is right. Nianxuan sounds good!"

The warm moment understood his intention, but she hesitated: "isn't that the same name with us? Isn't it against etiquette?"

The ancients named their children after their elders.

"What's the matter? I don't care about these. Do you care? Besides, children are our blood, the crystallization of me and you, the constant involvement of our life, the continuation of our lives and the continuation of our names, isn't it better?"

These three years, how much I miss her, how much she misses herself!

The warm moment was convinced, "then use these two names!"

She likes what he said. Children are our blood, the crystallization of me and you, the constant involvement of our life, and the continuation of our life.

"Yeah! We have a name!" The two little children jumped up with joy.

Lin Tingxuan held his warm hand: "in this life, I want to be with you, have more children and deeper ties."

Warm and gentle smile: "OK."

(end of this chapter)

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