"Empress Dowager?"

The Empress Dowager came back and patted her warm hand. Her mother's love burst out: "if you are sad and joking, girls should sleep more. You don't have to go to the palace too early. You don't have to get up early when you wake up! He doesn't have to get up early to practice martial arts on weekdays. You take him to sleep more!"

Warm: "...."

People: "...."

What is the word of tiger and wolf said by the Empress Dowager?

The Empress Dowager then looked at Lin tingya and said with a smile, "tingya is becoming more and more beautiful!"

She thought of the seventh prince, or

Thinking so, she shook her head. The smelly boy said that there was someone he liked and he was very beautiful. He didn't know who it was. He said he would find it in the Palace Banquet.

Many ladies fell on Lin tingya after hearing this.

Mrs. Shang Shu of the Ministry of household said, "this is general Lin's sister? It's completely inherited the beauty of Mrs. Changping in those years! It's said that you and Princess Hui'an have set up a flower field together. The flowers in the palace are so unique and ingenious this time. You came up with it together!"

Lin tingya smiled: "it's mainly what Princess Hui'an thought. I learned from her!"

The conversation box opened.

The military and Horse Department of the five cities couldn't wait to ask:

"Princess Hui'an, the arrangement of flowers at the Palace Banquet really opens people's eyes. How on earth do you want to use flowers to put out different patterns?"

Warm smiled and replied, "I thought of it by chance. I only thought of one or two things. Many of them were thought up by sister tingya."

"You are really great. You can think of it. I really can't think of these new things in my brain!" Hubu Shangshu said.

"I can't think of it. I don't understand!" Someone asked the question in his heart: "Princess Hui'an, are those flowers cut off and inserted one by one? But if so, won't they wither soon?"

Others nodded:

"Yes, if you didn't insert them one by one, how could they be arranged so neatly? Princess Hui'an, Miss Lin, what method do you use to keep those flowers from withering?"

"If you want to keep the flowers from withering, you have to feed them with water! Some of those paintings are inserted horizontally, and some are inserted upside down. So you can't feed them with water in vessels. Princess Hui'an, tell us how you did it!"


Warm smiled: "in fact, I just hold some cotton with straw, tie it into various shapes, soak it in nutrient solution, and then insert flowers. Those flowers can absorb nutrient solution and water from cotton, and then naturally play a role in keeping fresh!"

"That's it?" The Minister of household looked incredible.

But why couldn't she think of such a simple thing?

Warm smiled: "it's so simple!"

"Why not? The sun is very fierce now, and the flowers absorb water. It's necessary to replenish water! But how to replenish water when the flowers are full? Pull them all out?"

"You don't need to pull them all out. In fact, each model has a bamboo pipe as the main support. Just open the bamboo inside, make a pipe, and then drill some holes on the bamboo pipe..."

Warm and detailed explanation.

"I see. Princess Hui'an is really smart and clever. You can think of such a way!"

Then we asked about the pots of precious orchids in Corning palace and the peonies in full bloom outside the yard. Especially the pot of Su Guan he Ding.

"Princess Hui'an, did you cultivate that pot of plain crown lotus tripod? It's very difficult to find, and there's only one pot from the monarch of Beiming in the whole continent! The Empress Dowager said that your flower farm sent two pots into the palace! Princess Hui'an, do you still have a plain crown lotus tripod? I want to buy one too."

"Miss Lin, how do those peonies in your flower farm make them bloom in autumn?"

"Yes, and those peony flowers..."


Everyone you say and I ask questions around warmth and Lin tingya. They are as lively as stars and the moon.

The Empress Dowager is also happy. Her daughter-in-law is much better than her son and herself. At least she is popular!

The Empress Dowager took Wang and Wu to talk.

Li Guifei and Li wanwan watched everyone talk around the Empress Dowager and Princess Hui'an. They were ignored and sat on one side like pins and needles!

The second prince and concubine are always cold. They usually sit there and don't talk.

The third princess turned her mind and said with a smile, "Princess Hui'an, your flower field is so powerful that you can let peonies and peonies bloom in autumn. Fortunately, you decorate flowers in the palace for the Mid Autumn Festival Palace Banquet, which really broadens our horizons!"

The speaker was intentional and the listener was intentional. Princess Li and Li wanwan both turned black after hearing this.

At this time, several palace maids came in with some food: "empress dowager, this is the moon cake and food that Princess Hui'an specially brought for you."

Because the food sent in by warmth needs to be checked and repacked, it is only presented now.

The Empress Dowager's eyes brightened: "come on, let's have a taste."

"Yes!" The maid of honor immediately repackaged the delicately placed food and put it in front of everyone.

The Empress Dowager smiled and said to warm: "warm, sad for home, but I've been looking forward to eating your moon cake for a long time!"

This mid autumn moon cake is eaten only on the Mid Autumn Festival a year. The Empress Dowager loves it very much.

I don't eat enough every day!

Warm: "...."

Looking forward to it for a long time?

She didn't let the 17th brother send several boxes of moon cakes into the palace the day before yesterday. The emperor, the Empress Dowager and the eighth Princess all sent them!

Did he eat all the moon cakes himself?

Probably not!

He doesn't like sweets very much!

Li wanwan was so depressed that she finally found the words. She said with a surprised look: "Princess Hui'an just sent the Empress Dowager the mid autumn festival etiquette today?"

Everyone looked warm. It's the Mid Autumn Festival today. It's impolite to give the Empress Dowager a mid autumn festival gift today!

Whose family didn't send out the etiquette early.

The Empress Dowager's face sank and looked at Li wanwan: "which eye did you see Princess Hui'an send a mid autumn festival gift to AI's family today?"

Li wanwan turned pale, bowed her head and whispered, "the Empress Dowager apologized. The Empress Dowager just said she was looking forward to eating Princess Hui'an's moon cakes. After looking forward to it for a long time, the minister thought..."

She didn't go on. Moon cakes are indispensable to the etiquette of the Mid Autumn Festival.

The Empress Dowager has been looking forward to it for a long time. Doesn't this mean that Princess Hui'an sent it too late?

She just followed her words

The eighth princess smiled: "wennuan has already sent festival gifts, and wennuan will send some food to the emperor's grandmother every other day, including moon cakes. But the emperor's grandmother always eats a box of moon cakes a day!

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