The Phantom Thief of Heart! But Conan

Chapter 100 Gin: What’s going on?

Gin bit the filter of his cigarette and endured it, but still couldn't help asking: "What are you doing?"

"Peng!" With one bullet to end the last bit of health of the blocking shadow, Tangze gestured to Xingchuan Hui, walked back to the car and closed the door.

Karasawa didn't mean to waste his marbles here. It was really rare to meet Dankarabi (the one-eyed starfish). He was already in a high mood and became more playful. After squeezing out the money, he couldn't help but use his gun to sweep away the last one. A little blood.

There are only a few familiars with weak objects and weak guns. Every time they meet Tang Ze, they will play with each other for a while before leaving. I just received a call. Thinking about it, they are members of illegal and criminal organizations anyway. If they hear it, they will hear it. Tang Ze accepts it without any scruples. Got the phone.

"We're working, Gin-senpai." Karasawa cut into Goro Akechi's gentle tone with a smile, which made Hoshikawa Teru's skin crawl.

Gin frowned and held the phone a little further away.

No matter how many times I hear it, every time I hear Goro Akechi speak in a deliberately crooked voice, I will easily feel uncomfortable.

"What kind of work requires a submachine gun?" As a killer who is proficient in all kinds of weapons, Gin will certainly not mistake the gunshots he hears.

"Ah, you should ask Bourbon-senpai about this." A scapegoat was thrown at Toru Amuro, and Karasawa's tone became softer, "It's really too much to ask minors to do this kind of work."

He could probably guess his image in Gin's mind.

Paranoid, a highly intelligent anti-social personality who likes to pretend to be harmless and innocent, with a sunny and refreshing image, and a bit of a pervert.

Therefore, Karasawa's main acting strategy in front of Gin is to be as sunny and cheerful as possible. Gin will naturally understand him in the opposite direction and think that he is most likely to be sick.

Gin indeed thinks so.

"Tsk." Hearing the word "bourbon", Gin's mood became even worse. "You two can resolve your own matters, but if you make a big fuss, you will be responsible for the consequences."

"Don't worry, haha, I know what's appropriate." Tang Ze's laughter was very hearty.

If you know how to measure, you won't open fire with a submachine gun.

Gin was convinced that when he dialed the phone, he heard a shrill howl.

Forget it, the game between two lunatics is probably in full swing, and there's no point in trying to reason with them.

"The problem with swallowing Shigehiko has been confirmed." Not bothering to beat around the bush with the little pervert, Gin went straight to the point and said, "Congratulations."

"...Ah." The cheerfulness in Tang Ze's voice suddenly disappeared, and after a few seconds, a single tone of unknown meaning came out.

There wasn't much space inside the Beetle, and Karasawa didn't deliberately avoid Hoshikawa Fai. As soon as he heard the words Yankou Zhongyan, Hoshikawa Hui's hands instantly tightened the steering wheel, and the whole car shook, and the veins on the back of his hands were all broken. became violent.

Glancing at Hoshikawa Teru's white-clenched hands, Tang Ze replied in a faint voice: "So, can I kill him?"

"No, he is still of some use to the organization. We will arrange for you to visit his curtain call." After all, Akechi Goro has a direct relationship with Tonguchi Shigehiko. Whether it is confidentiality or other aspects, the organization will not arrange for Akechi to visit. Goro went to perform the assassination.

However, Shigehiko Tonkou was not a small person, and the organization would have arranged for people to coordinate and assist the executors, so Goro Akechi was a suitable choice.

"That's so boring." Tang Ze continued, maintaining this erratic voice, "Originally, I carefully arranged a suitable stage for him... Forget it, that's fine."

Tangze stared at Xingchuan Hui's eyes the whole time, making him avoid his sight and close his hateful eyes, so that Tangze would no longer see his ferocious gaze.

Patting his shoulder comfortingly, Karasawa regained his energetic tone: "I understand, Gin-senpai. So, is there anything else? I still have unfinished work assigned to me by Bourbon-senpai. "

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the Beetle hit the platform in front of him with its head. The driver, who was in a panic, obviously did not pay attention to the road conditions, and the car hit the edge of the platform.

Gin: "..." What's this? What on earth did Bourbon want Kumel to do?

Forget it, it’s better to ask Bourbon directly for this kind of question.

"Don't attract any comments, pay attention to the noise." Gin gave a gentle warning and hung up the phone.

Tangze, who was shaken to his core, shook his head. He didn't care about what Guan Gin said at the end, and got out of the car anxiously to check the front of the car.

Although buying a car is not a big problem, transporting it into the subway station is not easy!

"Sorry, I..." Xingchuan Hui stepped down from the driver's seat with a stern expression, "I didn't pay attention..."

"I don't blame you, it's all Gin's fault." After confirming that it was just a bit of paint damage, Tang Ze breathed a sigh of relief. It was a small problem. Anyway, the car had been scratched all day long, so just a few scratches. He waved his hand. Just leave the responsibility to Gin.

Hoshikawa Teru gave a bitter smile, and when he remembered what Gin said just now, his face became gloomy again: "Tenkou Shigehiko, are you going to be silenced by the organization?"

