After Wen Jiamei got on the flower bridge, the welcoming team left.

The bridegroom's official was Gao Da Junlang, leading the wedding procession, followed by the eight person bridge.

The sound of gongs and drums is loud, the dowry, all kinds of gold and silver jewelry, coral agate, precious calligraphy and painting, silk and satin, Chinese clothes and brocade clothes, Liangtian shop

Including the wedding ceremony sent by the bridegroom, the dowry prepared to warm the family, and everyone's additional dowry. A total of 108 dowries were carried, forming a long wedding procession, which simply blinded everyone's eyes.

Wen Yu hid in the crack of the door in the yard and looked out. She silently counted the dowry, 108, more than Guo Qianni.

She pursed her lips. It's a shame that a rag remarried so much?!

Warmth is also in the procession of sending off relatives. She glanced at the crack of the door of the old house and smiled.

Wen Yu: "

How do you feel that bitch is laughing at himself?

Hum, what's the big deal? I'll have more dowry than her in the future!

Wen Yu turned and ran back to the house.

The whole village road of Wenjia village was full of people, most of whom came to see the excitement in other villages.

"It's really the first time I've seen you marry so well!"

"108 carry the dowry, which is more powerful than the previous Taishou adults to marry their daughters!"

"My God, these dowries alone will be enough for my family for several generations!"

"Don't worry about it in the future!"


The wedding procession passed by the county.

At this time, he huanhong and Jiang came out after seeing a doctor with a child in their hands.

Seeing a wedding procession passing by, they stood by and watched the excitement.

"Where has your daughter-in-law gone? It doesn't matter if the child is so ill!" Chiang complained.

She's tired to death.

"She'll be back soon." He doesn't know where the woman has gone!

Jiang sipped his mouth and didn't come back until dinner. He asked her to wait on her!

She looked at the dowry before her eyes and couldn't help admiring: who was so lucky to marry the daughter of a rich family? Tut tut tut...... this dowry is enough to eat for a lifetime!

He huanhong looked shocked at Wu Qiye riding a tall horse and wearing bridegroom's clothes.

Is Wu Qiye married again? Who did you marry this time?

So much dowry is really earned!

There was a flash of jealousy in his eyes.

I'm not so lucky.

Chiang held the child in his arms and began to cry. Chiang immediately coaxed, "Oh, my golden sun, don't cry! Let's go! Go back and decoct medicine for the child!"

He huanhong also worried about his son, so he nodded.

Because many people watched the excitement and blocked their way, they had to turn a path out of the city.

Yang Zi's daughter-in-law and the boss of the grocery store have just come out of a small yard.

Yang Zi's daughter-in-law looked pink, and the grocer put his arm around her waist.

"Come early tomorrow and bring the child to me. Did you see it, huh?"

"Death! It's the same as you grow into a cake print! At that time, I had never been with anyone except you. If you weren't afraid of the female tiger at home, how could my orphan and widowed mother have no patience to commit herself to others..."

Yang Zi's daughter-in-law pretended to wipe her tears.

Besides looking good, he is really useless. She is starving to death! What do you eat every day!

Fortunately, after the child was born, he looked like the man in front of him! Ugly is a little ugly, but at least it can eat well and wear warm.

"Well, well, I'll raise you two mother and son in the future..."

"Bitch!" A loud drink rang through the alley!

The scene of chicken flying and dog jumping soon attracted the whole city!

But these people don't know!

The shadow of the sun slants to the West.

The guests who had been busy all day returned home.

Wu Qiye stepped into his new house with a slightly messy pace.

The warm sisters worried about the boredom of wenjiamei and always accompanied her in their new house.

Now that Wu Qinye is back, they hurry out.

Warmth was the last one to go out. When she passed Wu Qiye, she whispered, "uncle, come on! There is a bowl of perfect tonic soup made with bullwhip, deer whip and tiger whip... I specially prepared it for you to ensure that you don't feel tired all night! Fight until dawn!"

Wu Qiye: "......"

in the house

Wen Jiamei clasped her hands and sat by the bed, nervous.

A little scared and a little nervous.

Wu Qinye came in, picked up the Xi scale on the table and lifted the red cover.

The red head was provoked, and the Phoenix was under the canopy. Wen Jiamei's exquisite face was amazing. Wu Qinye was so amazed that he forgot to breathe!

Heart pounding!

He stood on the side and looked at Wen Jiamei.

Wen Jiamei was also at a loss for a long time, but seeing him looking at herself for a long time, she was not so nervous.

Wen Jiamei stood up and said, "I'll boil water for you and wash your feet."

She remembered that the night of her first marriage, she had to kneel down to wash the feet of he huanhong and her mother-in-law.

"No, no, I'll wash it for you!" Wu Qinye thought that Wen Jiamei would wash her feet and ran out with a red face.

He was stunned just now!

Wen Jiamei: "

Soon Wu Qiye came in with a copper basin of hot water.

Wen Jiamei was about to stand up. Wu Qiye put the copper basin by the bed and sat her down by the bed: "if you want to wash your feet, I'll just come. Do you want to take this thing off your head first?"

Wu Qiye pointed to the corolla on her head.

It looks heavy!

"Oh." Wen Jiamei reached out to pick it, but her hair was stuck. It was a little difficult.

"I'll come?" Seeing this, Wu Qiye was a little nervous.

Wen Jiamei put her hand down: "it's entangled in her hair."

Wu Qiye sat by the bed and carefully helped her take off the Pearl corolla.

A head of green silk spreads like a waterfall, which is beautiful.

Wu Qiye was stunned again!

Wen Jiamei squatted down to help him take off his shoes.

Wu Qiye recovered and hurried to tighten his feet: "no, no! You sit and I'll wash it for you."

Wen Jiamei: "I don't need it. I took a flower bath before I went to the flower bridge."

She didn't step down!

"Don't you want to wash your feet?" Then Wu Qiye reacted later that Wen Jiamei wanted to wash herself.

He smiled: "I don't need you to wash it for me. I'll wash it for you in the future! How easy my feet are to sweat and smell. I'll come back after I wash them."

Wu Qiye hurried to take a bath. When she came back, Wen Jiamei had taken off her makeup and her jewelry.

When Wen Jiamei saw him coming back, she pointed to the soup on the table: "warm sister said that the soup was specially made for you."

It's for relieving alcohol. His face is so red. He's drunk too much!

Wu Qiye: "

Princess Ba walked out of the Wu family with a warm hand in her hand.

Nalan Jinnian is waiting for his girl to come out outside the hospital.

The eighth princess was still very simple: "warm, what did you say to your second uncle just now? How did I hear fighting until dawn?"

What are you fighting for? It's not war!

"Nothing, just let him have a soup."

"What soup?"

"Shiquan tonic soup. Boiled with bullwhip, deer whip, tiger whip,... I'll prepare a bowl for your husband in the future?"

Nalan Jinnian: "

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