Zhong Jing and Zhang Ruoling walked for a while and then entered the snack street.

At this time, Zhong Jing has completely transformed into her boyfriend.

Zhang Ruoling buys whatever she wants to eat.

Don’t buy too much in one place, just buy some, mainly to taste, not to eat.

Zhong Jing bought an authentic Star City stinky tofu.

How should I put it, not particularly authentic.

Not as good as the Star City Stinky Tofu I ate in Nandu last time.

This smell is a bit confusing.

Zhang Ruoling has fried squid skewers in her left hand and a cup of milk tea in her right hand. Her mouth is all stained with oil and she looks quite cute.

Zhong Jing held a portion of Star City's stinky tofu in his hand and ate a few pieces. He really couldn't eat it anymore. This food was really unpalatable.

There is no comparison with the authentic Star City stinky tofu.

Xingcheng stinky tofu is a traditional specialty of Xingcheng in southern Hunan. The locals in Xingcheng also call it stinky tofu.

Black in color, burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, fresh and spicy. Crispy but not mushy, tender but not greasy, the smell is tangy at first, and the aroma is tempting when you smell it carefully.

It is one of the most famous snacks in China.

When traveling now, many places have this snack.

It smells bad and tastes delicious.

Zhong Jing has tasted real Star City stinky tofu, and I have to say, it is really delicious.

Of course, not all the stinky tofu in Star City is authentic, so you have to go to a specialized place.

Star City is a big city, and some people, although they are from Star City, don’t know how to make stinky tofu, but after seeing others making stinky tofu and making a fortune, they started to learn it too.

But what they make is not authentic Star City stinky tofu.

Stinky tofu smells stinky and tastes delicious because during the process of fermentation, submersion and post-fermentation, the protein contained in the tofu decomposes the sulfur amino acids contained in the tofu under the action of protease and hydrolyzes to produce a compound called hydrogen sulfide. The compound has a pungent odor.

Amino acids are produced after protein is decomposed, and amino acids have fresh properties

, so they"eat delicious". In the past, stinky tofu was generally considered an"unhealthy" food, but now, it has turned into a good thing.

The production process of stinky tofu is relatively complicated from high-quality soybeans. The soybeans go through ten processes of screening, shelling, soaking, grinding, filtering, boiling, boiling, shaping, cutting and fermentation. Chenggong stinky tofu has a soft texture and a unique aroma.

The ancestors praised it and said: The taste is more than beautiful, so don't pass it on to others. It not only has high nutritional value, but also has good medicinal value. Ancient medical books record that stinky tofu can replenish qi in the cold, harmonize the spleen and stomach, relieve distension and pain, clear away heat and dissipate blood, and reduce turbid qi in the large intestine. Those who eat it regularly can enhance their physical fitness and tone their skin.

It is said that in the eighth year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, Wang Zhihe, who came to Beijing from Huangshan, Huizhou, to take the exam, failed in the gold medal list. He was living in the guild hall and wanted to return to his hometown. He had no transportation and no money. He wanted to study in Beijing and was preparing to take the exam again, but it was still far away from the next exam period. Far.

He had no choice but to make a living in Beijing temporarily.

Wang Zhihe's family was not wealthy. His father opened a tofu shop in his hometown. Wang Zhihe had learned to make tofu when he was young, so he rented several rooms near the Huizhou Guild Hall, purchased some simple tools, and grinded several tofu every day. Tofu made from beans is sold along the street.

It's summer, and sometimes the leftover tofu from sales quickly becomes moldy and becomes inedible, but I'm not willing to throw it away.

He thought hard about countermeasures, so he cut the tofu into small pieces and dried it for a while. He found a small vat and salted it. Then he stopped working and concentrated on studying, and gradually forgot about it.

The autumn breeze was blowing, and Wang Zhihe resumed his old business, making tofu for sale.

Suddenly I thought of the jar of pickled tofu. I quickly opened the lid of the jar and a stench hit my nostrils. When I took it out, I saw that the tofu was blue-grey. When I tried it with my mouth, I felt that besides the stench, there was a strong aroma. Although it is not a gourmet dish, it is intriguing. I gave it to my neighbors to taste and they all praised it.

Wang Zhihe failed in many attempts, so he had to give up his studies and go into business, and processed stinky tofu according to the method he had tried in the past.

This product is cheap, can be eaten with meals, and is suitable for low-income working people. Therefore, the market is gradually opening up, and the business is booming. After many rounds of financing, we purchased a pavement house on the west side of Zhongzhong Road, Yanshou Street, where we produced, sold, and operated both wholesale and retail operations. According to the contract for purchasing the house, it was the winter of the seventeenth year of Kangxi's reign.

Since Wang Zhihe created the unique stinky tofu, he has gradually developed a set of production techniques for stinky tofu through many improvements. The production scale has continued to expand, the quality is better, and the reputation is higher.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, it was introduced to the court. Legend has it that the Empress Dowager Cixi also liked to eat it in late autumn and early winter, and listed it as an imperial side dish. However, she thought its name was inelegant, so she named it"Qingfang" because of its green and square shape."


"Hey, why did you throw it away?" Zhang Ruoling asked as she watched Zhong Jing throw away the Xingcheng stinky tofu in his hand.

""I'm glad I didn't buy it for you. This tastes too bad." Zhong Jing's appetite has also grown up.

Of course, this thing is really bad.

"Next time I will take you to taste what is the real Star City stinky tofu"

"Okay, when do you have time?" Zhang Ruoling nodded.

Does he want to go out with Zhong Jing?

Of course he does.

Only if we go out together will we have a chance._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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