In addition to the two super cars, there are also two villas, one located in Qindao, Ludong, and the other in Qiongnan.

Randomly assigned.

Although it is not as good as the Purple Mountain Villa in Kyoto and the two villas in Shanghai, the value is quite impressive.

In addition to these two cars and two villas, there are also two antiques.

One is a Ru kiln from the Song Dynasty - a hollow bamboo hat bowl!

Ru kiln is a famous porcelain in the Song Dynasty.

If this thing were auctioned, it could fetch hundreds of millions.

More valuable than a villa.

Especially some big guys who like to collect will buy them for hundreds of millions of dollars.

Zhong Jing didn't understand it, but some people really liked it.

What's more, this is one of the five famous kilns, and its existence is extremely rare.

Either in major museums or in top collections, there are almost no Ru kilns wandering around.

After all, we have gone through a special period and many things have been destroyed.

Zhong Jing didn't have much idea about antiques, but that didn't stop him from knowing the value of this thing.

It can be seen from many news that antiques are very valuable. Coupled with the current treasure appraisal programs such as"World Collection", antiques and antiques have become more popular.

Countless antiques have been auctioned for hundreds of millions of dollars.

The so-called - gold in troubled times, antiques in prosperous times.

Now is the golden age, and the price of antiques has begun to rise.

Many old artists like to collect and collect these antiques. The famous one among you is Teacher Wang Gang.

He knows a lot about antiques and has some appraisal skills.

It is said that he has a collection room, Lixi, from paintings and calligraphy, to chairs, to porcelain, etc. This is a teacher who really likes to collect.

Although Zhong Jing didn't care much about it, it didn't stop him from collecting some things, especially some porcelain.

With so many years of Chinese history, porcelain culture is definitely an extremely important culture.

Chinese English is all derived from porcelain.

In the country, porcelain occupies a great position, especially the five famous kilns, which are famous all over the world.

Regarding Jun kiln, Zhong Jing also dabbled in it when he was reading in the library.

Jun kiln, also known as Juntai kiln, is a unique style synthesized based on the styles of Chai kiln and Lushan flower porcelain. It was deeply influenced by Taoist thought and reached its peak during the Huizong period of Song Dynasty, when its craftsmanship and technology were brought to the extreme. Whether it is the expression of color or various textures, no one can imitate the expression technology that allows the kiln to be controlled and controlled at will.

Influenced by Neo-Confucianism in the Song Dynasty, the porcelain was regular and symmetrical. This principle was followed in both shape and texture. Especially the Jun porcelain made by officials in the Northern Song Dynasty strictly adhered to this principle regardless of whether it was a study utensil or a large sacrificial vessel.

Regular and symmetrical, elegant, palace-like, and meticulous. Its momentum is heavy and simple, bright and deep. Jian kiln, Yaozhou kiln and Jun kiln are the authentic traditional porcelain culture of the Celestial Dynasty and their long-standing styles have been passed down to this day.

Observed under a magnifying glass, earthworms are walking on mud patterns, with air bubbles connected one by one to form a three-dimensional crawling shape, and frog egg patterns are wrapped around the egg nuclei in piles and are about to hatch out. There are also cow blood patterns, the blood is deep red, dark and murderous, solemn and majestic, etc. It is difficult to describe them one by one.

The color, texture size and distribution of Jun porcelain from the official kilns of the Northern Song Dynasty are difficult to control artificially and are just right. They are the embodiment of the highest level of craftsmanship of Northern Song Dynasty porcelain art. The craftsmanship of this batch of Jun porcelain has long been lost, and the kiln site has also sunk due to frozen water."Even if you have a huge fortune, it is not as good as a piece of Jun porcelain."

This shows the sensational effect of Jun porcelain at that time. So people all over the country followed suit, and there were many kiln entrances, but they still have no idea. So far, there are countless research articles and countless archaeological kiln entrances. Since these batches of Jun porcelain made by the officials of the Northern Song Dynasty have not been seen before, we can only get a glimpse of them.

In 1955, Yuxian (now Yuzhou) Ceramics Factory began to develop and explore the basic formula and firing technology of the long-lost Jun porcelain body glaze. It not only fired traditional color glazes such as rose purple, begonia red, azure, and moon white. , and also developed more than ten kinds of flower glazes, and added new varieties such as modern daily utensils and art display porcelain.

Some people think that the essential feature of Jun kiln is that the glaze has"earthworm mud patterns". This is not entirely correct, it can only be said to be one of the characteristics.

The glazes of many Jun kilns in the collection do not have mud patterns.

Because in the official kilns at that time, the glaze color was uniform, but due to the influence of the kiln temperature, glaze raw material ratio, firing environment and other factors during the firing of a few vessels, the glaze surface changed and restored differently in temperature, which formed the Removed the mud pattern.

Jun kiln in the Northern Song Dynasty achieved controllable kiln changes, and one of its characteristics was the pattern of earthworms walking on the mud. Use bubbles to string together three-dimensional earthworms crawling around, frog egg patterns, fish egg patterns wrapping fish eggs that are about to hatch, etc.

Jun kiln has a long history, dating back thousands of years.

On this thing, it seems to record the history of China for thousands of years and tell the story of the vicissitudes of life.

Jun kiln porcelain is extremely precious. There are many sayings about this among the people. For example, even if you have a fortune, it is not as good as a piece of Jun porcelain. There is no match for Jun porcelain, and the transformation in the kiln is unparalleled. It enters the kiln with the same color, but comes out of the kiln with many colors."If Jun porcelain is red, it will be priceless. If Jun porcelain is not red, it will be poor for the rest of its life" and so on. As for the commercial value of Jun porcelain, local folk proverbs say: Entering the Southwest Mountain, a seven-mile long street appears with seventy-seven kilns, fireworks cover the sky, and merchants travel all over the world, making money every day. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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