The next day, they returned to Ningyuan county.

On the official road, you can see people working hard on the loess ground.

The rice in Ningyuan county is several days earlier than that in Nanning county. Now the late rice has been harvested, and everyone is in a hurry to plant winter wheat.

The setting sun dragged the busy shadow of the field long.

Within three years, more than 70% of the people in Naran will no longer be hungry.

The remaining 30% are those very poor people who are so poor that they don't even have a piece of inferior farmland in their family.

Nalan Jinnian took a slight look at the girl who fell asleep on her body: it's all his girl's credit!

When the carriage drove down the official road, the warmth woke up.

"Here we are?" Warm stretched.

Habit became natural. Warmth was used to sleeping on his shoulder in the carriage, and he didn't feel embarrassed.

"Well, it's at the head of the village."

When the carriage passed the old house, warm heard a burst of laughter.

This situation is only when the big house family goes back to the village.

The warmth lifted the curtain and took a look.

Sure enough, I saw Wen Yu's elated face.

She thought for a moment. Qiuwei was coming soon. No wonder they were willing to come back.

The gate of the courtyard was not closed, and Wen Yu saw the warm carriage passing by.

She pursed her lips: I really hope the plague family can get more credit!

My sister is pregnant with the emperor's great grandson and the next emperor of Nalan!

No matter how much credit their family has made, they only work for her nephew, huh

She will be the emperor's little aunt in the future.

The carriage flashed by, and the warmth did not pay attention to the family.

Do not die!

He soon returned to the end of the village.

At this time, there was no desolation at the end of the village a year ago. High courtyard walls and several courtyards had been built in that wasteland.

It is estimated that it will be completed next year.

Now the village tail has become the most prosperous place in the whole village. Qingshiban road is paved all the way from the village tail to the village entrance.

The carriage entered the house.

When she saw them coming back, she couldn't help saying, "I'm willing to come back at last! I'm not happy!"

Warm smiled: "where are my parents and grandma?"

"Today, the rice is just dried in the sun. They all went to the rice drying farm to say that the output of late rice this year has increased. This year's rice is growing very well."

Warm listened to the note: "I'll have a look, too."

"Weigh the output? I'll go and have a look!"

Nalan Jinnian and warm walked to the grain drying field.

The eighth Princess followed her very consciously.

Before they came near, they heard a shout!

"1328 Jin! The yield per mu is 1328 Jin!"

The whole village was boiling: "oh my God! 1328 Jin! My family only collected 328 Jin of late rice last year! A whole thousand more Jin!"

"Ha ha, I don't have to worry about starvation this time. I'm full! My family has collected 1190 kilograms per mu of land this year! Ha ha..."

"I never dreamed that there would be a day when you don't have to worry about starvation! The yield per mu is thousands of kilograms. There is hope at last! There is hope..."


The villagers laughed until tears came out.

Some people knelt on the ground, holding a sack of rice and crying with joy.

Some were so happy that they picked up the child and went around in circles.

Some looked up at the sky and forced their tears back,

Some people secretly smile and wipe their tears, but the tears flow more and more

Princess eight was deeply touched by this scene and her eyes were red.

"The wishes of the people are actually very simple. They just want to have enough to eat."

And she was well dressed and fed since childhood. She never worried about hunger. What bothered her every day was that she was so bored in the palace and wanted to play in the palace.

The eighth Princess thinks she is a princess and respected by all the people, but she has never done anything for the people. She is a little in vain.

But what should she do?

I don't know my aunt's idea. She nodded: "yes!"

People's wishes are really simple. They just want to have tiles to cover their heads and be able to eat and wear warm clothes!


The memorial of rice yield per mu has been played, waiting for the emperor's reward.

Next, the warm home entered a more tense state.

Wen Chun and Wen Hou attended the autumn palace.

The examination room is set in the county.

Warm went to live in the county and cheered the two brothers.

By the way, make some delicious food so that their bodies can cope with such a heavy test.

The imperial examination in Nalan has been reformed. It is no longer like the former Emperor. A child test is divided into a county test in February and a government test in April.

Now, except that the palace test is scheduled for the spring of the next year, both the children's test and the rural test are in autumn.

The children's test is held every year.

The provincial examination is conducted once every three years in September and released in October. At that time, when Osmanthus fragrans are in full bloom, the people on the list are also called golden toads.

This year is the triennial imperial examination. You can take any exam.

In other words, students who didn't pass the test last year can take the test again this year. If you pass the test, you can continue the test if your body can stand it.

However, most students will not choose to keep taking the exam like this.

Because the body can't bear it, and it's easy to fail the exam.

Therefore, many students will take part in the children's test in the first two years, and then take part in the hospital test and the township test in a year or two after passing the test.

There were three trials, one in three days. They were warm. They went to pick up two brothers outside the Gongyuan.

She saw many students come out with blue faces and white lips.

Only Wen Chun and are warm and energetic. That's because they eat health food every day.

Because of the efficacy of health food, the restaurant is bursting these days!

Warmth has increased by 400 health dishes every day, and all of them have been sold out.

I don't know how many people are jealous of that business!

Half a month has passed, and the day of release has come.

Wen Chun came first and Wen Hou came second.

This achievement shocked all the students of Lushan college who participated in the children's test together.

"It doesn't mean that because the family is poor, the head of the mountain sees them in the spring and helps them go to school. And because of the head of the mountain, he goes to the advanced class?"

"Who said that Lushan college would break the record of being unbeaten in the children's examination this year?! this is simply breaking the record of being admitted to the children's college with a score of one or two in the shortest time!"


Two brothers and children tried three times and won three first and three second respectively!

This makes them cold window. How can people who have passed the exam for ten years live!

Naranjin was very satisfied with this achievement.

After the children's test, they hurried to Fucheng to participate in the next rural test.

Warm nature is to follow to Fucheng.

After resting in Fucheng for five days, the rural examination began.

Gongyuan is not far from Yujin street.

The two brothers simply walked by themselves.

They came to the gate of the tribute hall and lined up for inspection and went into the examination room.

Not far from the tribute yard, Wen Liang got down from the carriage.

Wen Jiafu, Xiao Zhu, Guo Qianni, Wen Jiamei and old man Wen gave him careful advice.

Mr. Wen was still excited: "if you take a good test, you will be able to win the Golden Toad!"

Wen Liang nodded.

When Wen Yu saw Wen Chun and Wen Hou in line, she was surprised and said, "brother, have Wen Chun and Wen Hou been admitted to the children's college?"

After hearing this, old man Wen looked at him in surprise: "brother chun, how long have they been in school? Now they are admitted?"

Old man Wen is happy. His grandson is really a good one!

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