I know my warm plan and my master's ambition.

Next, Feng an and He Ping worked harder, and they would ask him if they didn't understand anything.

Warmth is not a mean person. She always knows everything about others' advice.

It's getting colder and colder, but it still doesn't snow.

There are daily letters in Beijing urging Na lanjinnian to return to Beijing for the new year as soon as possible.

But he still didn't care!

Nalan Jinnian still reports to his warm home every evening.

Sometimes Feng Nianchen will come, and everyone who buys it knows that these two people are here for dinner.

And the meals they eat are cooked by themselves.

When she taught Li Mei how to cook, everyone tasted the dishes she cooked.

It's delicious!

After eating, people will have endless aftertaste. After eating, they want to eat again!

Everyone admired Nalan Jinnian very much.

But he was too cold. As long as he was there, everyone dared not breathe.

When the warmth saw that Xiaonian had arrived, Nalan Jinnian and Feng Nianchen had no intention of returning to Beijing. They were surprised and said, "don't you return to Beijing for the new year?"

"It's not urgent. I'm worried that when I go back, I'll be poisoned again, and then the gods can't save me." Nalan Jinnian looked at her with a smile.

Warm white gave him a look: is he so stupid?

Nalan Jinnian couldn't help laughing at her expression: "I'll return to Beijing tomorrow. I have to be hungry for many days."

Today he came to say goodbye.

Aster was making tea for the two and was stunned.

Do you know how amazing it is that the flowers on the mountain open in an instant?

Probably like his smile at the moment.

Aster was so amazed that the tea was almost full that he didn't find it.

Warm took her hand: "enough, pour it again."

Aster hurried back: "three girls, I'm sorry."

Warm put: "it's all right, you go down!"

Shiwan hurried back. It's terrible. The three girls won't sell her, will they?.

After Shiwan retired, Nalan Jinnian said, "you servant girl can't do it."

Warm white gave him a look: "it's all right, don't laugh!"

The demon laughed and she was distracted!

Nalan Jinnian: "

It's still his fault?!

Is she favoring her servant girl?

Warm and strange way: "are the things in the palace so bad?"

Feng Nianchen: "it's really awful! Little master, what do you have for your new year's Eve dinner?"

Warm reported a string of dish names.

Feng Nianchen waved his big hand: "little master, I'll spend the new year in your house this year!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him lightly and didn't speak.

The next day, Feng Nianchen was still in bed, so he was directly thrown into the carriage by Nalan Jinnian and returned to Beijing first.

Before dawn this day, Dahui and Xiaohei went down the mountain. Warm prepared a lot of dry food and cakes for them, and asked Dahui to take them to Nalan Jinnian for them to eat on the road.

Big ash gave a warm look with pathetic eyes and a worried look at Xiaobai before he reluctantly left.

Warm: "

Big grey, are you afraid of abusing Xiaobai?

Warm looked at the round little white.

Well, big ash, don't worry. When you come back, there will definitely be a very slim daughter-in-law!

Xiaobai shivers under the warm eyes!

Why doesn't big ash take himself away?


The next day, there was still no snow.

It is said that auspicious snow heralds a good year. Only when there is thick snow in winter can the insects in the ground freeze to death and the harvest in the coming year be good.

Although it doesn't often snow in winter in Ningyuan County, it will happen once or twice a year!

Because the year is approaching, many families with pigs begin to kill new year pigs, hold pig killing banquets, and invite people in the village to eat pig killing dishes.

When we had dinner together, I don't know who said that although it was cold this winter, why didn't it snow so late?

After hearing this, Zhu frowned and said with a worried face, "the weather is a little abnormal! Isn't there any bad omen?"

Many people listened with a click in their hearts.


The next day, there was a rumor in the village that the weather this year was abnormal and there was no snow. It was because the wenjiarui family planted winter wheat and offended the land father-in-law. God began to punish everyone.

This rumor warms the family. They also heard that Wu and Wang worship God every day and ask the Bodhisattva to bless God and hurry to snow.

Wen Jiarui is also worried. He wakes up every day to see if it snows.

So two days later, it still didn't snow, so the rumor became more and more intense. Some villagers even couldn't help holding a hoe to hoe the wheat in their warm home fields!

However, there are several wolves guarding the wheat field and rice field of warm home day and night. As soon as they get close, those wolves run fiercely, and everyone is afraid!

Those villagers can only go to warm their homes and knock on the door.

"Wen Jiarui, you're killing everyone! It's not snowing! Shovel your wheat quickly! Otherwise, what shall we do if we don't have a harvest next year?"

"It's not snowing! The Lord's punishment is coming! Please burn those wheat quickly!"

"Wen Jiarui! Didn't you say that if God has punishment, you can bear it all? The punishment of God is coming! You hurry out and bear it! Are you satisfied because you want to kill everyone?"


The people outside were noisy, and the warm family naturally heard it.

At this time, the gate of the courtyard opened and wenjiarui and wenjiarui came out together. Feng an and He Ping protected the two people from the villagers.

When Wen Jiarui came out, the quarrel became more fierce, and they didn't pay attention to Feng an.

"Wen Jiarui, look, it's not snowing. Hurry to shovel the wheat in the field!"

"Hurry up! It's going to kill people."

Mr. Wen did not rush over: "old four, hurry up, listen to everyone and shovel the wheat! Otherwise there will be a natural disaster next year, you can't afford it!"


Wen Jiarui: "Ningyuan county has tried to encounter warm winter before. It doesn't snow in winter. The wheat was planted by the Bodhisattva. Now it is growing well and can't be shoveled."

"If it doesn't snow, the next year's harvest will fall by half! Do you want to starve everyone? If the Bodhisattva let the seed grow, will it not snow? I don't care. Shovel it! Otherwise, if the next year's harvest is bad, will you compensate?"

"Yes! If it doesn't snow, the harvest will be bad! Can you afford it?"

"Shovel the wheat quickly! Please!"

"Old four, why are you so stubborn!"


Everyone is full of gossip.

Looking up at the warm sky, it was much colder this morning. The cirrus clouds in the sky were getting thicker and thicker, like ground glass covering the sun.

This is a sign of rain and snow.

Warm and light way: "it will snow in two days. If it doesn't snow in two days, we will shovel off the wheat in the field."

Wen Jiarui gave a warm look in surprise.

"Warm sister?"

The girl said so solid teeth.

Can she call the wind and rain?

Does the person in the dream still have the ability to call the wind and rain?

After hearing this, the villagers immediately shouted, "will it snow in two days? Is it true? If you lie to us, we will burn the wheat field with a fire! Wen Jiarui, say a word!"

"You said, I'll give you two more days. If it doesn't snow, you'll shovel the wheat!"

"Yes! In two days, don't keep your word! Otherwise you won't shovel me!"


Warm nodded: "I said."

"Wen Jiarui, show your attitude! Will you promise to warm sister?"

"Yes, you say it!"


Wen Jiarui recovered from his shock: "my daughter can do whatever she says."

"Well, wait two more days. If you don't shovel it off, I'll report it to the official!"

"If I don't shovel it off in two days, I'll set it on fire!"


Several people scolded and left.

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