The Phantom Thief of Heart! But Conan

Chapter 674 Kumail and the Silver Bullet

"Huh, huh..."

Belmod took off his foot from the accelerator and leaned on the seat to catch his breath.

The instrument showing the remaining fuel level in front of her flashed an emergency red light. She had already driven to her limit, and tried her best to cover up any traces that might be traced along the way, and finally found this inaccessible forest.

The car window smashed by the football kept pouring the cold evening breeze from the forest into the car. In this excessively quiet night, the chirping of insects and the wind were deafening.

Belmode tried hard to control his breathing and tried his best not to let the pain in his chest affect his ability to move.

Shuichi Akai, who shot her as soon as they met her, must have made up his mind to remove all resistance from her. The trauma caused by this was not small.

Even for her, she would have to spend a month to rest before returning to her normal state.

She pulled out her cell phone from her inner pocket.

Just now, a new message notification had been sent to her mobile phone. There were only a few people who could contact her at this time, and she had to read the content of the message.

"It seems that I have given you too much freedom. Come back to me immediately, Belmode."

Seeing these firm and unquestionable lines, she knew who this message came from, even without looking at the familiar sending address.

She closed her eyes lightly, knowing that her ribs had been severely injured, but she couldn't help but laugh bitterly, allowing the vibrations in her chest to cause even more painful tears.


What kind of freedom is the freedom that the puppet master hands over to the marionette?

She is a rootless tree, a phantom of some arrogant plans, a kite that cannot break free from its ropes...

As she thought about it, she quickly brought up the keyboard with her fingertips and typed a reply.

"I know, I'm sorry, BOSS."

After pressing the keyboard skillfully, she clicked the send button, turned her head and looked at Conan, who was leaning on the passenger seat with his eyes closed.

Well, her short-lived delusion was shattered, and the next matters in Mihua Town can still only be left to Kumel, or even to Bourbon.

What should we do with this child who dares to try anything and can really do it?

Belmode looked at the messy hair on his forehead and the crooked coat on his body, and couldn't help laughing.

In order to disguise Haibara Ai well, he chose a bloated and fluffy cotton jacket for himself. Even if he was very close, the difference in body shape between him and Haibara Ai could not be seen at a glance in a short time.

She raised her hand to straighten his skewed coat. She took a closer look at the black inner jacket on the other person's body, but unexpectedly discovered that some black cables were hidden in it.

The dark color of the clothes absorbed almost all the light, so these cables were particularly hidden. If she hadn't reached out and touched them directly, she doubted that she would have been able to discover them.

Isn't this child just communicating with people on the ship...?

Belmode gritted his teeth, pulled out a switchblade with his backhand, and cut Conan's black jumper directly in the direction of the cable.

Something unexpected appeared there.

"The ECG monitor, and..." Belmod's fingertips trembled as his throat tightened. Without thinking, he raised his hand to unplug the memory device's wiring.

"Don't move." Conan, who had been sleeping with his eyes closed, stopped her movement. "This device is always connected to the communication channel. As long as you unplug it, my heartbeat will stop. Then what you just typed It will be sent out immediately.”

Conan opened his eyes and sat up, no longer pretending to be asleep, and looked directly at Belmode's face that was scratched by shrapnel and stained with debris and blood.

It goes without saying that Belmode’s beauty can become a popular and famous movie star.

However, facing her sad and fragile face with messy makeup, Conan saw deep darkness through her eyes.

From Haiyuan's mouth, he learned that this woman was most likely the indirect executor who caused Tangze's tragedy.

Due to the particularity of the research, there were many members of the organization who had hatred towards her and Karasawa's parents, but not many of them actually had the power to deal with them.

Belmode is one of them.

Underneath this beautiful face with eternal beauty is a ruthless murderer who has devoured countless lives. This is a fact that cannot be denied. Even if those injuries are for the benefit of the organization, her essence is still cruel.

A ghost is also a ghost.

Therefore, even though both Karasawa and Haibara inexplicably believed that they were the more likely candidate to approach Belmod without triggering a fierce resistance from her, Conan was still fully prepared.

"I have memorized the action of pressing the button just now. The signal you sent out will definitely pass through the nearest base station. With my detection device, it will be easy to find the recipient. Even if you kill me now, it will be too late."

As he spoke, he grabbed the cable of the ECG monitor on his body with his backhand.

He fully watched Belmod's movements of pressing the address, and also heard the slight sound of keystrokes coming from the touch screen keyboard.

Because he woke up before he was caught in the car.

For tonight's operation, he specially asked the doctor to prepare a new anesthetic injection formula, greatly reducing the proportion of drugs in it to ensure that even if he was the one who was shot, he would wake up in a short time. .

The reason why it should contain some drugs is because Karasawa and Haibara Ai have been denying his acting skills for ten years.

