How many treasures the British and French invaders took away from the Old Summer Palace can never be explained because all the furnishings and accounts in the garden were destroyed.

The following information may provide some insight.

Historical data from the Qing Dynasty show that there were only 441 European clocks and watches of various sizes on display and in stock in the Old Summer Palace at that time, and only one large clock survived after the disaster.

Afterwards, a total of 1,197 items were confiscated, which were some of the lost items that were stolen by bandits and"abandoned the road" by the invading army. This is only one-thousandth of the items in the park at best.

According to a newsletter in The Times at the time:"It is estimated that the total value of the looted and destroyed property exceeds 6 million pounds." In fact, a large part of the items stolen and destroyed by the British and French invading forces It is truly a priceless treasure. This heinous crime that destroys human culture is truly heinous!

According to the descriptions of the British and French officers, priests, and journalists who participated in the robbery and witnessed it:

Officers and soldiers, English and French, poured into the Old Summer Palace from all directions in order to seize treasures. In order to rob the treasure, they beat each other and even had armed fights. Because there were so many treasures in the garden, they didn't know what to take for a while. Some moved the cloisonné porcelain vase; some were greedy for embroidered robes; some chose high-end fur coats; some picked up wall clocks inlaid with pearls and jade; some carried large bags on their backs. The pockets are filled with all kinds of treasures; some put gold bars and gold leaves into the wide pockets of their coats; some have brocades and satins wrapped around their bodies; some hats are filled with rubies, sapphires, pearls, crystal stones and other jewelry. ; Some have emerald necklaces hanging around their necks.

There was a mountain of high-end silk and satin in one wing, which was said to be enough for half of the residents of Beijing. All was transported away by soldiers on carts. An English officer plundered a golden Buddha statue worth 1,200 pounds from a temple with 500 statues. A French officer robbed property worth 600,000 francs. The treasure plundered by the son of the French commander-in-chief Montauban was worth 300,000 francs and filled several carriages. A second-class commander of the British army named Hellis stole two golden pagodas (both three stories, one 7 feet high and the other 6.4 feet high) and a large number of other treasures from the garden in one go. A strong man carried him back to the military camp. In addition to looting, the invaders also destroyed countless things. Several houses were filled with silk and satin clothing. Clothes had been pulled out of boxes and thrown on the floor. When people walked into the house, they could barely cover their knees.

The engineers brought big axes, smashed all the furniture, and took off the gems on it. Some people amused themselves by breaking large mirrors, while others shot viciously at the menorah. Most of the French soldiers used wooden sticks in their hands to smash everything they could not take away.

When the coalition forces withdrew from the Old Summer Palace, this beautiful garden had been completely destroyed.

Later, the British army sent more than 1,200 cavalry and an infantry regiment to loot the Old Summer Palace again, and later included the burning of the Old Summer Palace as a prerequisite for peace talks.

Lieutenant General Mitchell was ordered to march more than 3,500 troops to the Old Summer Palace on October 18 and set it on fire. The fire lasted for three days and nights.

The Old Summer Palace just disappeared from the world


In fact, what burned down the Old Summer Palace was not only the Old Summer Palace, but also the three royal mountains and five gardens in western Beijing. The area burned was much larger than that of the Old Summer Palace. The three mountain gardens are: Wanshou Mountain, Yuquan Mountain, and Xiangshan Mountain, and the five gardens are Qingyi Garden, Old Summer Palace, Changchun Garden, Jingming Garden, and Jingyi Garden.

Zhong Jing decided to rebuild the Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens.

Invest your own money.

After the Zhongjing project was presented in front of No. 1's office, No. 1 was silent.

If we really want to rebuild the Old Summer Palace, it will be a project involving tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions.

Not to mention anything else, the value of the various treasures inside is unknown.

In the past, Zhong Jing would not have even thought about rebuilding the Old Summer Palace.

But now, he has plenty of money.

Moreover, he owns several multinational groups and makes money from abroad.


The matter of rebuilding the Old Summer Palace is of great importance.

Moreover, the country must be involved. If the Old Summer Palace can really be rebuilt, I don’t know how much the tickets alone will cost.

Rebuilding the Old Summer Palace is a very huge project. No one wanted to rebuild it on the old site of the Old Summer Palace before, but it was rejected.

The abandoned Old Summer Palace inspires the Chinese people all the time. If you fall behind, you will be beaten, and you must strive for self-improvement.

Even if it is built now, it will not be built on the old site.

This is evidence of the evil of England and France.

Now there are private enterprises that want to build a new Old Summer Palace. Of course, the government will not miss this opportunity, so it convened a meeting.

First is the address.

Kyoto itself is so big, and the space is very tight.

It is somewhat unrealistic to set aside a piece of land to build a new Old Summer Palace.

Because too much land needs to be occupied.

If it is not realistic in Kyoto, then you can only choose other provinces.

The closest ones to Kyoto are Tianjin and Northern Hebei. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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