Warmth gave Liu Kai a little purple. He woke up before she carried him to the hillside below.

Liu Kai opened his eyes and found himself carried by others. He was a little confused for a moment.

He just inhaled too much smoke and overworked, coupled with severe dehydration, so he went into shock.

Fortunately, the warmth came in time and gave her purple gas immediately.

The warm purple air is getting stronger and stronger day by day, so it saved him with less.

Warmth noticed that the man on his back woke up and directly put him on the ground: "Deputy General Liu woke up? I'll have someone pour you some water!"

Warm finish saying also don't wait for him to reply, then ran away!

Liu Kai looked at the slender figure far away, and then realized that it was Princess Hui'an who was carrying herself?

Princess Hui'an saved herself?

Liu Kai still has some pain in breathing, his mouth is so dry that he has no saliva, and his lips are dry and cracked!

He stared at the figure, squatting next to someone who was unconscious, and began to take a pulse.

Until a little boy came over with two sea bowls and said, "uncle, rinse your mouth first, and then drink some water."

Liu Kai recovered, quickly took the big bowl in the boy's hand and drank it directly. He was dying!


Until the sun went down, all the fires were put out, and there was no smoke.

People relax!

Everyone ran to the stream, directly buried his face in the water and drank water crazily!

After drinking the water, they lay directly in the shallow area by the stream, motionless.

The cold river flowed through their bodies. At this moment, they felt they were alive.


At this time, the warm purple gas was almost used up, saving dozens of people.

Dozens of soldiers were not rescued, or they had died when the warmth came.

The rest were burned by fire, overworked, inhaled too much smoke, and were not treated with purple gas.

Warm used the remaining purple gas to purify and improve a cart of grain, and then took people everywhere to look for raw herbs.

Wan Yun still searched around with 8000 soldiers for fear of resurgence.

The remaining two thousand soldiers began to live and cook by the stream.

The villagers nearby took the initiative to bring the big iron pot at home.

He even brought home the dishes and meat.

At this time, the iron pots are all big iron pots. Cooking a big iron pot is enough for forty or fifty people.

Fortunately, there are many people and many pots. After all, the soldiers were also prepared for the war.

There is rice and porridge, whatever you like.

600000 stone grain has been robbed. As I said just now, today's rice is enough!

When it gets dark, the rice will be ready soon. When the rice is almost cooked, the dishes are thrown directly onto the surface of the rice and stewed.

No oil, just salt, but every soldier eats delicious!

Everyone is starving!

At this time, Nalan Jinnian walked down the mountain with a disheartened face. Even if every cell of his body was tired, his steps were still calm, his posture was still tall and straight, and he only had a strong aura.

The soldiers saw him and said, "King Jin, have dinner!"

"King Jin has dinner!"


Nalan Jinnian nodded: "you eat."

Nalan Jinnian came to the wounded soldier area and looked around for a week. He didn't see the familiar figure.

Some soldiers knew that he should be looking for Princess Hui'an and said, "Lord, Princess Hui'an took people to the mountain to collect medicine! Look, they're back!"

Then he reached out and pointed in a direction.

Nalan Jinnian looked in the direction he pointed out and saw a familiar figure with many people running quickly.

Naranjin walked quickly over.

Warmth saw Nalan Jinnian from a distance. She accelerated and ran to him. She couldn't help holding his hand and looking up and down: "is your hand hurt?"

When warm grabbed his and dark hand, he obviously felt that it didn't feel right!

She quickly let go.

At this time, she had seen him look the most embarrassed.

At the moment, Nalan Jinnian's whole face is black, and his hands are black. There is a large burned wound on his hands. Bone can be seen in the deep wound, and the palm is also bloody!

This is because the leather on the back of his hand is relatively thin. He was burned when intercepting the fireball. Later, he kicked the big tree and threw the tree. It is inevitable that he will knock and touch the wound, which is becoming more and more serious.

"Nothing, just a little tired. The hand looks serious, but it's just a skin injury." Nalan Jinnian's way of light clouds and wind.

Warm looked at the wound on his hand and sipped her mouth. She had no purple gas and no medicine.

"Come on, I'll take you to clean it."

"Good!" Nalan Jinnian was obedient and allowed her to take herself to the stream.

When he came to the stream, he put his hand directly in clean water.

Where there was no injury, she carefully scrubbed it with her hands, and washed it with clean water.

After cleaning, you can see that his hands are terrible!

Warm frown:

"Did you put out the fire directly with your hands? How did you get hurt like this? Have the meat been roasted? You won't find anything?" I like this man's hand best!

A good pair of artistic hands are beyond recognition!

Naranjin: "......"

"No, it's a fireball. At that time, the sword was used to intercept it, but the fire of the fireball was too big to be burned."

It was the fireball with the greatest fire that he stopped.

"Those bastards are sick! Crazy! I was asked to catch him and I threw him into the sea of fire!" Warmth couldn't help scolding!

I attacked with fireballs on the mountain!

This is insane!

She remembered this account!

Nalan Jinnian looked at the warm curse and couldn't help laughing in a low voice: "the arsonists, we took them to put out the fire!"

Warm took out his handkerchief and wet water to carefully wipe the black ash on his face. After listening to this, he didn't pity them at all: "deserve it!"

But they are not the culprits!

Huainan king is the one who should cut thousands of cuts!


At the moment, the culprit was in the study and was so angry that he jumped: "what? All 600000 stone grains were robbed! What the hell are those wastes doing! Almost 40000 soldiers! They can't deal with the 10000 female soldiers? It's a shame to say it!"

Huainan king is so angry!

Six hundred thousand grains are enough for a hundred thousand troops for a month!

This is the food prepared by the Guo family before.

His fief is only Huainan mansion. Although he has prepared a lot of food these years, how can it compare with the granary of the imperial court.

Now we have captured min Fu, but there is not much food in Min Fu's granary.

There are still two months before the autumn harvest. I thought that 600000 stone grains would be transported, so I don't have to worry!

"It's because we met wolves. And the enemy also used overpowering drugs. That overpowering drug..." The soldier told the situation.

Huainan Wang narrowed his eyes: "we have detailed work here!"

(end of this chapter)

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