The Phantom Thief of Heart! But Conan

Chapter 43 Academic Inventors

Karasawa picked out the memory card from the cloth and turned it over to observe.

On the front of the square memory card, there are inward triangular arrows at the top, bottom and right side.

Memory told Karasawa that this was a mark his father liked to make when he was in graduate school in order to distinguish his experimental data. It refers to the "K" at the beginning of Karasawa's Roman alphabet. This habit has been continued and is easy to recognize.

The features are too distinct and will be discovered if they are exposed. Tangze decided to stuff it in the props for a while, otherwise it would make people uneasy wherever it is hidden.

Loading the memory card into the computer, Karasawa carefully opened its storage contents.

As soon as the name of the folder came into view, Karasawa was struck by the opening lightning.

"Cognitive knowledge?!"

Tang Ze stared at the characters on the screen and couldn't help but read them in a low voice.

As a psychological concept, "cognition" itself refers to the process of human beings acquiring, processing and expressing information through the brain, which is the basic psychological function of "processing information and drawing conclusions".

In the Persona world view, it is a very critical and unique setting, because there is a different world composed of the human mind - the cognitive space, and various supernatural abilities surrounding it. Study how it operates and recognizes The subject of how the underlying logic and cognition in turn affect reality is called cognitive science.

In P5, Sakura Futaba's mother, Isshiki Wakaba, is a scholar doing relevant theoretical research, as is the enhanced version of the final boss Maruki Takuto, but the research direction is more practical.

Unfortunately, just as the black organization is now interested in the research of Karasawa and his wife, Isshiki Wakaba is also targeted by the villains. The research results are taken by the villains as their own, and he himself is killed.

From this point of view, this is really a high-risk research project. After all, no one is innocent and only has the treasure. This kind of theory that can fundamentally control the world and manipulate society will hardly not arouse the greed of the evil forces.

"It's really terrible." Tang Ze whispered to himself, "What's even more terrible is that I have really mastered this ability."

Thinking of this, Tang Ze's expression became solemn.

He is actually not sure whether the person with the ability of persona is him who came from time travel, or "Tang Zezhao", or there may be a more outrageous situation, like he actually traveled through time long ago, but failed to awaken Su Hui before the plot started. Settings like that...

But no matter what, from an objective point of view, the fact is that "Akira Karasawa, the son of scholars who study cognitive mysteries, Karasawa Ikawa and Karasawa Leona, has mastered the ability to transform cognition through some methods."

"You bastard Leon! I'm afraid he didn't do it on purpose!" Thinking of this, Tangze wanted to lie down in the velvet room and beat up his assistant.

As soon as they met, Leon told him, "In this world, the reality and the cognitive world have long been integrated." He also said lightly that the problem was not big and not a big deal.

What a big problem! Many experiments that would have been impossible to obtain results in the real world can now directly observe the results without entering a different world at all!

It's even possible that "Tang Zezhao's" abilities were transformed or induced by his parents' academic research!

No wonder the organization caught a high school student and tortured him to death. Even Tang Ze felt that with this kind of role, he would have to accompany Conan to Mihua Elementary School sooner or later.


Taking a deep breath, Tangze adjusted his mood, opened the folder and started browsing the contents.

After just reading the index, Tangze felt his temples pounding. The worst had indeed happened.

The integration of the cognitive world is similar to a process in which spiritual information flows into reality. Therefore, changing people's psychological cognition will have a direct impact on reality. Therefore, hypnosis, brainwashing and other technologies involving psychological aspects will also Get epic enhancements.

Tangze's parents discovered the risks of cognitive learning in these aspects early on, but they no longer had the final say on what they wanted to study.

"Brainwashing equipment, lie detectors, interrogation drugs... So is this the patent they have? It sounds very promising..." After flipping through these catalogs, Tang Ze's hands trembled slightly.

In these fields, the organization now has more outrageous black technology than in the original work. Although it seems that it still cannot prevent the rampant use of fake wine, it sounds really cruel.

Anyway, Tang Ze has one thought right now.

Falling valley zero, Akai Hideichi, danger.

Scroll down further and there are multiple experimental reports and papers. Judging from the signatures, they are all theoretical knowledge independently researched by his parents.

Having no time to read these long articles in detail, Tang Ze briefly read the summary of each article and was shocked to find——

They have touched upon the existence of the cognitive world.

Relying on multiple treatment samples of patients with mental illness, the Tangsawa couple slowly described an abstract world composed of cognitive concepts during more than ten years of research. They believe that the collective subconscious of human beings has boundaries that can be touched and explored, and that it can be used to influence the reality of existence itself.

Subsequent application results, such as instruments for memory modification, are all based on their solid theory.

To put it bluntly, if it weren't for the lack of the official plug-in of different world navigation, which made it impossible for them to have access to the real cognitive space, they would have sorted out the world view settings of P5 long ago.

Fortunately, most people's understanding of their theory is more about the abstract world as a metaphor, and they don't really believe in the existence of other worlds. Tang Ze is still safe for now.

This complete set of core theories is the most important work of his parents, which is the information the organization wants to get from him.

With such a set of guiding theories, the organization may be able to do some great work.

No, he had to do something.

Tang Ze touched the memory card inserted in the computer, remembered his vest plan, and laughed maliciously.

He first copied all the information inside into the computer, and then reopened the paper in the memory card.

As a high-intensity video game player, Tang Ze has played P series works, and has also seen a lot of strange soft science fiction that does not exist in this world. There are countless strange civil science concepts in his mind.

Academic inventor Karasawa is about to start.

"First sew up all the concepts of P3P4P5. If you dare, shoot it in the temple." Karasawa's fingers danced on the keyboard and he rewrote a theoretical index. "Then add some strange things to make me think." Thinking about it, 'morphogenetic field' is very suitable. It sounds like a good match. The concept of 'cure' is also very good. It's quantum mechanics... Let's sew some cyber things into it. The prosthetic eye dream detective is a good one. In other words, if you beat Kotaro Kotaro, I will become Superman..."

Tang Ze, who was mumbling, took out a bunch of psychological concepts from various works, and quickly stitched together a crazy soft science fiction masterpiece.

The white light emitted by the screen faintly reflected on Tang Ze's grinning face.

"I'm really curious about what I can learn from the remnants of reverse training." He flipped through the nonsense he had written with satisfaction, "It's best if you don't learn anything. After all -

"The above content is purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely unfortunate."

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