The Phantom Thief of Heart! But Conan

Chapter 17 There is no salvation this time

"Karasawa-san!" Suzuki Sonoko threw herself in front of Karasawa's desk with an exaggerated expression, "What's wrong with your face!"

Tang Ze was stunned. Seeing her directly trying to touch his band-aid, he quickly leaned back to avoid it: "It's just a small scratch."

Suzuki Sonoko was heartbroken, and her thoughts were completely written on her face. If you read it carefully, you can see that "someone is willing to hurt such a face."

What a real Yango.

Mao Lilan grabbed her best friend who was having another seizure and smiled awkwardly: "Ah, Yuanzi didn't mean any offense... Thank you very much for last night, Karasawa-san."

Mouri Kogoro was in high spirits and drank a lot of beer in the cafe. By the time the cafe closed, he could no longer walk in a straight line.

Although Mao Lilan's actual strength belongs to a weak woman with double strength and speed, it is really ungraceful for a high school boy and an adult to ask a girl to deal with a drunkard who has drunk into mud.

So Toru Amuro and Karasawa worked together to carry Mouri Kogoro up to the third floor. Toru Amuro left after get off work, but Karasawa stayed behind to help Maori Lan make hot water and anti-hangover tea.

The reason was not entirely because he wanted to increase his favorability, but mainly because Karasawa, who had a long history of alcoholism, was too proficient in doing this set of moves, and he performed a set of combos smoothly. Before Mao Lilan and Conan could react, Mao Li Kogoro was cleaned up and flattened. Placed on the sofa.

Now Tangze's reputation in Mao Lilan has risen from "good-tempered new classmate" to "gentle and good neighbor".

"It's a small thing, how are you doing this morning, Mr. Mori?"

"Thank you for the hangover tea. Dad feels refreshed."

"That's good, I wish I could help."

The two looked at each other and laughed, and the atmosphere was friendly and harmonious.

Suzuki Sonoko stretched out her hand and came between the two of them with a sense of crisis, turning her head left and right: "What are you talking about? We have already become familiar with each other after not seeing each other for two days! It's not fair, Xiaolan, your great detective just ran away." You have to be dedicated for a few days!”

Mao Lilan's smile suddenly fell: "Forget it... that reasoning madman made a phone call and said that he would be away for a while because of a troublesome case. I don't know how long it will take before he comes back..."

"Detective?" Tang Ze tilted his head curiously, "Who are you talking about?"

"That's Kudo Shinichi. He's often in the news. You should have seen it." Suzuki Sonoko patted Xiaolan's shoulder carelessly, "Xiaolan's little tame! He's also a student in our class, but you transferred here. He disappeared without a trace before, and I had no chance to see him."

"He is a famous detective... Mr. Mori is also a detective, right?" Karasawa was thinking about character design logic in his mind. At present, it is more suitable for a sad boy who longs for justice but cannot, so he put on the melancholy expression he showed to Amuro Tohru, " so good……"

"Stop talking about that reasoning guy, Xiaolan, let's go to the art museum together after school?" Suzuki Sonoko didn't want to discuss Kudo Shinichi, and felt that Karasawa was feeling depressed, so she quickly changed the topic, "There have been rumors these days. They say something strange happened at Mihua Art Museum!"

"The Rice Flower Art Museum? They are holding a medieval art exhibition recently. I want to go and see it. I heard that there are many works by famous artists and many new collections. But when I asked my father to accompany me, he refused at all..." Mao Lilan gets angry when she thinks of Mao Li Kogoro's careless behavior.

Suzuki Sonoko snapped her fingers: "Yes, it's that art exhibition. There are guards patrolling late at night. They say that when they see medieval armor, they will wake up at midnight and walk on their own!"

"Hey, is the strange event this kind of supernatural event?" Mao Lilan, who was a little afraid of ghosts, hesitated.

"Don't you think it's very interesting? It fits the mystery of the Middle Ages. It just so happens that you also want to go to the art museum. Let's go together!" Suzuki Sonoko saw the picture and turned to look at Karasawa, "Karasawa-kun, you also want to go Get up, you haven’t been out and about in Mihua Town much, have you?”

Your map of Yan State is a bit short...

Seeing through Suzuki Sonoko's intention at a glance, Karasawa naturally would not refuse: "Okay, but Mori-san has to pick up Conan from school, why not ask him to go with us?"

Just today, the fake primary school student officially started his long first-grade career. As a half-parent, Mao Lilan would not let the child go home alone on the first day of school.

"That brat... okay." If she didn't pick up Conan, her best friend would probably give up on the trip. If she asked Tangze and two of them to go shopping at an exhibition, the nature would be different and they might be rejected.

One more naughty light bulb is needed. Suzuki Sonoko sighed.

After school, he went to Didan Elementary School to pick up Conan. Tang Ze met the legendary naughty boy detective team and received an unpleasant sideways look from Conan.

A handsome boy has recently transferred to the school and lives downstairs from them. The opportunities to spend time with Mao Lilan are no less than Kudo Shinichi before him, which makes Conan's love rival radar go crazy.

Tangze didn't bother to argue with this jealous king of East Asia, and responded with a good-tempered smile.

This is the kind of man who can't change back. He gets really anxious when he sees a handsome guy around Qingmei.

After Sonoko mentioned the art museum, Karasawa retrieved the impressions about the case from his memory in a few hours.

He quietly took out his mobile phone and tried to enter the names of the murderer and the deceased one by one. Unfortunately, he found that none of them could trigger the navigation APP.

Also, except for the bombings, Ke Xue's cases almost never included random killings. They were basically murders born out of interpersonal networks.

Although the probability of the deceased committing evil is much greater than that of the murderer - for example, the death of Marudenjiro who was just stopped by Karasawa, many of them are personal grudges that will not cause distorted characters, and heart-stealing transformation is not a panacea. It can only beat the pervert and control it. Unexpectedly, the family is short-lived and suffers from a sudden illness.

By the way, Tang Ze has already tried out a few names of people who have a lot of roles in it. Don't mention it, it's hard to say anything else about Ke Xue's world. The palace really has enough control.

It's a pity that the main characters are mainly involved in wits battles with opponents, and are unlikely to be involved in murder cases. This makes Tangze lose his motivation, but having palaces all over the place does give him a lot of room for maneuver.

Multi-game player Karasawa knows very well that the key to the birth of the palace is "a desire powerful enough to distort cognition," regardless of good or evil. Twisted scum will create temples, as will severely psychologically traumatized people, including paranoid people pursuing ideals, which may also create temples.

This would be over if the obsession of the key characters were accidentally defeated. The Phantom Thief of Heart just wants to promote the plot and investigate the truth, not to destroy the human heart.

"It's right here, the Rice Flower Museum!" Suzuki Sonoko's shout brought Karasawa back from his distant thoughts, "The moving armor is in the medieval art exhibition hall that was recently exhibited."

"Sister Yuanzi, we are here to see the exhibition, not to visit the haunted house..." It's not appropriate to stand in front of someone's house and yell about supernatural legends, Conan's mouth twitched.

Suzuki Sonoko waved her hand: "What does it matter? It's not like we don't want to buy tickets." After saying that, she naturally grabbed Karasawa's arm and dragged him to the queue.

Karasawa looked up at the banner of the Medieval Art Museum, bathed in the halo of death, and walked into the future crime scene with a deep mourning mood.

Chapter 2 will be later today_(:з」∠)_I’m sleepy, let’s go to sleep first

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