When Lu Yu was 21 years old, he decided to write the"Tea Classic", so he began to travel and investigate tea. Along the way, he was hungry for dry food and thirsty for tea, passing through Yiyang and Xiangyang. , heading to Nanzhang and Wushan, Sichuan. Everywhere I went, I discussed tea matters with local village elders, made various specimens of various tea leaves, wrote down the anecdotes about tea I learned on the way, and made a lot of"

After more than ten years and field visits to thirty-two states, Lu Yu finally lived in seclusion in Tiaoxi and began to research and write about tea. It took five years to write the first draft of"The Book of Tea". Over the next five years, additions and revisions were made, and then it was officially finalized. Lu Yu was forty-seven years old at this time, and it took him a total of twenty-six years to finally complete the"Tea Classic", the world's first masterpiece on the study of tea.

Lu Yu's reputation spread far and wide, and the imperial court intended to keep him as an official in Beijing. However, he refused to accept the offer and continued to travel around the country to promote tea art. His influence made the tea industry flourish.

Before the Tang Dynasty, tea was mostly used for medicinal purposes, and only a few areas used tea as a beverage. After Lu Yu, tea became the main beverage among Chinese people. Tea flourished in the Tang Dynasty, and the practice of drinking tea became popular in the north and south of the Yangtze River. Drinking tea and drinking tea became an important part of Chinese culture.

《"Tea Classic" is a book summed up by Lu Yu on the basis of observing the growth patterns of tea leaves in major tea areas, observing the processing of tea leaves by tea farmers, further analyzing the quality of tea leaves, and learning good folk methods of cooking tea. In addition, Lu Yu also paid attention to the production of folk tea sets and tea sets, and produced his own unique set of tea sets. Lu Yu spent his whole life studying tea affairs, and his footsteps spread all over the country's major tea areas.

Since Lu Yu wrote the"Tea Classic", tea monographs have come out one after another, further promoting the development of Chinese tea affairs.

Representative works include"Tea Records" by Cai Xiang of the Song Dynasty,"Daguan Tea Theory" by Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty,"Tea Book" written by Qian Chunnian and edited by Gu Yuanqing in the Ming Dynasty,"Tea Records" by Zhang Yuan,"History of Tea" by Liu Yuanchang in the Qing Dynasty, etc..

The Chinese Tea Classic has been inextricably linked with Buddhism from the beginning.

Initially, tea provided irreplaceable raw materials to monks, and monks and monasteries promoted the development of tea production and the advancement of tea-making technology. Lu Yu, the tea sage who founded the Chinese tea ceremony, has many praises of Buddhism and records of monks' tea addiction in his"Tea Classic".

In the practice of tea ceremony, tea ceremony and Buddhism have found more and more similarities in ideological connotation; Zen tea was born on this basis.


In fact, a lot of things have been lost in the"Tea Classic" that is circulated now.

For example——《Water Products" article.

It is said that Lu Yu followed the refugees from Chengzhou to the north to visit the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River. He investigated and collected a large amount of first-hand information on tea production, and accumulated rich experience in tea tasting. He wrote an article"Shuipin". Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. Lost.

However, Zhang Youxin, a scholar of the same generation, once listed in detail a list of 20 types of water including rivers, wells, springs and snow water that Lu Yu had rated in his"Jiancha Shui Ji".

For example, the water curtain water of Kangwang Valley in Lushan ranks first, the stone spring water of Huishan Temple in Wuxi ranks second, and the stone spring water of Lanxi in Qizhou ranks third. Zhonglingquan (also known as Nanlingquan in today's Zhenjiang) in the center of the Yangtze River is listed as the seventh grade.

What's interesting is that Zhang Youxin also recorded a true story: Li Jiqing, the governor of the state, met Lu Yu who was inspecting the tea ceremony on the bank of the Yangtze River, and invited him to go on the same boat. Li Jiqing heard that the Nanling water in the center of the nearby Yangtze River was excellent for making tea, so he ordered his soldiers to go in small boats to fetch water. Unexpectedly, the soldier spilled half of a bottle of water on the way and secretly scooped up water from the river bank to replenish it. Lu Yu took a mouthful and took a sip, and immediately pointed out,"This is water from the river near the bank, not Nanling water." Li Jiqing ordered the soldiers to fetch water again. After Lu Yu tasted it, he smiled and said,"This is Nanling water in the center of the river." The soldier had no choice but to surrender, knelt in front of Lu Yu, and told the truth. Lu Yu's reputation became more and more popular.

Some tea experts in the Ming and Qing Dynasties believed that Nanling water and Lin'an river water were clear and turbid, light and heavy, which was not difficult for the tea sage Lu Yu to distinguish. After Lu Yu passed away, later generations respected him as the"Sage of Tea"."、""Tea God" began in the late Tang Dynasty.

Zhao Li, who served as governor of Quzhou during the Tang Dynasty, had a close relationship with Lu Yu..To this day, in the tea house, the pottery statue of him is placed among the tin utensils, which means that Ashikaga tea is suitable.’"


The Tea Classic that Zhong Jing has now obtained is the complete version.

There are introductions to various water sources.

Moreover, which water source goes with which tea leaves are introduced in detail.

The only regret is that the pollution is now serious, and many water sources are polluted or even disappeared.

However, Zhongjing can be replaced by other things.

Some water sources in China may have been polluted or even disappeared, but he has obtained precious water sources around the world.

For example, the most precious Fiji water.

Use this to make tea and make tea.

Another example is the water in Iceland.

There are still many clean water sources in the world.

Zhongjing can be purchased and then shipped. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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