"Yeah." Not surprised by this development, Tang Ze shrugged, "Actually, even if I don't do anything, he won't have long to live."

"That's okay." Xingchuan Hui raised his head and looked at the strange black-red wall that seemed to be oozing with blood in the impression space. He didn't look relaxed at all. "It's okay if the organization takes action."

...Otherwise, he would really be tempted to kill that man with his own hands.

"Actually, I originally wanted to help you kill him." Tang Ze's voice interrupted Xingchuan Hui's increasingly depressed mood. He was stunned and looked at Tang Ze in disbelief.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Tang Ze crossed his arms in a funny way and leaned on the Beetle's body. "...You don't think I'm a good young man who abides by the law, do you? Your dad is really disgusting. Human scum is the kind that makes people have murderous thoughts."

Of course Tangze knows how to kill. Otherwise, how could he have climbed to a high position and obtained important and fatal information after being undercover for so many years?

His burden on this may be lower than that of Teru Hoshikawa, because he really grew up in an organization that completely lost the ethics and morals of modern society, abandoning himself and the past.

In order to perfect the identity of the undercover, to flesh out Kumail's setting, and to a small extent because of Hoshikawa Teru's suffering, Karasawa originally planned to abandon the important plot of the Pisco assassination and kill Shigehiko Tonguchi himself.

He wouldn't resist killing such a guy.

However, the organization seems to have its own ideas and does not intend to let Kumail take action. Karasawa can only express deep regret.

"That's enough for you to think so." Xingchuan Hui shook his head, "Thank you. It's okay to let the organization kill him."

"Why are you suddenly thanking me?" Tang Ze shook his hair and read some kind of emotion from his tone, which made his skin crawl. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to help you fight against injustice. I'm here to be an undercover agent. Kill. It’s just that he is more in line with your background and personality..."

"Just treat it like this." Xingchuan Hui laughed, and the heavy shackles in his heart loosened a little.

He finally understood Tangze's style a little bit.

Tang Ze is somewhat hard-spoken and soft-hearted, insisting on describing himself as extremely utilitarian, as if admitting that he was touched and moved was like losing.

But no matter what Tang Ze said, he would accept it.

"Let's go, leader, I heard the chains it that, a strong shadow is about to appear."

"Ah, I accidentally timed out. I walked around and slipped away. I can beat you, but it takes too much time to fight that thing. Let's go to the next level quickly."


"Huh? Am I exploiting Kumel?" Toru Amuro threw away the cloth to wipe his hands and asked in confusion.

This kid Tangze... what did he do to throw a pot at me? Just throw it away. Can you at least ventilate it in advance?

With this thought in his mind, the veteran undercover officer's words turned smoothly: "It's just a little test... He won't cry to you anymore, right? He's still a child after all."

No matter what Karasawa did, since Gin's tone was that he was exploiting his subordinates, it was always right to ridicule him.

Sure enough, Gin didn't hear any doubts, and just sneered: "Pay attention to the noise, I hope I don't see the faces of you two idiots on the front page tomorrow."

"Don't worry, compared to you, a reckless man who carries guns and kills on the streets all day long, we will live longer after all." In terms of mocking colleagues and being weird, Kumail, played by Karasawa, I can really only call Bourbon a senior.

Gin took a deep breath and once again chose to go straight to the point: "Investigating the Shinkansen bombing, someone witnessed Akai Shuichi appearing at the scene."

A cold light flashed in Toru Amuro's eyes, and his voice deepened: "Are you sure it's him? It's unlikely. If he hadn't left Japan, I would have caught him long ago."

"There's a high probability that it's not him." Of course Gin wouldn't come here to do the job with just such a little information, "You also saw the front-page news. It's the Phantom Thief, disguised as him and moving around."

Hearing him say it was not him, Toru Amuro's aura immediately dissipated by half.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he realized something, and said gloatingly: "Oh, so that bomb was your handiwork... I mean Gin, you should really consider a more efficient way to throw it on the Shinkansen. bomb……"

Gin took another breath.

Compared to the bastard Bourbon, he actually felt that Kumail had a good attitude and was better at communicating.

"Investigate their connections. We don't get so much funding just to let you go out and waste ammunition."

After saying that, Gin shut down the phone with a bang, not wanting to hear any more nonsense from Toru Amuro.

"A waste of ammunition..." Putting down the phone, Toru Amuro repeated the word with a frown.

...So Gin caught Karasawa shooting randomly outside? What on earth is this kid...

Toru Amuro patted his forehead and sighed.

However, the information provided by Gin is indeed a problem.

Toru Amuro pondered.

In any case, Akai Shuichi's true identity is an FBI undercover agent. Joker will not choose to use his image to act out for no reason. These phantom thieves like to understand the target's personality and habits as much as possible before cross-dressing, so that they can easily replace their identity.

So at the very least, the joker understands Akai Shuichi's behavior and conversation and has met him in person.

This is not a simple matter for a codename member of an organization or an FBI undercover agent.

"Joker has a certain connection with the organization, but this connection may be because he is on the opposite side of the organization..." His sharp eyes fell on the bar, and fell on the tense photo on the front page of the newspaper. Fangtani Zero briefly paused. It's online, "Good."

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