After Zhong Jing opened the jade, it turned out to be a piece of violet jade.

This is a kind of purple jade with a color like violet flowers. In the jewelry industry, violet is also called"chun" or"spring color". Jadeite with"spring color" comes in high, medium and low grades. It does not mean that as long as it is violet, it must be valuable or top-grade. It must also be comprehensively evaluated based on quality indicators such as texture, transparency, and craftsmanship.

The purple on jade is generally not deep. According to the different shades of purple, the jade industry divides the purple in jade into pink purple, eggplant purple and blue purple. Pink purple usually has a finer texture and better transparency, followed by eggplant purple, and blue purple. Of.

This piece of jade is eggplant purple.

In Zhong Jing's hands, it was the worst-grade piece of jade.

So Zhong Jing asked a master carver to carve an ornament for himself and gave it to Ren Ranran.

Let it be placed in the office.

The processing of finished jadeite products is divided into two categories: bare finished products and carved finished products.

Bare-body products have higher requirements on raw materials and cannot have cracks, because cracks are easy to see. Jadeite with cracks is mostly used to make flower pieces, and the cracks can be covered up through carving techniques.

Therefore, when evaluating bare products and flower pieces, under the same quality conditions, bare products are more expensive than flower carvings. Of course, there are exceptions for particularly exquisite carved jade.

What the other party carved was a violet.

Because jade itself is purple.

Although it is not imperial green, it is not simple either.

Can be sold for a good price.

The reason why Zhong Jing sent him out was also very simple.

Too lazy to maintain.

Jadeite is too delicate, so it is very troublesome to maintain it.

Antique jadeite should avoid contact with acids, alkalis, and chemical substances, otherwise it will corrode the surface structure of the jadeite.

In addition, normal temperature and humidity should be maintained to avoid damage to the color of jade due to excessive drying by strong light.

Do not use detergents for cleaning. If antique jade is dirty, you need to use a soft cloth or sheepskin to wipe it clean.

Zhong Jing is a bit lazy, he just does these things.

If the antique jade is damaged, you can choose to repair it by bonding; if it is a jade pendant, it can be repaired by processing the fracture; if it is a broken bracelet, it can be processed into a small carving, but it should be noted that it must be preserved in a large area The surface of the original jadeite does not need to be processed. It is enough to process the fracture and process it into a simple shape. Otherwise, it will become a new ordinary jadeite and lose the value of the antique jadeite.

Jade has strong toughness, but don’t misunderstand this feature as being immune to being beaten. Little do they know that jade also requires careful maintenance. When wearing jade jewelry, you should try to avoid dropping it from a high place or hitting hard objects, especially jade jewelry with a few cracks. Otherwise it would be easyCracked or damaged.

Jade jewelry is a symbol of elegance and holiness. It can be maintained with white tea oil regularly, wiped dry and then polished with silk cloth.

After being carved, jade jewelry is often coated with Sichuan wax to increase its beauty. Therefore, jade jewelry cannot come into contact with acids, alkalis, and organic solvents. Even unwaxed jade jewelry, because they are a collection of multiple minerals, should avoid long-term contact with acids and alkali. These chemical reagents will cause damage to the surface of jade jewelry. Corrosion effect. In addition, do not leave jade jewelry in the box for a long time. Over time, jade jewelry will"lose water" and dry out.

Clean and maintain the jadeite regularly: If the surface of the jadeite becomes dirty due to long-term wearing, clean it with water and then gently sweep the jadeite with a ponytail brush. In this way, it is difficult for corrosive substances to exist on the surface of jade for a long time and damage it.

It is best to remove the jadeite when bathing or exercising. Because body wash or sweat contains acidic and alkaline corrosive substances, if it is left in this environment for a long time, it will easily lead to loss of luster.

Usually jade can be moisturized and maintained with a small amount of white tea oil after cleaning.

It can not only lock the moisture of the jadeite from being lost, but also improve the luster and moistness of the jadeite.

Every time you clean, you should pay attention to observe whether the lanyard is worn and whether the inlaid jewelry is loose. This way, timely inspection and maintenance can promptly find out and send it back to the store for maintenance to avoid the jade being broken and lost due to the lanyard breaking and the setting opening loosening..

After the jade is roasted, the internal molecular volume of the jade will increase, causing the jade to metamorphose, causing the jade to lose its warm moisture, causing its germ plasm to dry out and its color to become lighter.

Therefore, try not to wear jade jewelry when visiting places with strong sunshine, such as beaches, to avoid direct sunlight. When steaming in a sauna, you should also remove jade jewelry before entering the sauna to avoid leaving jade at high temperatures for a long time. In a hot and humid environment; when cooking, try to avoid contacting jadeite with high temperatures or open flames. It is best to remove jadeite jewelry during cooking to prevent damage to the jadeite.

This is also the reason why Zhong Jing has no jade jewelry on his body.

Because it is very troublesome to wear.

In fact, the main reason is still because of laziness.

Although Zhong Jing has a nanny, his valuables are rarely touched. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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