Buddhism is one of the three major religions in the world. Especially in China and India, there are many people who believe in Buddhism.

Buddhism was born more than 2,500 years ago and was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, a prince of Kapilavastu (now Nepal) in ancient India. Western countries generally believe that Buddhism originated in India, and India is actually working hard to create an image of a"Buddhist holy land".

This has caused many people to have the illusion that Buddha was born in India, which has always made the Nepalese people dissatisfied.

Buddha means"the awakened one". The Buddha is also called the Tathagata, the worthy offering, the right and all-knowing, the perfect practitioner of enlightenment, the good passerby, the understander of the world, the supreme scholar, the master of training, the teacher of gods and humans, and the World Honored One. Buddhism attaches great importance to human spiritual and moral progress and enlightenment. The purpose of Buddhist believers to practice Buddhism is to discover the truth of life and the universe according to the practice methods enlightened by Siddhartha, and ultimately transcend life, death and suffering, cut off all troubles, and obtain ultimate liberation.

After so many years of development, Buddhism is indeed broad and profound.

This is undeniable.

After all, none of the three major religions in the world will be simple.

Buddhism denies fatalism and believes that people have a destiny. However, it does not encourage people to resign themselves to fate, but hopes that people can create their own destiny.

Buddhism advocates that all dharma arises from causes and conditions, so destiny also arises from causes and conditions.

Bad fate can be changed by planting good karma. Since destiny can be changed by practicing compassion, cultivating merit, and practicing repentance, destiny is not necessarily so unchangeable. No matter how bad your fate is, it can be transformed through various practices.

On the contrary, if a good destiny is not properly maintained, it will be lost and corrupted. As the saying goes,"Be prepared for danger in times of peace", you must be cautious!


Buddhism is now deeply rooted in China.

There are temples basically everywhere.

The number of temples there even exceeds that of the native religion Taoism.

The development of Buddhism in China is very rapid and lasting.

There is a saying called - Taoism, in troubled times, go down the mountain to save the world, and in prosperous times. In Buddhism, mountains are closed to avoid the world in troubled times, and mountains are opened to welcome incense in prosperous times.

Therefore, the inheritance of Buddhism is very good, and even now, there are still millions of believers.

Before BC, Buddhism had already spread to China.

Different from the cultural tradition of India, the translation of Buddhist scriptures started as soon as Buddhism was introduced to China. It was a written and systematic translation under a strict system organized by eminent monks officially organized by the royal family.

As Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty opened the official door to Buddhism, in the following hundreds of years, there was an endless stream of eminent monks from the western regions of India and the Central Plains who preached and learned Buddhist scriptures, such as Kumarajiva, Zhenti, Faxian and other patriarchal bodhisattvas.

In the Tang Dynasty, Master Xuanzang traveled to dozens of countries in India to collect scriptures, and after he returned to the Tang Dynasty with the highest achievements in the Mahayana and Mahayana schools, the main classics of the Mahayana and Mahayana schools in India were gradually translated to the Chinese. At this time in the East, major sects were maturing one after another, eminent monks emerged in large numbers, and countless practitioners achieved enlightenment. From the study and interpretation of teachings and enlightenment to the widespread dissemination among the people, the glorious practice of Mahayana Buddhism in the Celestial Dynasty complemented the prosperous Sui and Tang Dynasties.

The center of world Buddhism gradually moved to China, and then spread and affected Fusang, Korea, Singapore, and Bianzang in my country.

Buddhism has now become a world religion. Since then, Indian Buddhism has declined and disappeared.

The Buddhist collection collected by Huaxia Translation has become the most comprehensive, systematic and complete.

Starting from the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Chinese Buddhism entered a stage of prosperity and development. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Buddhism had spread all over the country, and the number of monks and lay Buddhists increased rapidly. The"Luoyang Jialan Ji" of the Northern Wei Dynasty recorded that there were 1,367 temples in Luoyang City at its peak. There were over 10,000 monks and nuns in Chang'an in the north, and hundreds of Buddhist temples in Jianye in the south..

But everything prospered and then declined, so later the Three Martial Arts destroyed the Buddha.

First of all, the massive construction of Buddhist temples has wasted a lot of social wealth. The main reason why the rulers believe in Buddhism and promote Buddhism is that Buddhism and the monks can help them numb the people. Buddhism can not only"contribute to the people and guide the people", but also has"beneficial benefits, whether it exists or not, and it can guide the legacy of the gods." Reliance". It can be said that the donations given by the ruling class to the temples are actually payments for religious services to their rule. Those who participated in the donation, ranging from the emperor to the princes and nobles, formed a blood-transfusion team for the temple's rapidly expanding economy.

Secondly, temple landlords occupy large amounts of land, which seriously affects the implementation of national land policies. The monastery economy is mainly based on land, and monasteries generally obtain land through charity, mergers and plunder. Regardless of whether the state or the princes and nobles built temples, they usually donated some land along with them. For example, during the reign of Emperor Gaozu of the Tang Dynasty, Shaolin Temple was granted 40 hectares of land for helping Wang Shichong of Tang Ping. In addition to the emperor, a large number of princes and nobles also competed for the Buddhist temple. In addition, since the Northern and Southern Dynasties, due to social unrest and frequent dynasty changes, class conflicts have become acute. In order to seek spiritual sustenance, noble landowners and ordinary people have also donated large amounts of land to Buddhist temples, which has greatly increased the temple land. In addition to obtaining land through charity, monasteries also annexed and plundered land.

Third, the development of the Buddhist monastery economy has seriously affected the government's tax revenue. The outstanding feature of the temple economy is that while the temples occupy a large amount of land, they also have a large number of dependent populations. The main reason why people are willing to join Buddhist temples is that temples have the privilege of being exempted from labor and rent taxes. Monks and nuns not only"keep an inch of silk as good as the government, and do not enter public warehouses for raising rice", but also"households are arranged according to the size of the family, and the door is for the strong and the weak. They can come and go as they please, and come and go freely." _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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