Rather than being seen through the acting by veteran practitioner Belmode, it would be better to simply add some drugs to make his drowsiness more realistic.

This is a risky decision. Facing gun-wielding members of the organization, losing consciousness may mean never waking up again.

But in the face of Judy and Akai Shuichi's assistance, in the face of Karasawa's promise, and in the face of Haibara's determination, he still did it without hesitation.

"If you catch Shirley, you will definitely find a way to contact your leader, or at least contact a high-level person who can make the decision. Then even if I really die, the information between you and the other party, and maybe the call recording will be all Send it out in ten..." Conan, who held on to the wire tightly, smiled confidently, "Such a sensitive recording equipment cost a lot of money."

Although it was Tang Ze’s money.

Well, it’s not appropriate for a primary school student to always use his father’s credit card to spend large sums of money...

"If you don't want me to expose everything, then take me to see your person who can take care of things. Let's make a break. Don't hide in the fog anymore, Belmod!"

"You..." Belmode looked at Conan in surprise and was speechless for a moment.

She has never underestimated the cool guy's energy. She knows that no matter what appearance this child maintains, the infinite energy in his body is an inexhaustible flame that will burn away all obstacles.

However, she still had not imagined that she could achieve this level.

It's always so unexpected...

Belmode's expression slowly calmed down, and he soon smiled in relief.

That's right, if she can guess it easily, how can he compete with an organization with huge energy?

It was precisely because of his unpredictability and unstoppability that she could always see a glimmer of light and relief in this child.

"Okay, you win this round." Belmode kept smiling and tapped the back of the phone.

A puff of white smoke came out of the phone's speaker and quickly filled the space inside the car.

"What are you doing...!" Conan was startled and pressed against the seat behind him, instinctively wanting to retreat.

It looked so much like her cell phone was about to explode, and she was preparing to kill herself with a grenade. Even the daring detective couldn't help but be surprised.

"It's just hypnotic gas." The rising smoke quickly blurred his vision. Belmod looked at the new message that appeared on the phone screen again and twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Are you an idiot? If you do this, don't you just..." The white smoke spread quickly, and Conan, who felt like he had seen this scene before, twitched the corner of his mouth twice.

This method of throwing away cigarettes whenever they disagree, and doing some disguises to create a false identity...

I said, did you get the inspiration from the Phantom Thieves?

"Yes, this is a chance to gamble your life. If you wake up first, of course you can call the police to catch me, but if I wake up first... do you know what the result will be?"

Holding the phone against his chest and relying on the constant pain from his broken ribs, Belmod finished his last words and slowly sat down in the driver's seat.

Watching her slowly fall asleep, he was confused for a moment, turned his head and looked at Conan, who had a big hole in the car window behind him: "..."

No, although the air tightness of cars is generally good, cases of people dying from carbon monoxide poisoning if they fall asleep in the car with the air conditioner turned on to keep warm happen from time to time, not to mention that this car is most likely a modified FBI vehicle.

But no normal person would think that the car is a confined space when there is such a big hole in the car body, right?

Not to mention that this vent is still on my side.

Belmod, is she serious?

The silent Conan couldn't help complaining in his heart. He took out the small breathing valve in his outer pocket, closed his nasal cavity and held it in his mouth.

The mini respirator specially designed by the doctor can produce a little oxygen. It is difficult to use for diving, but it is more than enough to avoid sleeping gas.

After confirming that Belmode was really asleep, Conan opened the car door behind him to allow more air circulation in the car just to be on the safe side.

At first, when Tang Ze gave him this task, he thought he was joking, or that he was giving equipment to everyone involved in the plan equally, and whoever was convenient could come. He never expected that in the end, he would actually do this. It's over.

No wonder Haiyuan specifically asked the doctor to make a fool-like blood-taking needle. He also thought that the doctor was unfounded...

Conan, who was feeling complicated and speechless, put on his gloves, reached out and pulled out a lock of hair from the unconscious Belmode's temples, and then took out the blood-drawing equipment, which was easily found on her skin, which was far whiter than that of Asians. I found the location of the vein and pricked it.

"...Doctor, are you in position? Well, I got everything. But is it really okay to just let her go like this?"


The beeping sound penetrated into her ears non-stop. The sharp buzzing and whistling seemed to penetrate the human brain and wandered back and forth in her entire world.

Dense pinprick-like pains climbed from her bare ankles to the top of her head, and she let out a desperate cry.

Because she knew exactly what would happen next.

The next second, hot and severe pain came from every pinhole, as if someone was skinning her alive and cramping her body.

She let out a cry of blood--

Amidst this familiar feeling of torture, Belmod opened his eyes.

What caught her eyes were two full moonlights.

She stared at them blankly for a moment. It took her a few seconds to realize what she saw.

