In the next few days, I went to the barracks every day to heal the seriously injured soldiers with purple gas and train female soldiers. Then I took time to discuss with general Lin Tingxuan and other generals about arranging the memorial ceremony for the dead soldiers and the funeral of thousands of people.

What should I do to be more solemn!

They thought they had never done such a thing, so they asked for advice from warmth without experience.

Soon the eunuch's day of mourning came!

The memorial service was held in the barracks.

Early in the morning, wreaths had been placed in the open space of the military camp, and everything had been arranged!

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers stood in front of the rows of coffins, ready to observe silence.

Then a black carriage appeared outside the barracks.

The emperor appeared in front of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in a Black Dragon Robe with all civil and military officials, which shocked everyone!

This time, several princes and many important officials of the imperial court accompanied us.

Today, the emperor did not wear a bright yellow dragon robe, but changed into a black dragon robe embroidered with a golden dragon.

This is his respect for the dead soldiers.

With a solemn face, the emperor came forward and gave a column of incense to the sacrificial soldiers.

The second prince, the third prince, the ninth prince, the prime minister, the six ministers, the six chamberlains, the princes, the earls and other officials with titles, and the important officials of the court with more than two grades have come!

The emperor is wearing a black dragon robe. Other ministers dare to make an attack. When they receive the news, they immediately ask the young man to go back to the house to find a set of black clothes and put them on 1

The emperor appeared in person to offer incense to the soldiers who died this time, and then said some words of encouragement to the soldiers.

The emperor's appearance has shocked hundreds of thousands of soldiers!

The emperor is still wearing a Black Dragon Robe!

This should have shocked hundreds of thousands of troops!

The emperor even offered incense to the soldiers who died!

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were even more shocked!

"... I won't forget your contributions! I won't forget your silent persistence and selflessness! Without your silent efforts and your hard work, there would be no peace and prosperity in Nalan today, and there would be no people living and working in peace and contentment today. Nalan can't have long-term stability in the future! On behalf of the imperial court and the people of Nalan, I thank you! ”

The emperor's words suddenly made hundreds of thousands of troops red and astringent!

Hundreds of thousands of troops knelt down on one knee and said in a loud voice: "it is incumbent on us to be loyal to the country! It is everyone's responsibility to defend the country! Long live the emperor! Long live Nalan, long live!"

Hundreds of thousands of troops roared with all their strength. The voice rang through the valley, directly into the clouds and shocked the soul!

The emperor closed his mouth and nodded excitedly. Unable to speak, he raised his hand and motioned everyone to stand up!

Then the Minister of rites recited the compensation and additional contributions of these sacrificed soldiers.

Shocked the soldiers of the whole barracks again!

The old have something to rely on and the young have something to bring up!

Go down in history and be immortal!

He, we, all, yes, English, male!

Hundreds of thousands of troops knelt down again, tore their throats and shouted: "long live our emperor! Long live Naran!"

At this moment, the soldiers are surprisingly United!

At this moment, the cohesion of the soldiers is strong!

Recently, the morale of the army has fluctuated. The Guo family has been loyal and good for generations. The emperor said to copy the family! If you say beheading, beheading!

Don't show any kindness!

In addition, some people deliberately incite, the soldiers will inevitably feel cold!

The rabbit dies, the dog cooks and the birds hide. Is this the end of being soldiers?

But today the emperor told them with action, no!

The court will never forget the true loyalty!

True loyalty and good will be cared for by the imperial court, appreciated by the people and remembered by history! Will be recited by future generations!


Next is the funeral of the dead soldiers. The funeral team will circle the main road of the capital and let the people see them off!

On this day, not only the soldiers were shocked, but also the people were shocked when they looked at the long team!

These are the soldiers who died to protect the peace of the world!

Just because the Guo family tried to rebel, they sacrificed so many people?

It's a disaster!

That's too much!

The people know that the Guo family has created a weapon as powerful as Thunderbolt thunder!

We couldn't help thinking that if the Guo family really rebelled and threw a thunderbolt thunder into the city, we could raze our house to the ground!

Can blow them to pieces!

The crime of treason is really terrible!

No wonder the emperor wants to copy the family. No wonder the emperor wants to kill them!

It's more than worthy of death!

Where the team passed, the people in the street, shops and houses came out one after another, knelt down and knocked three heads to see them off!

Coincidentally, solemn and sacred!

As a female general, warm, like other generals, wears armor, seeing off the dead soldiers all the way from the barracks to the circle around the city, and then to the martyr's tomb.

Among the people who knelt down, a man secretly looked up and gave a warm look. His eyes were like poisoned. Suddenly he saw someone, and a strange smile arose from the corners of his mouth.

He's going to

He's got it!

The son-in-law of the king of Huainan and the general around the king of Huainan are

Nalan Jinnian was always around him. He seemed to feel it. He looked back, but he saw a dark head inside.

He looked back.

The funeral procession was very long, and many people spontaneously joined the back of the procession.

Countless people walked all day without drinking a drop of water! It's hot and thirsty in summer, and my lips are dry!

But no one complained!

Night falls and the land is safe!


Huainan Mansion

Huainan king was about to go to bed when he received a secret letter!

He opened the secret letter and took a look. He couldn't help standing up. His hands shaking with anger.

Princess Huainan is sitting on the dresser and smearing her face

The king of Huainan trembled with anger and couldn't speak.

She couldn't help standing up and walked to him: "what does the letter say?"

Princess Huainan glanced at the contents of the letter paper in his hand.

She couldn't help but shrink her pupils, and tears came out in an instant: "Huaiyu! My Huaiyu!"

Princess Huainan is shaky!

The king of Huainan quickly protected her: "princess, you have self-respect!"

The princess of Huainan firmly grasped the arm of the king of Huainan, and her tears flowed like broken pearls: "Lord, you must avenge our Huaiyu! She died miserably!"

The king of Huainan nodded and a strong hatred burst out in his eyes: "don't worry, princess, I will avenge our daughter!"

The dog emperor of Naran damn it!

How dare you kill his baby daughter?!

"Someone, send the king general to see you!" The king of Huainan shouted at the door.

He took the princess of Huainan back to bed, told her, and then asked the maid to wait on her, so he strode away and went to the study!

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