When the soldiers heard the warmth, they said that the emperor missed them. They were even more moved. They felt that the sweat and blood and tears left over these years were worth it!

The soldiers shouted: "thank you, Emperor! Long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

They are soldiers who practice hard here every day. When there is a war, they rush to the front line for the first time. They are not afraid of life and death. They throw their heads and blood to protect their country!

When a flood occurs, they carry sandbags to fight the flood and jump into the river as fast as beasts for the first time to save people!

When the snow disaster happened, they braved the cold, their hands were dug and bleeding, and their bodies were frozen. It was them who went to save people!

In short, where there are disasters, there are them!

It is common to go out on the first day of the lunar new year to save the people under the pressure of snow.

During the festival, those happy moments have nothing to do with them!

They can't be absent at the time of bleeding and tears, bitter, tired and dangerous!

But who really valued them and cared about them!

The people think these are what they should do!

Some people saved him without even a word of thanks!

It seems that sacrifice and sacrifice are what they soldiers deserve!

With credit, I met some bad officers, and even the credit was taken by those officers!

They only have a little silver reward at most. Even if they are afraid of death, they will only exchange a few liang of silver for comfort!

Although what they do is their duty, being remembered, grateful and cared for is different from being taken for granted by everyone!

Being grateful and concerned, they will feel that all they have done and all their sacrifices are worth it!

Lin Tingxuan also stood up and said, "it's our duty to protect our country. Thank the emperor and Princess Hui'an for their concern. In the future, we should do our duty!

Now let's eat Zongzi quickly! Eat while it's hot, it's more delicious! After eating zongzi, we can't leave the big evening class tonight! As long as we are strong enough to guard the stability and peace of Naran! Why don't you have more zongzi in the future? "

Hearing that they had to continue training, the soldiers burst into a wail! Then they rushed to get zongzi to eat!

They haven't had enough!

But now there is a heat wave in their hearts.

Yes, training, as long as they are strong enough to protect their country, why worry about not eating zongzi?

Seeing the soldiers grabbing food, warm and Nalan Jinnian looked at each other and smiled.

Nalan Jinnian twisted his nose: "it's strange that he will flatter the imperial brother!"

Warm clapped his hand: "who flattered! I know the emperor is powerless!"

Warm also knows that there are too many places to use silver in the emperor's small private Treasury!

The taxes of Naran are a little lighter than those of other countries, and the Treasury is really not full.

Warm also knows that there is a very large amount of silver expenditure in the food city in naranjin's year every month, which subsidizes soldiers in the name of the imperial court, especially those veterans, wounded and disabled soldiers.

They have spent their whole lives for the imperial court. They are old and disabled. Life can't be measured by their own hands, and the imperial court can't forget them!

There are also roads, bridges and water conservancy. Nalan is so big that it costs a lot. Nalan Jinnian usually makes up for it privately when the imperial court's funds can't operate.

All these were known by seeing the account book in Nalan Jinnian's study.

Warm heart suddenly moved:

"I have a way to make the Treasury a little more silver!"

Nalan Jinnian picked his eyebrow: "what way?"

"Step tax collection!" Warm and simple explanation, Nalan Jinnian was thoughtful.

The other side of the camp.

The five City Army and horse division grabbed the beard of censor Lin and pulled him out of the carriage!

He came to eat Zongzi!

By the way, let this spray see what Princess Hui'an has done silently!

Their arrival just saw this scene.

Censor Lin was shocked by the deafening voice of the soldiers!

"Censor Lin, look! What is Princess Hui'an doing?" The military and horse division of the five cities pulled the beard of the censor Lin hard.

Censor Lin is dying of pain!

The five cities army and horse division secretly drank wine when he impeached him last time. Now take revenge for public and private affairs!

Along the way, censor Lin's beard was half lost!

"I know, I know! It's my fault, okay? Let go quickly!"

His beard!

His beard fell off!

The five cities army and horse division pulled his beard again, and he cried out in pain!

"Know your mistake! Why don't you go and apologize to Princess Hui'an!"

King Jin said that he brought this spray to apologize to Princess Hui'an before he could come to eat zongzi.

You can also get a box of crystal zongzi!

Even if he's tied, he'll be tied!

With that, the commander of the five cities army threw away a handful of gray beard in his hand and quickly ran to the long table with large round dustpans.

He saw that zongzi were decreasing at a visible rate!

The round dustpan bottomed out in an instant!

No, it's empty in an instant!

These turtles and grandchildren, don't you know he hasn't eaten yet?!

Lin Yushi looked at several beards flying in the wind and wanted to cry without tears!

He never dared again!

I dare not!

He ran to apologize to Princess Hui'an!

At this time, a soldier was coming to warm and Nalan Jinnian and said, "Princess Hui'an, 50000 zongzi have been loaded!"

Warm nodded 22: "you take people and send these 50000 zongzi to the isolated female soldier barracks."

They just started to receive formal training, and their bodies need to break through the limit day by day. They can't stop halfway, so they didn't call them this time, but their warmth was prepared.

"Yes. I'll ask everyone to send it to them now!" The soldier ran away at once.

Censor Lin went to warm and saluted: "Princess Hui'an, the old minister listened to you and misunderstood you. I'm really sorry to impeach you in the morning court just now."

Lin Yushi's apology is sincere.

Princess Hui'an's mind is really admirable!

Soldiers are the strong backing of the country! With them, day and night, fearless of hardship and sacrifice, there was the prosperity of Naran and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

But on peaceful days, who cares for the little soldiers on weekdays!

Who can remember that they can have such a stable and happy life when every family happily sits together, eats the group new year's dinner and talks and laughs, because tens of thousands of soldiers guard their homes and defend their country day and night!

Give hundreds of thousands of soldiers dragon boat festival dumplings. Princess Hui'an is definitely not the only one who can get the money in the capital!

But who has done it!

Dragon Boat Festival Charity, dumplings are only willing to take out a hundred!

But Princess Hui'an made millions of them!

Censor Lin felt extremely ashamed!

He opened his mouth to impeach this one, impeach that one, and it didn't seem to have done anything great!

Why should she say that she has done so many practical things for the imperial court.

Warm: "...."

Censor Lin impeached himself? I don't even know about it.

However, he actually apologized to himself, which was a little unexpected. She waved her hand:

"It's all right. In the future, censor Lin met someone who said I was bad. Just help the princess impeach me back!"

Lin Yushi: "......"



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