Warm shook her head, and her eyes fell on the challenge arena: "fast?"

They looked at the challenge arena with her eyes.

Just in time, four figures on the challenge arena flew down together!

What a familiar picture!

What an exciting picture!

On the first challenge arena, Lin Tingxuan said calmly, "Sir, you can next!"

"Next!" The magistrate shouted quickly.

He has been shocked from the beginning, and now he is used to it!

After all, he had experienced this experience at Wan Yun just now.

Soon the next one will come on stage, and soon the figures will fly down!

The other judges called out the next one.

A personal shadow came on stage and another Taoist shadow flew off the stage. After four reincarnations, the competition was over!

It's over?!

Not enough time for a cup of tea?!

It's so fast that people can't get back in shock!

The whole competition was less than a quarter of an hour. All four challenge arenas ended the competition!

The generals of the four countries in each challenge arena were beaten down by the challenge arena leader!

Countless eyes witnessed it!

But countless eyes of the owner can't believe the scene he just saw!


Lord Dongling stood up!

Dijunming stood up!

Hua Jinghao stood up!

Zhu Qinghua stood up!

The expressions of the four people are the same, one face is unthinkable, and the other face is unbelievable!

They said in unison, "how is this possible!"

Emperor Junming: "there is fraud!"

Those generals on the stage have been carefully trained by their country for many years. They will not be defeated by one move, but they will not be beaten down by one move!

Their generals are not scarecrows!

Warm his cheeks and smile, like the small lotus tip just emerging from the pool in early summer, lovely and fresh: "Your Highness Prince Beiming, nothing is impossible in front of a strong enough opponent!"

Di Junming: "

It's strange that he believes her!

Warm and leisurely, he picked up a pistachio, threw it into his mouth, chewed it like a little squirrel, and then said:

"Willing to gamble and admit defeat! At the beginning, my princess seriously reminded you that my princess will win!"

Several people: "

It's because you're too serious. It's a little fake!

"All right! Pen, ink, paper and inkstone waiter! Let's sign the transfer instrument in the presence of witnesses from all countries on the scene. No one wants to default!" Warm clapped his hands, and then waved his little hand.

Several people: "

The Lord of Dongling looked at the warmth with awe and dignity, and inquired: "did Nalan use poison?"

Emperor Junming said coldly, "it's not poison but medicine. Otherwise, how can four people beat our soldiers down with one move!

King Jin, if you find out that your country violates the rules, this competition will not count! And this time, Nubian must make compensation for teasing our four countries! Just compensate a city! "

Nalan Jinnian's icy eyes were cold and his sexy thin lips were hooked. He leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and a long arm was casually placed on the edge of the back of the chair carved with complex patterns. The whole person looked evil and evil: "what, want to find an excuse to refuse?"

Warm listened to the light Fox's eyes, and his eyes fell on them.

She smiled. Her smile was like Manzhu shahua in full bloom. She was particularly flirtatious: "if you want to default, I asked the princess if you agree with her fist!"

They were stunned by their strange and similar temperament and their aura.

The two people's smiles are the same flirtatious, the same cold and gorgeous, and the same makes people feel ***************************************************************************

It's not medication. How can it be so strong? It's beyond people's limits!

Warm, raised his hands and smiled. His voice was not urgent and slow: "evidence, rice can be eaten indiscriminately, and words can't be said indiscriminately. Poison and take medicine? Take out the evidence! Throwing dirty water on Nalan country will pay a price! If you have seed, try to cheat. I promise you won't want to see my princess come to collect the account in person!"

Warm, her tone of voice is very light. The more important things are, the lighter her tone will be.

It's a threatening word. It's light to say, but it's inexplicable to make people feel cold in their hearts.

The Minister of Honglu temple in Nalan state snorted with disdain: "one is the monarch and the other is the prince. Is it the same for people who want to have identity and status? What promises? What promises to do what they say is nonsense!"

The elite soldiers sent by Naran also talked about it one after another:

"In front of the envoys of several countries and all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, can they go back on their word!"

Don't be ashamed!

"Willing to gamble but not admit defeat, what's this called?"

Bah, it's worse than me!

"It's better for our emperor, the real Supreme Master of the ninth five year plan, who speaks nine words! How do people who don't understand their promises convince the public?!"

"Every soldier in his own country is like a weak chicken. Why should the generals of other countries take medicine like them? Is it necessary?"


Ministers of Dongling state and envoys of other countries were not happy to listen to the soldiers of Nalan Jinnian, and began to defend their own emperor or prince.

So the people of the four countries scolded directly!

A man from Dongling state: "it's normal to question! All four people beat people down with one move? How is it possible! Don't say that our emperor doesn't believe it! We don't believe it! It's definitely cheating!"

Elite soldier of Nalan country: "don't insult people. The ten generals on stage are the most powerful generals in Nalan country. What's strange? You haven't gone to our barracks to see our training! In the challenge arena, general Lin picked 100, and everyone was kicked off with one foot, not to mention beating you."

Elite soldier of Nalan country: "it's strange that there are few! The ten generals on Nalan's stage can pick hundreds of elite generals under our stage with one or two moves. But you haven't seen them! Even if you're weak, you think you're the strongest in the world! You lose the competition and want to default now. You're shameless!"

People from the West China country: "exaggeration! We can still believe that a general is so powerful, but how is it possible that all four are so powerful? If you don't take medicine and cheat, I won't believe it first. You princess Hui'an have a precedent for taking medicine!"

Beiming people: "Who said you didn't admit it? If your generals in Nalan didn't take medicine and cheat, our countries would be willing to admit defeat. If they were not healthy, they took medicine to pack Hercules yesterday, and everyone would doubt that you took medicine!! isn't that normal? Let the doctor check it. If they didn't take medicine and poison, it's a normal competition. Your highness is absolutely right Will admit defeat! It's not that I can't afford to lose! Don't forget, who is the overlord of this continent! It's just an island. Can't you afford to lose? "

A hundred years ago, several countries united to resist them, a Beiming country!

The territory of Beiming is half that of the four countries. What's the arrogance?! It's just an island. Can't Beiming afford to lose?!


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