To be more precise, one was the bright moon hanging high in the sky, and the other was just the overly bright spotlight on the roof of the car, which was blurred and scattered in her hazy sleepy eyes, forming a round halo.

"Kumail, you're here." Belmod did not change his position as he lay there, and did not turn his head to look in the direction of the driver's seat.

She experienced a night of ups and downs, with injuries all over her body and intense emotional ups and downs.

Coupled with the invasion of nightmares that couldn't escape her even in coma, she now didn't even have the strength to move her fingers.

It's a pity that she has long lost the ability to sleep peacefully. A crazy and collapsed soul is screaming all the time under her beautiful skin. She is destined to not be able to get relief.

How nice it would be to be able to sleep peacefully on a night like this.

"I'll take you to Route 22. You can contact others to take you away." Kumail, with a cold voice, also didn't turn to look at her. "You know, I shouldn't be here tonight."

He had been specifically warned by Gin, let alone helping Belmode. In theory, he should not have known that the other party was in danger.

For him to assist Belmode in escaping, he could only use a loudspeaker to shout at Gin that he was not listening to the command, which was something he could not do.

"You are more than qualified to help me, accomplice." Belmod's voice was ethereal and careless, as if he was still dreaming, "I don't care about your previous escape from the battle."

"What do you mean by running away from the battlefield? I'm just here to do you a favor, and I'm not here to die." The vehicle bumped along the forest path composed of gravel and dirt. Kumail sounded very irritated by this, "I'm going to kill you." Akai Shuichi? Eh, is it true or false?"

"...You really recognized him." Belmod rolled his eyes and looked at Kumel's profile, which looked particularly handsome under the moonlight. "You also have many secrets."

"I've heard about his level, isn't that okay?" Kumail looked straight ahead, ignoring what she meant.

"Is it true that Kumail, who is extremely confident and fearless, sometimes knows that he is invincible?" Belmode ignored his wounds and laughed twice.

This time, the man in the driver's seat didn't answer her.

"I was right." The voice returned to the hazy state of being in a dream, and Bermode murmured, "No wonder, when I think back to the various situations when the two of us met, I always feel that something is wrong. Yes, since It’s you. If you are Kumail like this, why are you so sure that I won’t hurt those two children?”

Kumel is not an ordinary person. Kumail is a person with special abilities created by the organization. This is something that Belmod, who is also not ordinary, knows.

But how extraordinary is Kumel? How did he learn so many abilities that he shouldn't have learned? Even the organization's laboratory is still in the stage of repeated verification, so it is even more impossible for her to figure out what the deep guy in the city has. What are you thinking about?

Regarding Kumail's condition, she only vaguely knew that it was the product of an experiment that was originally considered a failure.

Eight years ago, since the Tangsawa couple's research was first applied, organizations that have high hopes for this power have launched many fanciful projects.

Extracting the experiential memories of organizational members and trying to directly use cognitive power to make the subjects learn abilities that are not their own is one of them. Kumel, who was still called Hayato Tonkoru at the time, was one of the participants in the experiment.

None of the children tested showed anything out of the ordinary, and the same was true for Kumail at the time. On the contrary, other derivative projects emerged from this experiment, such as the serum that is now required for promotion in the organization. …

However, eight years later, Kumail emerged from nowhere, obtained a code name for himself at an incredible speed, and stood in a different position.

After meeting him in person and seeing his disguise skills that were indistinguishable from his own, Belmod began to believe that the experiment might have been successful.

But was it really successful according to the original design of the experiment?

"You not only inherited our 'ability', you saw more things, right?" Belmod said this question in a completely declarative tone, "Moreover, your sniping ability actually comes from--" "

"Stop talking." After interrupting her rudely, Kumail finally turned his head and looked straight over.

Just as Belmod imagined, his gilded eyes emitted a strange brilliance under the moon, like two small moons, twinkling in the darkness.

Belmode laughed twice more, and the expression on his face gradually returned to sadness and dullness.

Why did a child who never trusted others and grew up in hurt and lies, like her weak self, choose to believe that there were allies who could share the same position as her in the darkness that she couldn't see?

This is probably the truth of everything.

Since there were many members of the organization who participated in the experimental sampling, no one except Kumail himself knew where Kumel's ability came from.

People in the organization believe that his sniper ability comes from Gin, which is probably just wishful thinking.

In the struggle between chaotic memories and drugs, what kind of growth this child has grown into and what kind of soul he has grown out of are beyond their expectations.

"There are some things that I don't even have the courage to imagine, let alone do. Accomplice, are you willing to dream for me?"

Maybe, Kumail's codename will really come true, becoming the edge that pierces the darkness and becoming part of the silver bullet.

This is an unreasonable fantasy, but everything is happening like this - the turning of the light side and the dark side can constitute the blade itself.

As for the dream of a kite, only madmen and poets would want to hear it.

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