At that time, many officials of the Grandfare of Wangfu Wangfu, the big households, were proud to invite famous teachers to engrav the filmmakers, storage of precision shadow boxes, and private filmmaking classes.

In folk rural towns, large and small shadow and shadow play are abound. It is not surprising that there are 20 or 30 shadow classes in one country and one city.

Regardless of the New Year's Eve, festive harvests, praying for blessings and worship, marrying banquets, and Timing's birthday, it is indispensable to take pictures.

Even the play lasts all night or lasts for more than ten and a half months. In a temple fair, several shadow troupes can set up a stage to sing and compete with each other. It is very lively and the grandeur can be imagined.

The shadows of the Qing Dynasty were very popular. In addition to being welcomed by farmers and citizens, they also enter the court.

During the Kangxi, the Prince of Li had eight officials with eight foods in the five -grade puppet. On the New Year's Day, the festive days of Jiaqing also passed on to perform in the house. At that time, the Beijing Film and Play Class performed a puppet in the daytime, while Ye Ye would sing a movie in the Tang Dynasty. Many Peking opera actors also participated in the film and play class performance.

In the later period of the Qing Dynasty, some local governments were afraid of the night venues of the shadow play to gather together, and they banned the movie and even arrested shadow artists.

The shadow artist was also implicated by the Bailian Uprising at the end of the Qing Dynasty and was seized by the charges of"mysterious lanterns".

Before and after the Japanese invasion, due to social turmoil and war, the people did not talk about their lives, which led to the fading of the shadow industry in the shadow industry for a while.

After 1949, the remaining shadow puppet troupes and artists across the country began to become active again. However, during the"Special Period", the art of shadow puppetry once again suffered the bad luck of"breaking the four olds", and its vitality was seriously damaged.

Later, with the development and popularization of television, shadow puppetry has completely declined and been eliminated.

So much so that it is no longer possible to see the shadow puppet show again.

China has a vast territory, and shadow puppets from various regions have their own characteristics. However, the production procedures of shadow puppets are mostly the same. They usually go through eight processes including skin selection, leather making, drawing, drafting, engraving, sweating and ironing, stitching, and hand carving. More than 3,000 knives are a complex and wonderful process.

The artistic creativity of Yingying draws the methods and styles of the murals of painting, portrait stone, painting Tang, and Song Temple in Huahan Dynasty.

The production process is as follows: first remove the hair and blood from sheepskin, donkey skin or other animal skins, then treat it with drugs to make the leather thin and translucent, and apply tung oil, and then artists will depict various figures. On top, after cutting various types of knives, then apply the color, and the main red, yellow, green, green, black, etc. during coloring.

When carving, it is usually carved, and sometimes shade. Painting dyeing pays attention to women's hair accessories and clothing. Most of the patterns such as flowers, grass, clouds, and phoenixes are used as patterns, and men use dragon, tiger, water, cloud and other patterns as patterns. Loyal characters are five points, and the negative characters are seven -point. Like the characters in the drama, the character is full of life, dan, net, and ugly characters. The high shadow height is 55 cm, and the low is about 10 cm.

The limbs and head of the shadow puppet are carved separately and connected with threads to facilitate free movement during performances. A shadow puppet needs to be manipulated with five bamboo sticks. The artist's fingers are nimble, and the audience is often dazzled by the performance. Not only is it wonderful and superb in hand, but also say, read, fight, sing, but also brake gongs and drums under your feet. The screen of the shadow shadow is made of a 1 -square -meter -size white gauze.

After the white gauze was polished by fish oil, it became quite translucent. During the performance, the shadow was close to the screen activities, and the shadows and colorful colors were really moving. The shadow props are small, the performance is convenient, and it is not limited by the venue. The actors do not need formal training, so they are loved by the people.

In areas where shadow play prevails, people will affectionately call it the"one -burden" art.

The first step is to select the skin. Since shadow puppetry is a folk art, all aspects of the performance vary from place to place, and the production materials also depend on the local use of animal skins.

In Huaxia, cowhide, sheepskin, donkey leather, pork skin, etc. Among them, cowhide is currently the most widely used material in the Tianchao market. The raw materials of shadow puppets vary from place to place. For example, the production of Longdong shadow puppets generally uses young, black-coated bull hides, which are moderately thick, hard and pliable, green and transparent.

The second step - leather making. There are two methods of processing cowhide: one is"clean leather" and the other is"gray leather". The production process of clean leather is to soak the cowhide in clean cold water for two times. After three days, take it out and scrape it with a knife: the first step is to scrape off the hair, the second step is to scrape off the meat residue on the inner skin, and the third step is to gradually thin it out and scrape off the inner skin.

Soak it with water every time, until the fourth is delicate and detailed, and the leather is brightened.

When scraping, you must pay attention to making the thickness of the skin uniform, and your hand should be light and steady to avoid damaging the skin. After scraping it, it is supported on the wooden frame, and the shade is done.

""Gray leather" is also called"soft scraping". When soaking the leather, calcium oxide (lime), sodium sulfide (stinky caustic soda), sulfuric acid, ammonium sulfate and other pharmaceutical agents are mixed into the water, and the cowhide is repeatedly soaked and scraped. This is The leather material scraped by the method is similar to glass, and it is better to engrave.

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