Don’t Zhong Jing want to wear it?

Of course I do.

But he was even more afraid of being controlled by this mask, which would make people look less human and ghosts look less like ghosts.

Become a demon.

Don't doubt the power of this ghost mask, it is very terrifying.

Unless another prop is used to suppress the opponent's evil spirit, otherwise······Very difficult to control.

Zhong Jing sealed the ghost mask and threw it into the system space.

He is also afraid that the other party will do something wrong and bring some disaster to the whole world.

Not only will good things appear on the lottery wheel, but also things that will bring disaster to the world will appear.

Fortunately, there is only one demon mask, and the other items are pretty good.

A Blood Bodhi from the world of"Wind and Cloud".

This thing has been obtained by Zhongjing before.

It can strengthen the body and enhance physical fitness.

At the beginning, Zhong Jing didn't know how to use it.

Later, after receiving the inheritance of medical knowledge, Zhong Jing put Blood Bodhi into medicinal wine to strengthen the body, generate blood and strengthen bones.

The biggest effect of Blood Bodhi is to enhance physical fitness.

Especially for some elderly people.

It can give them a second spring.

Blood Bodhi seems to contain Kirin blood, which makes people's blood strong.

The hair changes from white to black, and the blood energy is strong.

Of course, Zhong Jing didn't get many Blood Bodhis, just a few, and they were all brewed into medicinal wine.

In addition to Blood Bodhi, Zhongjing also supplemented some other medicinal materials.

Ganoderma lucidum, Polygonum multiflorum, wolfberry, etc.


Zhong Jing got two this time.

You can brew two barrels of fine wine.

However, you cannot take this thing after soaking it in wine, as all the medicinal effects will be absorbed into the wine.

It will take at least a year to soak this thing in wine.

Three years is optimal.

The longer the time is, the more mellow the wine will be. However, it should not be soaked for too long. If you soak it for a thousand years, the materials inside will probably rot.

In addition to the Blood Bodhi, I also received a World of Harry Potter stick.

Recite the spell and then use the magic wand to release powerful magic.

But unfortunately, the Bell Realm spell.

So this magic wand has become useless.

It's no different from an ordinary stick.

Zhong Jing also has another worry, and that is the issue of rules.

Even with magic spells and magic wands, magic cannot be released.

Because now is the Dharma Ending Age.

Can't practice.

Zhongjing has many things that cannot be used.

For example, some ninjutsu acquired.

How to use chakra without it.

No ninjutsu can be released.

The rules of the world are different and many things cannot be used.

Of course, there are also many otherworldly things available.

For example - Murasame.

Seeing blood seals the throat, and the injured person will die.

Zhong Jing would definitely not dare to use humans for experiments, but chickens, ducks, geese, and other animals could indeed be tried.

This thing is really vicious.

There is also the"detonating talisman". Zhong Jing tried it in the No. 9 Research Institute, and it can indeed be detonated, and it is very powerful.

But there is one flaw: it cannot be manufactured.

Use one less one.

If this thing is used for a terrorist attack, then······

It's really awesome.

The security check can't detect it at all.


Among the valuable things, not to mention watches, diamond rings, and jewelry.

This stuff is so common.

What surprised Zhong Jing was that a Yushan appeared.

This Yushan is not a place name, nor is it a mountain.

It is a work of art carved out of jade.

Exquisite and beautiful, simple and elegant.

Yushan (zi) is a round sculpture of a mountain and forest landscape. When making it, a plan is drawn first and then carved, so it is often named after the picture. Yushanzi is carved with mountains and forests, figures, animals, birds, flowing water, etc., with distinct layers and shapes. The carvings of this kind of mountain and forest landscape express and permeate the composition of painting from framing, layout, to hierarchical arrangement. The works of the Jin and Yuan Dynasties took mountains, forests, stags, oak trees, and people as their themes, while those of the Ming Dynasty mostly used mountains, rocks, and trees as the main content.

Before the Ming Dynasty, rock carving was mainly done by drilling, and hole-like or weight-like drilling marks are often visible.

The earliest giant Yushanzi is the Dushan Jade Sea, also known as the"Jade Urn". It is actually a giant wine storage vessel. It was made by the royal jade craftsman ordered by Kublai Khan, the founder of the Yuan Dynasty, in 1265. It is now stored in the Beihai Park Group in Kyoto. city.

The carvings of Yushan in the Qing Dynasty were greatly influenced by the painting style of the"Four Kings" in the early Qing Dynasty. The layout of the rocks was balanced and steady, with stacked forests and light artistic conception. Therefore, when carving, we strive to be simple and solemn, use the knife smoothly, and have smooth turns, which is different from the folk Decoration style of jade with cut flowers and leaves.

Shanzi in the Qing Dynasty was popular during the Qianlong period, and most of them were large-scale scenes based on landscapes, figures and historical stories.

Such as"Autumn Mountain Travel""、"Nanshan Jicui"、""Huichang Nine Elders" and so on. Small-scale Yushanzi is also more common. It also uses landscape figures, pavilions and pavilions as themes to carve out elegant and tranquil landscapes.

Some use clever techniques to take advantage of the color differences of the jade itself. , respectively carve out white clouds, flowing water, green pines and bamboos, ancient road sunset and other scenery, forming a special effect of staggered heights and contrasting depths, with a strong charm. The surface of the rocks has long edges, as if covered with hemp, the edges of the rocks, the clothes of the figures, etc. The pleats and tree outlines are all carved with sharp edges and corners, similar to today's bonsai._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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