《The first volume of"The Source of the Four Sacred Hearts" explains the changes of yin and yang.

The yin and yang are not judged, and the energy is confused. Qi contains yin and yang, so it can be clear or turbid. If it is clear, it will rise, and if it is turbid, it will sink. This is the nature of nature. When it rises, it is yang, when it falls, it is yin. Yin and yang are in different positions, and the two are separated. Between the clear and the turbid, it is called the middle qi. The middle qi is the pivot of the rise and fall of yin and yang, which is called earth.

During the pivot movement, the clear air turns to the left and rises to transform into fire; the turbid air turns to the right and descends to transform into water. If it turns into fire, it will be hot; if it turns into water, it will be cold. If it rises half as high, it doesn't turn into fire, so it's called wood. The temperature of wood keeps rising. The accumulated temperature becomes heat and turns into fire. If it falls halfway and does not turn into water, it is called gold. The Qi of gold is cool and continues to fall. The coolness accumulated becomes cold and turns into water.

Water, fire, metal, and wood are called the Four Symbols. The four images are the rise and fall of Yin and Yang, and Yin and Yang are the rise and fall of Qi. When they are named separately, they are called the four images. When put together, they are nothing more than yin and yang.

The four elephants rotate in circles every year. Yang rises before half a year old, and Yin falls after half a year old. When Yang is half rising, it is spring, when it is fully rising, it is summer, when Yin is half falling, it is autumn, and when it is fully falling, it is winter. Spring is born and summer is long, and the energy of wood and fire is there, so spring is warm and summer is hot; autumn is harvested and winter is stored, and there is the energy of metal and water, so autumn is cool and winter is cold. The earth has no special position, and its prosperity is placed in the moon of the four seasons, each of which has eighteen days, and its commander's time is between the six months. When earth combines with the four images, it is called the five elements.

The principle of the five elements is that there is life and restraint, wood produces fire, fire produces earth, earth produces metal, metal produces water, water produces wood, wood restrains earth, earth restrains water, water restrains fire, fire restrains metal, and metal restrains wood. They are mutually reinforcing and interfering, and they are all based on Qi rather than quality. When quality is established, there can be no generation and resistance.

The position that covers the heaven and earth is cold in the north, hot in the south, warm in the east, and cool in the west. When the sun rises in the east, the warm air becomes spring; when it rises in the south, the hot air becomes summer; when the yin falls in the west, the cool air becomes autumn; when it falls in the north, the cold air becomes winter. Warmth in spring produces heat in summer, heat in summer produces coolness in autumn, coolness in autumn produces coldness in winter, and coldness in winter produces warmth in spring. Earth is the mother of the four images and gives birth to the four images. It is said that fire generates earth, so the palace is located after the fire order in June. In June, moisture is abundant, and moisture is earth. In fact, the steaming of water and fire creates moisture. In June, fire is above the earth, water is below the earth, and cold and heat are forcing each other, causing moisture to move. Dampness is the air in water and fire. Earth is located in the southwest, with heat in the south and coolness in the west, so it is said that fire produces earth, and soil produces metal.

Those who are in conflict with each other can control their excesses. If the nature of wood is divergent, if it is restrained by metal energy, the wood will not disperse; if the nature of fire is inflammatory, if it is suppressed by water vapor, the fire will not be inflammatory; if the nature of earth is damp, if it is loosened by wood air, the earth will not be damp; if the nature of metal is convergent, If it is warmed with fire energy, the metal will not be absorbed; if water is used to reduce moisture, if earth energy is used to penetrate it, the water will not be moistened. All are wonderful things that transform into nature


The relationship between heaven, earth and human body is discussed in detail.

There are yin and yang in heaven and earth, and yin and yang in human body.

When the yin and yang of the human body are out of balance, symptoms such as problems and physical discomfort will appear.

The body gradually loses weight.

There are five elements in heaven and earth.

The human body also has five elements.

The five elements are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other.

The same is true for the five internal organs.

The five internal organs supply all kinds of energy needed by the human body.

There is disorder in the five elements.

It means there is something wrong with the five internal organs.

At that time, it will not be as simple as a minor illness. There are many details recorded in the book.

Especially some insights and methods to sort out the yin and yang of the human body and the qi of the five elements.

It can achieve the effect of treating diseases.

This is what matters most.

It’s also something you can’t see in books.


Although Zhong Jing only saved this little boy, he showed superb medical skills and amazed everyone.

This is definitely a strange person.

What everyone couldn't figure out was why Zhong Jing's medical skills were so superb.

After all, Chinese medicine is different from other medicines.

It takes a long time to become a disciple.

Moreover, the learning of traditional Chinese medicine is very slow and requires a long time to accumulate and settle.

But Zhong Jing is really too young.

How could he have such advanced medical skills?

It doesn't look like it's owned by a young man at all.


The most excited ones were the boy’s parents and family.

After all, the child is really too young.

If they lie like this for the rest of their lives, they will never accept it.

Withered like this at the most beautiful age.

Now that the child is back, the boy's parents are of course excited.

The child was allowed to recuperate in the hospital for a while, and was discharged only after his body recovered completely.

The first thing after being discharged from the hospital was, of course, to see the benefactor.

So, the child's mother called Wei Xiyue.

They planned to go to Kyoto to take their children and relatives to thank Ichiban Nobuki.

After all, it was a life-saving grace.

They also know that Zhong Jing is not short of money. After all, both Wei Xiyue and Zhong Jing are very good at making money.

But not lacking money does not mean there is no difference.

Their thanks must be paid in person.

After celebrating the New Year, the family went directly to Kyoto with their children and came to the Zhong family.

The child's parents do not represent anything particularly valuable.

Not a villa, not money, not a luxury car.

But some local specialties.

Specially mailed to Zhong Jing and his wife.

Don’t worry about whether you like it or not, it’s a matter of your heart. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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