Later, when a teammate came to Zhongshan’s house as a guest, he happened to see this top-quality black diamond.

I originally thought it was a fake, a high imitation.

For example, crystal or something like that.

Later, when I got started, I found out that it was true.

As well-known NBA stars, they still have this knowledge. After all, there is no shortage of luxury accessories around them.

Under the influence of this long time, although I am not an expert, I know a thing or two.

At the beginning, I was still a little unsure.

Later, I studied it carefully and added the affirmation of others.

You can be sure that this is a real diamond.

Still a top-notch black diamond.

Everyone exclaimed.

They had only seen such a big black diamond once on the Internet.

I didn't expect it to appear in reality.

And if it is placed in such a grand manner at home, aren't you afraid of being stolen?

Because the location of Zhongshan is really too casual.

Just like Chinese cabbage, it is placed on the table.

But it becomes clear upon closer inspection.

This is so damn true


Among diamonds of various colors, there are three series: colorless, colored and black. The colorless are crystal clear, the colored ones are gorgeous and colorful, and the black ones are mysterious and have unique charm in the international jewelry market.

The most important are black diamonds, which are particularly valuable because of their scarcity.

The origin of black diamonds has always been controversial. Among them, the hypothesis supported by many people is: black diamonds are meteorites from outer space. Organic carbon is directly converted under high pressure inside the planet, such as the most common diamond formation hypothesis.

There are various mysterious legends about black diamonds all over the world:

In ancient Tianzhu, when black diamonds appeared in the form of twin crystals, it was implied that they were the eyes of a big poisonous snake, and people wanted to dedicate black diamonds to the people of ancient Tianzhu as the place of death. God - King Yama.

In medieval Italy, black diamonds were regarded as the"stone of reconciliation." If you and your lover just had a quarrel, as long as you gently move a black diamond back and forth on her face, all worries and misunderstandings will disappear in an instant.

This is probably a rather expensive way to settle disputes.

Most black diamonds are caused by too many inclusions (impurities) inside the diamond that are too dense for light to pass through.

Undoped black diamonds are extremely rare.

An ordinary 1 carat black diamond is worth about RMB 1,000-1,500, while the value of an unadulterated black diamond is very, very, very high.

Because the price of black diamonds is not transparent enough and ordinary goods are very common, please do not collect black diamonds easily to avoid losses.

In the retro style that has been popular in recent years, represented by the sad jewelry style of the Victorian era, black diamonds have become the new favorite of fashion.

Because Queen Victoria was widowed, she only wore mainly black jewelry.

Although the birth of this clock-style jewelry represents heaviness and resentment, its large and solemn style combined with various black gemstones injected power into the soft and complicated feminine style popular in the jewelry industry at that time, making jewelry not only No longer just an exaggerated decoration that represents a prosperous era of singing and dancing, it can also be a display of the deepest and most powerful love and strength in a woman's heart.

As time goes by, black jewelry has lost its sentimentality and has been replaced by dignity and fashion.

Myths and legends aside, the modern craze for this gemstone can be traced to its unusual qualities, with black diamonds complementing the dazzling brilliance of gold and white gold. When a black diamond is paired with other colored gemstones or white diamonds, it can highlight the beauty of the color and texture of the jewelry. Furthermore, since the final appearance of a diamond depends on its cut, black diamonds usually have some imperfections, which makes cutting them quite difficult. But once properly cut, black diamonds become incomparable in beauty and elegance. Because of this, designers all over the world are flocking to black diamonds.

It is precisely because of various signs that the value of black diamonds is extremely high.

A few teammates even wanted to pay for it.

But I checked the price.

Damn, I can’t afford it.

This black diamond is actually more expensive than a villa.

Later, I don’t know how the news spread.

It made the eyes of some noble ladies and rich women light up.

People came to buy.

Not only that, some people from the auction houses also came to complain.

I hope Zhong Shan can hand over this black diamond to them for auction.

After all, this thing is priceless.

However, Zhong Shan never mentioned an auction.

Zhong Shan has said countless times not to sell, not to sell, not to sell, but these people just don't listen.

I run here every day.

There were even thieves.

Fortunately, real life and the movie world are different.

These thieves did not succeed. otherwise······

The loss would be great.

Seeing so much trouble, Zhong Shan had no choice but to deal with it.

Fortunately, this thing is not that expensive.

He plans to auction it off.

As the news spread, jewelers and some nobles immediately took notice.

Some families and consortiums are not short of money at all. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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