Professional personnel were dispatched to investigate, and even powerful Feng Shui masters were dispatched. They were really worried about giving birth to dragon veins.

After all, this is no small matter.

The staff uses advanced scientific equipment, while the Feng Shui master relies purely on a pair of eyes and profound knowledge.

Don't underestimate Feng Shui masters, some excellent Feng Shui masters are quite powerful.

And Feng Shui is not a superstition, it is a discipline.

In some universities, Feng Shui has even become a specialized major.

Feng Shui major.

In addition, there are many majors related to Feng Shui.

For example, architecture, civil engineering, etc.

Feng Shui became an elective major.

Feng Shui is used in many places, especially in architecture


Feng shui is surveyed with a compass. There is no doubt that the feng shui of Zijin Mountain is good, otherwise it would not have become a wealthy area.

And the designer of the Purple Mountain Villas is definitely an expert.

Gather wealth and luck.

Hundreds of rivals quarreled.

Let the owners of the villa group benefit.

Many communities will carry out some Feng Shui arrangements.

Especially some high-end residential areas.

But, there is nothing else.

This Feng Shui master is not ordinary, he is very virtuous and highly respected, and his strength is even more extraordinary.

The other party can operate without a compass, let alone carrying a compass now.

Mr. Feng Shui worked hard to explore and communicate with each other on the Purple Mountain, but there was no gain.

They all doubted whether it broke out here.

After all, it’s normal if one person can’t see it, and it’s normal if two people can’t come out. If so many great Feng Shui masters can’t see it, that means there might be nothing wrong here.


Feng Shui is so mysterious that most people can’t even understand it, let alone read it.

So several Feng Shui masters communicated and talked about the topography and Feng Shui conditions of Purple Mountain.

Feng Shui is the force of nature and the great magnetic field energy of the universe.

Wind is vitality and field energy, and water is flow and change. Feng shui is originally the art of looking at the land, which is a method of checking geography on the spot. It is also called land phase and the ancient name of geology. It is a philosophy that studies the environment and the laws of the universe. Since people are a part of nature, nature is also a part of people. Reach the state of"harmony between man and nature". The founder of Feng Shui is the Taoist goddess Jiutian Xuannv. The relatively complete Feng Shui knowledge emerged in the Warring States Period. The core idea of ​​Feng Shui is the harmony between man and nature, to achieve the"unity of man and nature." Early Feng Shui was mainly related to methods and principles such as the location, orientation, and construction of palaces, residences, villages, and cemeteries. A metaphysics.

Feng shui generally refers to the natural situation of residential sites, cemeteries, etc., such as the system of land lines, directions of mountains and rivers, etc.

Feng Shui is not a superstition.

On the contrary, it is a discipline that has been passed down for a long time.

As you can tell from its name, Purple Mountain is also a famous mountain.

It was later developed by developers and became a famous wealthy area in Kyoto.

It is surrounded by mountains and rivers and has a beautiful environment.

It's just expensive.

Feng shui has"form" and"principle""

""Shape method" is mainly used for selecting sites and shapes;"Lifa" focuses on determining the orientation and pattern of indoor and outdoor areas; in addition, there is also"Day method" for selecting auspicious days and good times to create things;"Fu Zhen method" is for remedy Each method selects unfavorable measures.

According to the application objects, Feng Shui is divided into Yangzhai Fengshui, that is, Yangzhai Xiangfa, which is responsible for the location and layout of city residences where living people live; Yinzhai Fengshui, that is, Yinzhai burial method, which is responsible for the mausoleums of the deceased. The location and layout of tombs.

Feng Shui has different differences in the environment of the residence. There are also so-called houses in wells, houses in the wilderness, and houses in the valley. For example,"Three Yuan Geography" has its own differences in the application of Feng Shui. Emphasis.

For houses in the wilderness and valleys, due to their close relationship with the surrounding natural geographical environment, more emphasis is placed on form; while for houses in Jingyi, due to the limitations of the external environment, both form and theory are often emphasized.

Chinese Feng Shui The Situation School focuses on finding dragons, observing sand, observing water, acupoints, orientation, etc. to determine the right position; while the Liqi School focuses on the theory of mutual interdependence of Yin and Yang, five elements, stems and branches, and the Eight Trigrams and Nine Palaces, and has established a set of rigorous on-site operation tools. The jujube compass determines the direction of site selection and planning.

Regardless of the situation school or the rationale school, Chinese Feng Shui has formed many practical methods in history, but they must follow the following three principles: the principle of the unity of heaven, earth and man; the balance of yin and yang Principle; the principle of mutual support and restraint of the five elements. Feng Shui theory is actually a natural science that integrates geophysics, hydrogeology, astronomy, meteorology, environmental landscape, architecture, ecology and human life informatics. Science.

Its purpose is to carefully and carefully examine and understand the natural environment, utilize and transform nature, and create a good living environment. The people of the ancient Celestial Dynasty often said:"The house uses the situation as the body, the spring water as the blood, the land as the skin and flesh, and the vegetation as the body." as hair, the house as clothing, and the door as a crown. If this is the case, it is an elegant thing, which is auspicious."This is to humanize the house, indicating that proper layout matching is very important for both the house and the people._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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