He Shibi is of great importance, and Zhong Jing personally leads him to find the No. 1 leader.

Of course, Chief No. 1 couldn’t believe it, because there had been too many fakes.

He's Bi has appeared many times in history.

But no one knows whether this is true or false.

During the reign of Emperor Taizu Guo Wei of the Later Zhou Dynasty, he searched all over and could not find the national seal, but he had no choice but to engrave two seals such as"Emperor's Divine Treasure" and passed it on to the Northern Song Dynasty.

During the"Chenqiao Mutiny" of the Song Dynasty, Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty accepted the Zen of the Later Zhou Dynasty. He only received the two seals of the Later Zhou Dynasty and did not receive the national seal.

Because the feudal rulers of all dynasties vigorously promoted that obtaining the national seal was"the destiny of destiny""、"Therefore, in the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, there were"traditional national seals" constantly coming out.

It is difficult to distinguish the true ones from the false ones.

In the fourth year of Shaosheng reign of Emperor Zhezong of the Song Dynasty, Duan Yi, a citizen of Xianyang County, excavated in Henan Township A treasure seal was found on the ground, green as blue, warm and lustrous. In the first month of the following year, it was sent to the capital. After identification by Cai Jing and others, it was confirmed to be the national seal made by Qin.

Thirty years later, the two emperors Huizong and Qinzong were captured in gold, and the seal was He was also taken captive by the Jin people.

During the reign of Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty, after the death of Shuode, the grandson of King Taishi and the envoy of Tongzhengyuan, his wife was seriously ill and his son was only nine years old. Tai Tong Shi Kuo Kuo Shu was put on the market for sale, but no one dared to buy it because it was made of an unusual material. Later, it was purchased by the powerful Prime Minister Boyan. I saw"It is a dark jade treasure talisman, which is four inches square and has a button.""Jiaopan, with four edges and a central hole and a horizontal orifice, the seal is painted in the shape of insects, birds, fish and dragons." Yang Huan, the supervisory censor, identified it and the inscription read"Ordered by heaven, you will live forever", so it was confirmed to be the seal of Qin.. But Boyan once polished all the seals collected by various countries in the Yuan Dynasty and distributed them to princes and ministers to engrave private seals. The jade seals passed down by the country were also afraid of being among them. In the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang conquered the world with cloth. He heard that the Yuan Dynasty After receiving the national seal and being taken away to the north of the desert by Emperor Yuan Shun, he did not hesitate to send Xu Da and hundreds of thousands of troops into the north of the desert in order to regain the treasure.

Minister Xie Jin also petitioned to stop the army for this reason. To benefit the people's livelihood. Later, Li Wenzhong went on a second expedition, captured the concubines and the kings of the Yuan Dynasty, and obtained some jade seals of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, but there was no sign of the national seal.

One year, in the Mobei area, a shepherd saw a A sheep was digging on the ground with its hooves.

When he dug it up, he found a crystal clear jade seal buried underneath. He dedicated it to Boshu Ketu Khan, a descendant of Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty, and it was also identified as"the national seal." The news reached the ears of Lindan Khan of the Chahar Tribe of Southern Mongolia. Because he was a direct descendant of Genghis Khan, he had long cherished the ambition to restore his ancestral heritage. As soon as he heard the news, he led an army of 200,000 to attack. After a bloody battle, it turned out that Won the jade seal.

In the thirteenth year of Hongzhi in the Ming Dynasty, Mao Zhixue of Huxian County presented the national seal of Nihe to Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty by Xiong Yuzhong, governor of Shaanxi Province.

However, Xiaozong suspected that it was fake and"but did not use it."

In the late Ming Dynasty, it was said that it was brought by Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty. The national seal passed down into the desert was discovered by Emperor Taizong of the later Jin Dynasty."In August of the previous year, he obtained the national seal passed down from the Yuan Dynasty to Empress Dowager Sutai of Lin Dan Khan, a descendant of the Yuan Dynasty." Taizong"decided the national plan" and changed"Jin" to"Jin". The name of the country"Qing".

In the ninth year of Tiancong in the Qing Dynasty, Huang Taiji of the Later Jin Dynasty sent his younger brother Dorgon to conquer Chahar in the west. Lin Dan Khan's son Ezhe presented the national seal to surrender. But Huang Taiji took a look at the seal and saw it above Engraved were the four words"Treasure of Making Imperial Annals".

It turned out that it was not the Qin seal, but a mutton-fat jade seal that Emperor Han Yuan ordered Zhaojun and Fanshi to give to the King of the Huns. However, Huang Taiji still announced to the outside world that he had obtained the imperial seal. During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, a total of thirty-nine seals were stored in the Jiaotai Hall in the Forbidden City. The one placed in the middle was engraved with the characters"Ordered by Heaven, and you will live forever". It was always said in the palace. It is a national seal. However, when Emperor Qianlong designated the Twenty-Five Treasures in 1746 AD, he determined it to be a fake.


At this time, Zhong Jing held a piece of jade seal and said it was a national jade seal. Although No. 1 was shocked, he was also suspicious.

So, the next step is to verify.

Therefore, No. 1 personally called the director of the Palace Museum and asked the most authoritative jade seal appraisal experts in the country to come and appraise it.

As a result, all the most authoritative jade appraisal experts in China gathered together.

Elderly people with higher moral standards and higher prestige from the Palace Museum and other places also came one after another.

This time it is a national task, which is said to be very important. It is necessary to select the twelve most authoritative bosses.

Although they didn't know what was going on, Number One had orders and they had to follow them.

And do it well.

Soon, twelve people gathered together.

When they knew that what they wanted to identify was the imperial seal, they were also shocked.

Each one showed an expression of disbelief.

They couldn't believe it, it turned out to be the imperial seal.

Everyone signed a confidentiality agreement, and then started careful research in one place.

Everyone has to go up and observe.

Determine which dynasty this is from.

The time must first match.

If the timing is not right, everything else is in vain.

The second is that the characteristics must be consistent.

Twelve people stepped forward one after another, wearing white gloves, to observe carefully.

Everyone's hands were shaking with excitement.

Fortunately, there are sponges underneath, so it will be okay even if it falls. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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